The Ultimate Guide to Successful Goal Setting

in #steem8 years ago

I was setting too many goals. It was a shotgun-scattered approach. I was trying to do far too many things at once. Weeks went by and I didn’t feel a sense of accomplishment.

Ford then taught me a new set of rules for successful goal setting. This was one of the biggest breakthroughs in my career and has helped me become financially independent for the past 20 years.

In this Ultimate Guide, you’ll discover why you need to ditch the shotgun approach to planning your goals and start using the 4×3 approach. With this new set of rules in place, you should be able to overcome the inertia holding you back from completing your goals and furthering your life and success.

The Origins of Goal Setting

Goal setting, done the right way, is a direct process for success, happiness, wealth, and freedom. It has been for centuries, since the days of Milos in Ancient Greece, who used goal setting to gain more strength every day, to the days of conquistadors and kings searching for a route to the new world.

The greatest authors, scientists, and entrepreneurs from history all used goal setting to overcome perceived limitations and achieve faster results, making them legends.

Courtesy New York Social Diary

In the early 1900’s, steel magnate Charles M. Schwab was looking for every edge to get his workers to become more effective. His factory, running both a night shift and a day shift, was churning out steel but never fast enough for his liking. Schwab, being savvy about the potential of human motivation, recognized the power of competition and leveraged this to increase his workers’ output.

When the night-shift team arrived, they asked what the number represented. After hearing that it was the day shift’s daily production, the night shift team took it upon themselves to outdo that number.

The next morning the number “6” had been replaced with a “7.” The day shift accepted this challenge and upped their production. They finished the day by writing “10” on the factory floor.

The mill’s production benefitted from the competitive that resides in all human beings. Schwab had recognized this, and by providing his employees with a goal, he elevated their performance and turned them into high achievers.

One of the secrets to the success of this strategy was the built-in deadline that came with each shift. After all, you’ve probably heard that a goal without a deadline is just a dream. Remember that when as you go through this Ultimate Guide to Successful Goal Setting and prepare to put your goals into hard, measurable, timed action.

What Exactly Is A Goal?

The dictionary defines a goal as:

The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
The end toward which effort is directed
You’ve probably set goals for school (getting an “A” on a test), for your health (losing five pounds), or your wealth (getting a raise of $5,000 or saving $10,000 by the end of the year for a holiday vacation).

Most likely, you’ve set goals on New Year’s Eve. Typically, most people forget about these goals within days, and never bother to set another goal until January comes around again, (as if there is only one time a year when humans are able to change their habits).

No. Change is evergreen, and it’s a matter of choice not calendar. You must not wait to set goals and implement the 4×3 system you’ll discover belowgoal.jpg


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