in #steem7 years ago

Just some points to make

I normally wouldn't do a post like this or about this but i'm going to make a few key points about why you guys arn't making money or even getting up-votes yet. To start there are plenty of people making and paying for there up-votes. This being said don't get discouraged by others numbers you don't know if they got all of it by just making the post or not this dose not mean everyone's doing it but some are.

Point 1

Make quality posts that have a little bit of a read to it make effort in your posts to make the look neat clean and appealing . Something worth a read that is also a good read makes for a good post something people will enjoy. With this comes putting your posts in the right tags if your making music don't put it in art it just bugs people when its out of place honestly. A example of where to post posts would be like im a producer so i post in hiphop music ,reocordpool, entertainment and a few other things. so think about how to make it a good post worth others time.

Now your probably asking how can i make my post's look better. One way would be to use html to center text and bold it and other things to make built points and side by side lists. heres how you do some of these commands.

note put an > behind the words strong and center for the center text and bold text codes

  • built point: -
  • center text:<center </center
  • bold text: <strong </strong
    These are the big ones but there plenty more use the markdown style guide to find more. It can be found just above the preview box . Utilize these things make your stuff look pretty. But in all honesty it dose help.

Point 2: Networking

Guys get out there and talk to people in the community up vote the post you like leave them a comment . They like support for there work like you do too people are more likely to support you if you support them. So get out there and mingle people. and enjoy what you do guys. If your make something you like and are proud of people are out there that like what you do so make things you would read, watch and listen to.

Point 3

This is my last point and honestly the simplest one here. this apply's to all posting platforms if your new to the platform your not going to make money get up votes or subscriber instantly.It takes time make an effort to post consistently make it look good and just generally make good content and it will come in due time. I'm a firm believer the that you get back what you put in ten fold but all good this come in time or an old phrase that makes this point "all good things come to those who wait".

So that my view on this situation and topic just be patient and make good content and you will be rewarded .

up-vote, comment, subscribe guys i love your support!!!
Thanks for reading and have a great day steemians!


not a problem my dude just trying to help you guys out i still face all these problems from time to time i have only been here a month and im still pushing to get out there . it just taks patients

yeah man read some of your blog post, keep it up with your music you'll do great

thanks for the advice, i'm still learning but this helped alot!

you welcome im glad i could help

Thanks for the advice, it was helpful.
One function that would be useful on Steemit would be some kind of Groups hangout or something like it. Is there any way of communicating to groups of people who are interested in similar things? So far I have just been searching new tags in the url bar like this /created/recordpool

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