Why Smoking Should Be Banned For All Ages

in #steem8 years ago (edited)


Rationale: This Bill is necessary because, Tobacco use is the major cause of preventable and underaged death and disease worldwide. This should be a law because this affects population, preventable deaths, and also cost. This bill is important because this can easily decrease the population of a state and also it is extremely expensive for society.
Congressional Title: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.
This Act may be cited as the “ Restricted Smoking Act.”
Section 2: Findings
The Congress finds that smoking should be banned.
http://www.livestrong.com/article/207919-three-reasons-why-smoking-should-be-banned/ (www.livestrong.com)
This article shows why smoking should be banned all together. It informs the readers in detailed paragraphs why population, preventable deaths, and cost is negatively affected. The article states that, ”The CDC reports that 46 million Americans age 18 years and older smoke cigarettes, 443,000 smoking-related deaths occur annually in the U.S.” (Chew). This shows that the population is being negatively harmed , and if doing the math right, Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States.
It also shows in the article that, ”Annually, one of every five deaths in the U.S. is related to smoking, due to conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, lung cancer and emphysema, according to the CDC website..” (Chew). This would be classified in my eyes as “Preventable Deaths”. Because all these conditions are mainly caused by smoking and secondhand smoking. If society can stop the smoking we can probably stop the deaths as well. One of five deaths in the U.S. is a lot, so if we can quit smoking for all age e could probably make the 1/5 into a 1/20 (because of drug dealers and other reasons).

Upon passage of this bill, smoking will be considered illegal for all ages from 0 to 100. Any type of smoking will be banned including Hookah, Cigars, Kreteks etc.. If you are caught dealing any type of smoking device you will be restricted from using it and will be penalized with a fine of 150 dollars. If you have to be warned twice then the judge will double your fine cost


Don't get me wrong, but, you cannot start banning everything you dislike. Because maybe right now we can see smoking as a problem, later could be alcohol —here on Mexico is one of the most important problems among youth deads— and so on. Then some one could say thinking, writing, drawing, singing is bad for the status quo, imagine a world without a free speech place like steemit!!!

Everything in excess is bad. If you smoke a pipe or a cigarette once a month is not the same as you smoke a cigarette box per day. The same happens with all drugs and things.

We should try to be more tolerant and be more informed about what we do on our spare time.

That's what I think.

I get what your saying. But did I ban smoking? No this is an opinion, I'm not trying to start a riot here. This is a place with free speech. You should try and be more tolerant in your free time, instead of looking at people articles and trying to pick out every counter claim you can.

Neither I was trying to start a riot. Sorry if what I told harms you, it was not my intention. Really.

What I try to do is present my point of view and my believe, just as you do. Just that.

I'm just saying that every tool —in these case, a tax— to prevent some behavior or consume of some sort is, at the end, a banning tool —even education at some level could be a banning tool—.

Just a point of view. Relax my friend.

Ok I get what you mean, I'm sorry for getting over my head there. But how are you getting so many votes and so much upvotes on your comments.

No problem... Yeah... I notice that just right now... And to be honest I have no idea... Let me see what can I find on the web...

What I notice so far is that the ones are already up voting me are the same users... One of them is the main developer of eSteem.

It's a desktop/mobile app to make more friendly the use of steemit. Is my main app to use Steemit.

Let me ask him. Maybe is some sort of bug.

So should I download it?


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