I'm New

in #steem7 years ago


Hey everyone.

i'm knew to steem.

My name is Martin Louis
i live in ChiangMai Thailand.
pursuing my dreams.

Full Time YouTuber. love learning new things.
exploring and meeting new people

. have nooo idea what to write but yeah.

have a good one.


Hi @martinlouis, we have a pretty strong Team Australia community going here on steemit to support each other. If you'd like to be part of it, then please check out this link: https://steemit.com/teamaustralia/@choogirl/team-australia-new-recruits-update-24-06-17

Thanks for linking him to how to be a part :)

Welcome to Steemit, @martinlouis! I am also new to here, but not as new as you. Still exploring and learning.
As some other Steemians said, just create posts with whatever contents you want, response to others' posts, see how others response to yours, and learn!
Happy Steeming!

TWINS! noobies :D

Just an FYI, at the current time many of Steemit users posts do not appear on Google naturally, and if they do they take a fair amount of time before they are listed (at least several days after being originally posted). Because of this it is important that you try to manually add all your new posts to Google yourself to greatly speed up the indexing process, which is something that only takes a few seconds to do but can GREATLY increase your posts changes of success by helping to get it in front of more people who may be doing various searches using the Google search engine. To manually add your posts to Google, simply create or log into your Google account and once done go to the following link https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?continue=/addurl, and from there simply input your posts url in the empty field and push "Submit Request". Once done Google will index your posts url within seconds, instead of waiting days/weeks/months to find it naturally. I know it can be tedious to do this, especially if you have 100 posts already done and need to loop back and do this for all of them, but trust me it is worth the time/effort as doing this can really help deliver a lot more results/visitors to each of your posts. Anyways once done, to check if it worked simply go to the Google homepage and input your posts url in the search field and see what happens (before pinging to Google you will see "no results found", while after pinging a post to Google you will see that post listed at the top of the search results, which tells you that your content is now available for the public to find via Google going forward).

Sidenote: I have already ping this specific post to Google for you to help out!

For some more helpful Steemit tips make sure to check out my detailed post below.

9 Detailed Tips for Steemit Users Who Want To Get The Most Value From Their Steemit Experience!

Anyways, I hope this helps!

That's a really novel idea!

Hey Martin! Welcome to Steemit! Just take your time to get acquainted with the site and have fun doing so. You'll get the hang of it so fast that it'll become second nature. There are tons of good people that are helpful here!

Great to hear :)

Welcome to steemit, Martin! I used to live in Chiang Mai, very nice place and good food!

You in Phuket now correct?


Yassss. I was in Phuket 2 months back!. love the beaches.

Welcome, have fun in thailand

Welcome to steemit

Hello Martin. Welcome to Steemit.

You might find the menu to the right helpful...

Welcome to Steemit buddy

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