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RE: deleted

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

If a user got a victim of phishing they are normally aware about it and don't get phished again. The problem is that there are some users who are not aware of phishing and insert their keys on these sites. Prevention is a thing the community needs to work on.

About surfermarly: It's the second time she was inattentive about her keys. The last time she published them as memo in a transactions. In the comments to her post afterwards she was even warned about phishing.


Who are you and what do you take away from exposing other people?

I had never been following a phishing link before, what you publish here is clear bullshit.

Yes, I accidentally sent a key to my wallet once for not being attentive for a second. So what?

Go fuck yourself, if you can. But I guess that's your real problem.

Girl, you've exposed yourself. Even the screenshot you provided showed the message that the link would lead away from Steemit. By the way how do know it's only Germans feeling fooled? You don't.

Fräuling Anni, first of all I'm happy to meet you. As far as I know we've never been in touch before. So it's interesting that you start our very first conversation ever calling me a girl.

How much does that say about you? And how much does that say about me? Hmmmm....

Also, you need to learn the difference between exposing and reporting. Am besten einfach nochmal einen kleine Englischkurs belegen, bevor man hier in die Vollen geht.

How do I know that you're German? Oh, that's an easy one!!! Wer nennt sich selbst eine Isarmöve? Ein Vogel, der dafür bekannt ist alles voll zu scheißen.

Ah, willkommen in meinem Blog übrigens! :-)

What an amazing day... So many takeaways! The community was once more seperated into nice people and German people.

Now you have soooo much to talk and complain about in the German chat (wow, surfermarly ist wirklich so unfassbar fies), I guess that'll be enough for the rest of the year...


ts ts ts
You're getting childish now. Unfassbar kindisch, to be honest. I was obviously right addressing you as "girl". I could have used lady too but you're not a lady. Unfortunately for you another guess is wrong too. I'm on Steemit for a year and I remember well reading an article from you stating your bank account was inaccessible to you. (Ah, thanks to Google for giving it to me:
Keep on learning the hard way as you did those 6 months ago or as you did here:
and keep your inconsistency:

So actually talking to me - someone with less reputation and less income - that greedy way you have just exposed yourself once more.

The people you refer to as nice might just be helping because they know you're helpless otherwise. As I commented before on one of your posts on the bank account issue I'm a debtor myself. My income is object to insolvency proceedings - or would be if I was employed. I'm not due to health issues. You think you're being mean to be? Life has been more mean to me than any human could be now. I feel uncomfortable relying on personal help from others - which might be the difference between the two of us - I prefer having to choose myself what I need and want. Might be we just have different opinions about personal freedom. But as you know inside yourself we're all here on earth to live or life the best way we can. It's not necessary to blame others for your mistakes - even more if you don't want to be blamed either.

Next time when a seagull or a greenish bird shits on your head (just citing your own words from above) you might consider being thankful for the distraction from making big mistakes. :)

Of course this is my single opinion, I'm not "the Germans".

You're wasting your time and mine. I guess it took you hours to put this together, just to be able to reply to my comment. No need to. I don't care.

Actually 10 minutes.
Don't waste your time projecting your own disabilities on me, I have enough of them myself. :)

You started the convo, not me. And I'm sad to hear that you have trouble in real life, too.

Ah Fräulein Merlene, you´re such a sad old lady...
What i was thinking when i found out was "ah, again... how stupid(!!!)", but i did not really care about your shit until finding/reading this.

He´s simply speaking the truth about your "mistake", something you really can´t handle. But i already told you about some of your problems... thanks for showing the real amBassador again.

Seems like you didn't read my comment carefully. Anyways, I hope for you that you get your STEEM back (yes, I really mean this) but I know that you'd be the first one. So there is no high chance.

She did not, she´s simply what/how she is...


I hope for you that you find a new hobby (yes, I really mean this).

Go fuck yourself, if you can. But I guess that's your real problem.

What kind of disrespectful behavior and word choice is that?
This one sentence from you clearly proves that you are not suitable as an "Steemit-Ambassador".

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