Steem Debate: Do We Want Change?

in #steem4 months ago


I just read a post written by @pennsif entitled Steem Debate: Do We Want Change?
Of the many issues you offered, I just want to give a specific view on the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

💁‍♂️In my opinion, the engagement challenge program is no longer interesting to participate in, why?

1.Winner selection is allegedly not objective

None of the communities can explain how the winners of this challenge are chosen, I suspect that the winners are only chosen by one person, the community owner himself, the moderators only work to verify posts not as judges. Can you imagine that every day there are hundreds of participants from various countries who take part in contests in one community but only to be judged by one judge, can the assessment of winners like this be said to be objective? This is just my guess.

I hope that in the future the winners can be chosen more objectively and transparently, such as the best post selection report presented by the community curator team.

2.Engagement issues

A month ago I read criticism from those who had tried to be the most engaged participant in the Steemit engagement challenge contest, he made active comments to other users, but then he was not selected as a winner.

I also found winners who were not actively involved in commenting on other participants' posts, but were declared winners. So this is getting weird.

I also found how low-quality posts (no important arguments and interesting ideas in the content) but could become winners because they were the most actively involved participants. So it's useless to make quality posts in this engagement challenge because it's not an indicator of judgment.

3.Lack of support

This engagement challenge initially promised vote prizes from SC01 and SC02, but the fact is that SC01's account is currently only actively voting on reports presented by the community curator team instead of the participants who participated in this challenge.

While the SC02 account only gives votes to accounts that are above level 70, it was even found that some user accounts that are not in the club also get votes.

I hope that in the future SC01 and SC02 can randomly vote every day to whoever is the lucky user who has participated in this challenge contest.

Lastly, I apologize if any of my opinions are wrong or offensive, but what I say is only for the good and growth of steemit in the future.

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