The history of GAM in aceh

in #steem7 years ago

GAM lahir di era Soeharto. Saat itu, sedang terjadi industrialisasi di Aceh. Soeharto benar-benar mencampakkan adat dan segala penghormatan rakyat Aceh. Efek judi melahirkan prostitusi, mabuk-mabukan, bar, dan segala macam yang bertentangan dengan Islam dan adat rakyat Aceh. Kekayaan alam Aceh dikuras melalui pembangunan industri yang dikuasai orang asing melalui restu pusat. Sementara rakyat Aceh tetap miskin. Pendidikan rendah, kondisi ekonomi sangat memprihatinkan. Melihat hal ini, Daud Beureueh dan tokoh tua Aceh yang sudah tenang kemudian bergerilya kembali untuk mengembalikan kehormatan rakyat, adat Aceh dan agama Islam. Pertemuan digagas tahun 1970-an. Mereka sepakat meneruskan pembentukan Republik Islam Aceh, yakni sebuah negeri yang mulia dan penuh ampunan Tuhan. Kini mereka sadar, tujuan itu tak bisa tercapai tanpa senjata. Lalu diutuslah Zainal Abidin menemui Hasan Tiro yang sedang belajar di Amerika. Pertemuan terjadi tahun 1972 dan disepakati Tiro akan mengirim senjata ke Aceh. Zainal tak lain adalah kakak Tiro. Sayang, senjata tak juga dikirim hingga Beureueh meninggal. Hasan Asleh, Jamil Amin, Zainal Abidin, Hasan Tiro, Ilyas Leubee, dan masih banyak lagi berkumpul di kaki Gunung Halimun, Pidie. Di sana, pada 24 Mei 1977, para tokoh eks DI/TII dan tokoh muda Aceh mendirikan GAM. Selama empat hari bersidang, Daud Beureueh ditunjuk sebagai pemimpin tertinggi. Sementara Hasan Tiro yang tak hadir dalam pendirian GAM itu ditunjuk sebagai wali negara. GAM terdiri atas 15 menteri, empat pejabat setingkat menteri dan enam gubernur. Mereka pun bergerilya memuliakan rakyat Aceh, adat, dan agamanya yang diinjak-injak Soeharto....GAM was born in the Soeharto era. At that time, there was industrialization in Aceh. Soeharto completely abandoned the customs and respect of the people of Aceh. The gambling effect gave birth to prostitution, drunkenness, bars, and all sorts of things contrary to Islam and the customs of the people of Aceh. Aceh's natural wealth is depleted through the development of foreign-controlled industries through the center's blessing. While the people of Aceh remain poor. Education is low, economic conditions are very alarming. Seeing this, Daud Beureueh and old Acehnese who have calmed down and then guerrilla again to restore the honor of the people, Acehnese custom and Islam. The meeting was initiated in the 1970s. They agreed to continue the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Aceh, a glorious and God-forgiving land. Now they realize that the goal can not be achieved without weapons. Then sent Zainal Abidin to meet Hasan Tiro who is studying in America. The meeting took place in 1972 and it was agreed that Tiro would send weapons to Aceh. Zainal is none other than Tiro's brother. Unfortunately, the weapons were not sent until Beureueh died. Hasan Asleh, Jamil Amin, Zainal Abidin, Hasan Tiro, Ilyas Leubee, and many more gathered at the foot of Mount Halimun, Pidie. There, on 24 May 1977, former DI / TII leaders and young Aceh leaders established GAM. For four days in session, Daud Beureueh was appointed the supreme leader. Hasan Tiro, who was not present in GAM's establishment, was appointed as the guardian of the state. GAM consists of 15 ministers, four ministerial-level officials and six governors. They also guerilla glorify the people of Aceh, adat, and religion that trampled

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