Transcend Your Limiting Beleifs: Thought For The Day #47 💭✍

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

"Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, 'I can't afford it', your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better though. Decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind" (Dr Joseph Murphy)

Many of us have beliefs that limit our success - whether they are beliefs about our own capabilities, beliefs about what it takes to succeed, beliefs about how we should relate with other people, or even common everyday myths that modern day science or research studies have long since refuted. Moving beyond your limiting beliefs is a critical first step toward becoming more successful. You can learn how to identify those beliefs that are limiting you and then replace them with positive ones that support you success.


You Are Capable

One of the most prevalent and destructive limiting beliefs is the notion that somehow we are not capable of accomplishing our goals. Where does this come from? For most of us, it's a matter of early childhood programming. We carry this sense of inability into adulthood, where it gets reinforced through workplace mistakes and other 'failures'.


You Are Capable And Worthy Of Love

Likewise, many people don't believe they are competent to handle life's challenges or are worthy of love - yet these two beliefs are the two main pillars of high self-esteem. Believing that you are capable of handling anything that comes up in your life means that you are no longer afraid of anything.

Think about this, haven't you handled everything that has ever happened to you? Things that were far more difficult than you thought they would be?

Believing you are worthy of love means that you believe that I deserve to be treated well - with respect and dignity. I deserve to be cherished and adored by someone. I am worthy of an intimate and fulfilling relationship. I won't settle for less then I deserve. I will do what ever to create that for myself.

You Can Overcome Any Limiting Belief

We suffer from other limiting beliefs too. Do these sound familiar?

  • I am not (smart, attractivve, rich, young) enough
  • I am not lovable
  • I am not worthy
  • I am not safe
  • Life is hard
  • They would never pick me
  • Even if I don't like this job, I need to financial security
  • Nothing I do is ever successful
  • You can't get rich in this profession.
  • There aren't any good men left in this town



How to overcome any limiting belief

Here is a simple but powerful four-step process you can use to transform any limiting belief into an empowering belief:

  1. Identify a limiting belief that you want to change. Make a list of them, invite friends round and let them help you find things you heard growing up that may have become limiting beliefs. Here are some common ones and the limiting beliefs that grow out of them:

"Money doesn't grow on trees"
I'll never be rich

"Boys don't cry"
It's not okay to share my feelings, especially my sadness

"Act like a lady"
*It's not okay to act playful (silly, sexual, spontaneous)

When you are finished creating your list, pick a belief that you think is till limiting you and take yourself through the remaining three steps of the process.

  1. Determine how the belief limits you

  2. Decide how you would rather be, act, or feel

  3. Create a turnaround statement that affirms or gives you permission to be, act, or feel in this new way.

For example:

  1. My negative limiting belief is I have to do everything by myself. It's not okay to ask for help. It's a sign of weakness.

  2. The way it limits me is I don't ask for help and I end up not meeting deadlines, staying up too late, and not making enough time for myself.

  3. The way I want to feel is that it's okay to ask for help. It does not make me weak. It takes courage to ask for help. I ask for help when I need it, and I want to delegate to others some of the things I don't like doing and that are not the best use of my time.

  4. My turnaround statement is that it's okay to ask for help. I am worthy of receiving all the support I need.


Once you have created a new belief - your turnaround statement - you will need to implant it into your subconscious mind through constant repetition several time a day for a minimum of 30 days. Claude Bristol points out in his magnificent book The Magic of Believing, "This subtle force of repeated suggesting overcomes our reason. It acts directly on our emotions and our feelings, and finally penetrates to the very depths of our subconscious mind. It's the repeated suggestion that makes you believe".



Thank you very much for reading today's Thought For The Day. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, I'm eager to hear!

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Thank you so much for the support. Do you have any thoughts that you would like to share with regard to the content? I am eager to hear! Upvoted 100%!

I never thought about how things we here in chilled hood can hold us back. Your post today has caused a lot of introspection on my part. Your posts always make me think:) The one on the rule of fives you did still has me cleaning up that creek, five peaces of trash every time I walk there. It's coming along nicely by the way.

