If you are in the crypto world right now , Which obviously you are!!!!! Well you just jumped in the lift in the sub basement going all the way up to an unknown floor so way above any skyscraper ever conceived.
Jack and the Bean stalk springs happily to mind :)
When the whole world wakes up to the theft, Fraud & murder & debt enslavement , by "ALL" banking establishments & governments they will pile their savings into the crypto world . Our Financial Revoloution has begun in earnest!!!!
Thank fuck these old Cruddy Farts haven't a clue about how to untangle the web of shite they have been selling and are so caught up trying to work out how to figure out what the fuck went wrong that they will self implode in their own bubble of excrement pointing fingers & selling their grannies down the road for a Ryan Air flight one way from "LONDON SOUTHEND INTERNATIONAL " with their wealth of kiddie porn for ransom against a possible return in the distant future, where I'm sure they would proceed to set up shop once again and carry on business as usual .
The Dinasour banking system is dead, it just dosent know it yet .