The Zombie Apocalypse

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Zombie Apoc.jpg
Caiman get over here! Ruff Ruff! Caiman Barked as he ran towards me. Go get roady! He ran off towards the forest and I followed. Roady and Caiman are my two dogs Caiman is a German shepherd and he is smart, loyal, and listens very well. Roady is a Rottweiler. He aggressive and is alert but he listens and is very nice to me too.
I’m the only one by this forest, because everyone else left. And they say that a zombie apocalypse is returning from the dead in about a week. My dogs and me live in a large cabin with six rooms and two bathrooms. My dog caiman sleeps an my bed with me and Roady sleeps right by my bed on the floor on a dog bed I got him. I decided that it was getting late so when roady, caiman and me got back I took a shower and we went to bed.
That night I woke up with Caiman, and we heard someone running and a dog barking. I looked outside the window and we saw A man In a sweatshirt that was soaking wet from all the rain the was coming down. I looked at the clock and it was 12:00 at night, which is not late for caiman and me because we are both kind of night owls. I looked back out the window when I saw him hesitate a little and then he looked around and then he stopped.
I looked back at roady; he was still sleeping so I just took caiman outside with me to see who this guy was. When caiman and me walked outside and there was an instant chill from the cold rain that was pouring down. His dog looked over at caiman and he started barking.
Caiman starting barking back so I patted caiman once in his back and he sat down right by a big puddle. I walked over to the man and said hello to him, after a few minutes of talking about who we were and about are dogs he said that he used to live on the other side of the state but it got destroyed by a tree that fell onto his house.
I offered him inside my house and we both brand our dogs inside and right when they got in the door caiman and Tim’s dog, Ceaser ran into my room and woke up roady after that they all went downstairs and started playing. Tim was in his early 20’s and I’m almost 24 so we are around the same age. I offered him a Pepsi and he took it and we both went downstairs to go watch TV and talk so we could at least keep an eye on our dog’s.
When we got downstairs we saw the dogs wrestling and playing around with each other. So Have you heard of the “Zombie Apocalypse” that everyone is talking about? I said to Tim. Oh ya, that’s why I came here to find a place to stay. Tim said looking kind of embarrassed.
Would you like to stay here I mean everyone else in this neighborhood left and I bet you could just move in right next door. I mean no one would care I don’t think. You mean that I could just move in right next door? Tim asked. I could drive you over to your house your could grab all of your luggage and you’ll be set. I said. Ok lets do it! Tim said excitedly. So I opened the door to let the dogs come in and they ran onto the porch
I grabbed my keys and Tim and me walked upstairs I told Caiman to stay in the house because he’s the most mature. I opened the door and let Tim walk to the car I opened the passenger door and let him in, then I walked to the drivers side, got in and started the car. I asked him were he lived and he said that he lived in plumbers avenue. I put my foot on the gas and drove on a pathway through the forest and then I took a left and went over the bridge and drove a few miles east until I finally got to plumbers avenue.
There it is! Tim said. I’ll be out in about ten minutes with all of my stuff. Tim said. In about ten about 12 mins he finally came out and he had about 3 ot 4 bags full of his stuff. I think that were gonna have to make a few trips if that is ok with you? Tim asked. I’ll give you my keys and you get make the trips ok? I asked. Okay sounds like a plan. Tim said.
I drove back to my house and gave him my keys and he drove back to his house ton get more stuff I walked inside and looked at the three dogs inside my house, then I looked at the clock which said it was about 4:00 in the morning. Holy crap! I exclaimed. I totally forgot that it was morning!
I knew that it was dark outside but I was just thinking so much about the dogs and about Time moving in to his new house that I just forgot that it was so early in the morning. It was about 4:25 when Tim came back and he had a ton of stuff.
He took all of the luggage that was in his car and put it into the house right next door to my house it was kind a bash/yellow house. He had about 4 bags full of clothes, I walked over to his car and helped him unload. I walked inside with a bag in each hand and started unloading the bags onto the ground with all of his other luggage.
I Unloaded about 4 more bags and then went back into my house after I told Tim I was gonna take a quick nap. I took about a 40 minute nap and when I woke up Tim was all done with his packing. I got dressed and walked over to his house, I asked him if he had made any more trips when I was asleep. He said that he made about 2 more trips, because he had to bring over some cabinets and other furniture that he left in his house.
He invited me inside to show me a tour and I said yes. When I walked inside I saw a huge improvement there was couches and shelves and everything a house needed. Wow, you did this really quickly! I exclaimed. Ya, I was working the whole time you were asleep. Right when he was about to show me his kitchen we heard a moan outside. It seemed like it was coming from about a mile away.
So we got in my car and he gave me the keys so we could go see what this was. Who do you think this is? Tim asked. I don’t know. I exclaimed. I did not even know that anybody even lived here. I mean everyone left because of the zombie apocalypse that everyone has been talking about.
Right when Tim was about to say something we heard another moan, kind of like a zombie you would here from in a movie. We started to drive to where the sound was coming from and right when we got there, there was a Guy that looked liked he was kind of limping.
Like he was hurt or something , I drove in A little closer and His clothes were torn up like something had attacked him. He also was bleeding all over and that was when we knew that the zombie apocalypse rumor was true. Tim started to freak out and he told me to turn around so we can go get our dogs.
So I turned the car around and started to drive home. When we got home We got our dogs and put the in the back of the truck. While I was in the house I decided to get the two axes that I had in my Shed in the back yard. I ran to my back yard and grabbed my two axes that I had in my shed. Then I took them with me when I went to the car, and when I got in the car I put the axes under the passenger seat.
I drove back to the place where we saw the zombie a gave one of the axes to Tim and then I grabbed the other axe and took it for myself. We both got out of the car and Tim hold the axe with his hand over his shoulder ready to swing, while I held my axe dragging against the floor trying to intimidate the zombie. Right when the zombie started to charge at us Tim stepped forward swinging the axe at an angle missing.
The zombie charged at him again but I stepped in front of Tim swinging the axe at his knees. The axe drove right through the zombie left knee making the zombie topple over like a bowling pin. After he fell over I took a step back and let Tim do the rest of the work. Tim swung with all of his might cutting right through the zombies torso, splitting him in half. I guess the zombie apocalypse rumor was true! Tim explained.
We both got back into the car and drove back home. When we got there, my two dogs followed me inside like we were playing follow the leader or something. Tims dog followed him him inside to like he was scared to go anywhere else.
When I got inside I took my shoes off put the axe down on the table and told caiman and roady to go play downstairs while I went to go put my car keys down on the kitchen table. I went back in the mudroom and put my shoes back on so I could walk over to Tims house. I got to tims house and rang his doorbell, when he opened the door I said good job and then asked him for his phone number so we could keep in touch if went somewhere and I didn't know.