The First STEEM WebVR Platform is Now Open for Public Uploads

in #steem6 years ago


If you head to, sign in with Steem Connect, then click Create Post, you will land on our form to create a Steem blog post with WebVR. We have done our best to make this process as easy as possible.

Start by remixing our project on Glitch. This is the fastest way to create a Steem compliant WebVR scene that includes Networked A-Frame support, and cross-compatibility with mobile phones, computers, and head-mounted displays. Make sure you read the README to setup the IDE environment correctly.


As you craft your vr masterpiece, upload all assets referenced in the scene to IPFS. We've made this easy and integrated by using Just click the IPFS assets button and create an account. All your assets are tracked and managed right there-- can you believe it?? Make sure to use the FULL IPFS hash, no shortened URLs.

Once you're done building your magnum opus, snap a 360° photo from inside, as well as a traditional photo for the blog. The key combinations to do this are on the little info icons for their respective fields. Both need to also be uploaded to IPFS.

Finally, download the html file containing the a-frame code for your scene via the link next to IPFS assets. Now upload that file to IPFS. With all three IPFS hashes, you're ready to post!

Give your post a title, and add description in the blog post field. Add up to 4 tags (dlux is automatically added as the first tag on the post). Paste in the FULL IPFS URLs for vr scene, 360° image, and blog image. Click post. Kick back and watch the upvotes, all from inside vr! The future is pretty neat.

Want help building your imagination? Join our Discord server to chat with @disregardfiat, myself, and others helping make this exciting future a (virtual) reality :p


WOAH thisis hguge! i will bring @matt-a @thejohalfiles @surfyogi @sweetsssj @masterroshi @yensesa @black-man

Because I made a VR sandbox for them

@officialfuzzy @fyrstikken of

@alxgraham of Democrazy which I even made a 3d VR room for

So lets get people interested and contact @steepshot to do my augmented reality ideas

Yes finally an end-to-end public solution for creating a free VR post on blockchain!

It doesnt make sense for steem price to be this low as it can do almost anything not to mention being used as a payment.

Once people (and the market) realize what Steem is capeable of it will arbitrage value from other areas it has been misplaced. Imagine what will happen when VR creators realize there is a place that offers a free traversable world without making them pay for “scarce” land... Steem is a creator first platform with unmatched value proposition. Only a matter of time.

I agree Steemit is huge on potential, patience is key in this game :)

Good information!!!

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