Yes that is true. Personally, I am at the age now where I am a young adult man and at this age you don't have a lot of guidance / parenting like you used to. Thus, I am seeing my behaviors, beliefs and patterns and wanting to change them because I am becoming a more autonomous man, I perhaps see the same in you as well? I hope the introspection goes well, there needs to be more of it in society! Fantastic, I am glad that my posts have made a positive impact for you, you should write articles about it! Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Upvoted 75%!!

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@luppers, Definitely we are capable and we should not develop the patterns of Self Discouragement and Self Judgement, because at the end of the day only what thoughts we hold we will going to achieve and will going to make it real in this physical world. But unfortunately many will not going to understand this because, this truth stayed in the darkness and last generation gifted there continued generation with RAT Race thoughts and for many it will going to be continued. But let's hope that many will be awaken by the universe itself to bring the new change and to transform this world. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes. That is true, I am trying to work of changing those patterns myself. Yes that is true, I think all of this has been lost from older generations even from the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism because the thoughts and priorities of us changed, as you say more recently the rat race as well! Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Upvoted 100%!!

Welcome and enjoy your time ahead.

Realmente el ser humano desde su concesiòn y desarrollo de vida comienza a ir adoptando de sus padres y familiares cercanos esas creencias limitantes, que lo van condicionando a pesimismo y a autosugestiòn, sòlo cuando vamos tomando conciencia de desarrollo personal es cuando nos damos cuenta que debemos hacer el cambio en cuando adoptar creencias positivas; es decir, pensar positivamente para que el subconsciente comience a recibir lecciones que permitan cambiar esas creencias limitantes en actitudes positivas que nos conduciràn al èxito y a la prosperidad.

Yes, that is true. As children we adopt the beleifs and convictions of our parents without having the chance to make our own decision and this leads down onto later life and into adulthood. It's only when we introspect and look within that we have the opportunity to think these ideas through!

Thank you for the kind words! You are the best! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Upvoted 80%!!

The truth is that believing that you can achieve what you want is one of the most important factors - perhaps the most - in the secret to achieve success.
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Yes thank you so much! True beliefs is rare and something I am pursuing in my life because I want to experience the abundance and beautiful bounty that there is in the world! Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Thanks for the resteem! Upvoted 100%!!

Im a gemini, i never bought into horoscopes much but its seems no coincidence that i constantly find myself of two minds about nearly everything, I flip back and forth rapidly between opposing viewpoints, im very binary, I chose a symbol that was binary. My general deal is finding that perfect balance between aspects of my personality. People look at yin/yang symbol and always look at the black or the white but no one really focuses on the line in between, I feel most comfortable in that space I think. So discouragement for me always comes naturally in my mind when I think about doing stuff, I have the thought of doing something and then the conflicting thought of not doing it and what impact doing it or not doing it might have or not have then my mind spirals into all these variables and really, its quite distressing. Advice?

Very true, often people can assume and think that everyone and everything is 'black and white' when a lot of the times as you say there is a large 'grey' area that isn't taken into consideration! Yes, the nature of the mind can be quite negative, and this can come from many negative beliefs that may be installed in you. For example, some event may have occured when you were younger and as a result you interpreted this as 'When I try I always fail' or some negative belief like that (This is an hypothetical example btw) and thus as a result when you want to pursue something and give it a go, the mind slips in and as you say produces conflict for example because of your limiting negative belief. I hope that helps somewhere, let me know what you think! Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Thanks for the resteem! Upvoted 75%!!

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Thank you for the resteem! 50% upvote!!

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Thank you for the resteem! 50% upvote!!

That's the content I like to share. Thanks for your work! Absoloutely positive that you will follow back. ;)

Thank you for the kind words! You are the best! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Thank you for the resteem!! Upvoted 40%!!

How can anybody be the best? ;) Still appreciated. You receive a looooooad of comments. I followed and will definitely upvote. Hope to have a wonderful new online friendship. <3

Thank you. I try to create engaging content and also engage myself with people who have commented!

Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you another generous upvote!

Upvoted 50%!!

What a good article! It is very true that the primary hindrance on our success is also ourselves. Once we get rid of the wrong beliefs and started to live with a positive mindset and believing that we could do everything then there's no saying what's the limit of what we can do!

Yes, there is discourse about the fact that all the abundance and beauty of life is already out there yet it is our beliefs and programming that filters it all out! This became really fascinating to me and one that I wanted to read about further! Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you generous upvotes! Upvoted 50%!!

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