It's never good enough, huh?

in #steem6 years ago
I vividly remember last year around this time where my mind was at. I kept on thinking that I wanted STEEM to go a little lower so I could buy some more. I believe that I bought my first 1000 tokens somewhere around november, but given that the price seemed stuck at around 99 cents or so, I was hoping for it to drop to 80 or better.

Then came December

Starting almost with the first day, the price of all cryptos pulled by BTC of course, started to climb and I remember being upset I had not pulled the trigger on the buys. At that time I was being sweet talked, you could say, into investing into a terrible investment, and even though I was heavily involved with STEEM, my influence as a stake holder was nothing impressive and I was determined to change that.

The speed with which we grew in december was somewhat ridiculous. The king of crypto, BTC, went from 7k to 20k in 33 days or something like that. A bull run that of course, could not be sustained in any way shape or form.

I remember looking at the rising prices, feeling the FOMO, being quite upset with myself because I had not acted, but I hoped I would get a second chance. Some dips came, I won some trades, lost most, but overall the peak opportunity was long gone by the time I started to do anything.

Then came January

I had still not purchased STEEM, I was accumulating BTC at the time. I was not selling it for fiat, I was not taking any profits, no, I was determined to catch the rocket to the moon and to find the coin that would take me there.

The whole plan however was to bring it all back to STEEM, all back to the projects I was involved with, @helpie and @openmic. But, I think we all know what happened then.

As the price of BTC started to falter, the time for the alt-coins came, and all of the sudden STEEM, the one token I really wanted to hold started to get expensive. I remember my thoughts, the conversations I was having with friends, I remember everything.

"Wow... we are at 2.25... I should have bought last week, instead of buying into that ICO... damn it!

"Holy crap, we hit 5... this is crazy... WHY??? WHY DID I NOT BUY MORE???"

"That's it... the worse mistake I've made so far... STEEM IS AT $8 and the ICOs might not even launch... I'm such an idiot"

The point I'm trying to make in that in search for the "easy money" I threw away the opportunity to actually build something on this platform. But as they say, hindsight is always 20/20 and there is absolutely nothing pragmatic about regret.

And here we are....

A whole year later, with what I can only describe as my second chance to build something for myself and for the people I care about. Now, I'm not saying this is the bottom, I'm not entirely sure of course, but it sure looks like it is.

Who would have thunk that STEEM could go down to 50 cents? Not me, that's for sure. If you would have told me back in February that I would get a chance, before the year ended, to buy all the stake I had as a target, I would have told you that you were crazy. And yet.... here we are...

I just got over 12k SP

And I almost can't believe me eyes when I see that number. I mean, I've been giving myself this target for a while, a somewhat crazy target given my financial situation, but I simply could not bear making this mistake again and if the market fails to see the opportunity that lies inside this community, this blockchain, because they are chasing the lambos, I won't make that mistake with them.

So, as ugly as it may be, and as painful as it may seem for most of you to look at the dollar valuation of your wallet at this very moment, I, on the other hand, I'm celebrating. Yes, I still don't know how I'm going to pay the bills next month but I will figure things out, I always have, and I'm not too proud to ask for help from a family member if need be, not when I'm staring at opportunity right in the face.

So my friends... if you woke up this morning looking at the price and you are not thinking how you can pickup some of that sweet opportunity, then I don't know what to tell you. To me... this looks like a no brainer...

Much love


I had a similar situation last year as I started near the topnof the market. However, I decided to scale into my Steem investment in increments so I have been buying at least once a month since February. The great thing is that although it has fallen, I have accumulated more and more at every purchase. At the same time, I have seen so much development that my engagement here has increased substantially so I cannot see why to stop my purchases. The only problem is holding myself from buying almost everyday given these prices!

We think the same way haha... Had to buy some more steem just now :)

I think most part of Steemians hope that after this bottom will be big jump to the sky! But if we will go back to May or June we can remember how many posts were with predictions of incredible price for STEEM. Of course I remember about circle periods but who knows what will be the next step of STEEM price. All we can do hope for the best,try to collect more STEEM and cross our fingers!

Posted using Partiko Android

I won’t put anymore fiat in, but I will convert any SBD’s I earn to Steem :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

At this price I would buy but cant invest fiat to do it, probably will regret, but still here earning it.


I feel ya but Im just as worried about my fiat being devalued too. Since I was born the US dollar has inflated over 135%.

And compared to other countries thats considered "pretty good.

I'm buying :)

I made some additional purchases of fiat into the market, including buying into steem at .58, over the last few days. Despite it being even lower now, I'm calling it done. I can let it go lower without me taking advantage of that. I came in when steem was around $4 and was wanting to buy then, but couldn't, so I see myself as pretty lucky picking up some even at .58.

Anyone just starting to invest now is darned lucky though.

I profusely agree... I'm out of funds.. but watch a new whale emerge after the bloodbath! hahahah

Meno hopefully you gonna support me when you become a whale. Cause of the hearts I left.


Posted using Partiko Android

I decided for myself that I will stop with investing new fiat money into the crypto world.
Could be very well possible that I will regret this decision later on but decision are always taken with the knowledge you have at the moment you did take the decision and not with the knowledge when you look back at the decision!
Still I will try to accumulate as much as possible via posting and commenting!

I bought up a thousand over the past couple of weeks with the low prices. Watching it fall now is tempting me to get even more. I never thought that I would see it under 50c again and it would be a shame not to take advantage when the value is so good.

Posted using Partiko Android

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