The “Steem Alliance” Foundation Group | What it is, What it’s not, and my own personal take on it

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


A lot has happened over the last week and a half, a lot of unplanned, unorganized events that I believe could be heading to something pretty amazing for this platform. What I realized though, is those of us who were in the eye of the storm didn’t realize that even with all the information we were putting out.. things were still very confusing. Actually, I take that back.. we knew it was confusing, because we ourselves were confused. As we were thrown into the chaos as well, with no clear direction. Then we needed to make sense of it all, while we were still figuring it out ourselves, and explain it to the public. I would say we all learned quite a bit from the events and think a lot can be said for what was accomplished in the circumstances given.

All transcripts are open and the new group will be working on a document that summarizes all events, times lines, etc into one place to make it easier for individuals to find and therefore hopefully helps them understand a bit more. The new group is just getting settled though, so that is not quite ready yet.

Today though I just want to talk about my experience, and my personal perspective on it all.

This is nothing official for the group.. this is my blog and my personal opinions. Which means if you don’t like it, flag me not them, as I am not speaking for them. This is just my personal take, in my normal rambling fashion, of my experience so far.

How it all began

This question has been asked a lot, and while I know how this specific situation started, I don't know what caused the idea to come up now.

The idea of a foundation in this nature was discussed previously by Ned and he even shared some documents to show a bit of that in the initial voice meeting within the new discord server. You can find them pinned in the "voice-text' channel there if you would like to take a look.

But the initial "idea" in this situation came from a simple message put out in multiple public discord servers as well as in private slack groups;


A simple message asking for suggestions of who should be involved from the community. My understanding is that individuals recommended people privately and publicly then 24hrs later he had 14 names - crimsonclad, aggroed, whatsup, upheaver, llfarms, howo, starkerz, elear, steemcafe, gargon, thecryptodrive, pgarcgo, bobinson, and reggaemuffin. Then we were all pulled into a group chat. The full transcript of the discussion in that group chat can be seen Here.

Why all the secrets?

Well, there were no secrets. Yes, the initial discussion started in a private slack group but it was brought up immediately that it needed to be moved to an open to the public discord server (as you can see in the transcripts linked above), then as soon as possible the transcript was asked to be published. No further talks were had other than what has been posted publicly and now everything is open for all to see in the Discord Server.

Why is it so unorganized and rushed?

While in the original slack chat we discussed that it needed to be opened up to the public for more nominations of those that should be involved n the actual foundation.. which resulted in hundreds of names. Since this call for nominees had no real details or description of what was being asked for, the results should not be surprising. The truth is, we didn't actually know what was needed though.. we were still figuring it out. The push for it to be "fully transparent" lead to us doing things before actually knowing what we needed.

The intent was good, the push for full transparency came directly from Ned and I applaud him for it. We just didn't quite understand what we were getting ourselves into at the time.

We then had the discord server set up and moved conversations there. (Final transcripts of the slack conversation Here). The group chose Crimsonclad, Aggroed, and myself to help lead it in the right direction and I was asked to make the actual discord server. The idea was to go and discuss with the original 14 nominees how to get this thing structured and organized so we could open it to the public. After seeing the out pouring of nominees on the initial post, I think we realized we needed to get ahead of this a bit.. as we had no direction.

What happened next was not what I expected, because individuals outside of the 14 were showing up asking questions.. and we didn't even have any channels set up on the discord.. we had been there less than 5 minutes. When I asked why we had opened it up already when I was under the impression we were going to discuss how best to do this, I was told that he felt it was important to have all nominees there. I later found out that the link had been shared in multiple discord servers.. and we had people showing up by the masses.

Again, intent to be transparent and open I applaud.. but structure is important in these situations and this decision lead to mass confusion, frustration, accusations and additional work from those just trying to help.

It was then quickly suggested that we needed to have a voice chat asap to figure out our next step.. without announcement some jumped on voice chat and started.. I was so busy trying to organize the discord, I didn't even notice. Eventually we got most of the individuals there into a voice chat and started to discuss the idea of this all and what we needed to do next.

This lead to some amazing conversations and ultimately the idea that the community should be involved in every aspect of the foundation, including how it would work. Therefore we would gather "proposals" from the community itself on how they felt the whole entire foundation should be structured and we would let the community vote on what idea they liked most.

We needed a group to start this process though, a group that would be responsible to ensure it was done fairly, and a group that would then step away. This group would not be involved in the decision making process of how the foundation would work or what would be funded, they were only there to gather said proposals and present them to the public. As well as running the discord and communicating with the public.

The idea of a "working group" of 11 or 12 people was decided upon and Ned asked for nominees from the group of about 100 people who had gathered on the voice chat. Nominees were seconded, multiple times and the group "carried" on the initial list. The conversation was recorded, but unfortunately the audio failed so all we have are Text Transcripts

Do Over

More and more individuals were showing up and the election of the initial Working Group was called into question due to it not being "announced publicly", which was seen as unfair. I think it was a very valid point and considering that we wanted to be truly the community's it was only fair to let them decide this as well. Even though a group of 100 individuals from all walks of life and many different communities were present and involved in the discussion, it wasn't announced, which is a fair complaint.

I also truly believe these statements were made from pure misunderstanding of what the "working group" even was, and it was perceived by those showing up that this was some board of this yet to be determined foundation that would have access to some sort of funding. As well as thinking this was some sort of group that would governance over all of Steem, and that is just not in the scope of this foundation or working group at all.

So it was decided that instead of moving forward with the organizing of how to accept proposals from the community, the just elected working group would plan an election.. for an official, community elected "working group." This caused a bit of confusion, as now we were asking for additional nominees for something completely different than what we had asked for previously. Trying to explain the difference, and the reason for the change was a bit tough as we had already put information out with another goal in mind.

Essentially we paused the original task to now have an election for the "working group" so we could then move forward with the next phase.

I think possibly if the group was explained in a clear way, these concerns could have been addressed without a full blown week long election, but we live and learn.. and now the public has had a say. Which was the ultimate goal anyways. The truth is that this was an amazing idea that developed naturally and organically, while being fully open to the public.. which meant that somethings weren't completely "clear" from the start. I feel that certain decisions were made to ensure that it was community focused from the start and while these did possibly lead to confusion and additional work... I feel those decisions were what was best if this foundation is to be legitimate.

After a bumpy start things are moving in the right direction and I am optimistic this foundations future, even though I have reservations of some of the things involved and am in a "watch and wait" mentality while trying to do my best to help it reach its full potential, in whatever way I can.

What brought this on?

The "why now?" and "why ask for community involvement now?", I have no idea.. maybe he finally realized the community here is where the true value is, maybe he realized not using the amazing resource of talented, intelligent and passionate members of this platform to help him achieve his goals of making Steem great was an oversight.. and it was time to do something different. Maybe its just all misdirection to entertain the masses so we ignore the other blaring issues.. I guess only time will tell.

Let's just not burn it down before we even give it a chance to be successful...

From being involved in it so far, I am leaning to the first two, but future actions will be the true test of the reason behind it. Words only count for so much, you have to back them up with actions.

I can say I have not forgotten the other blaring issues and this foundation is not distracting me... but it's an opportunity for this community to work together to improve this place we call home. It is an opportunity for the community to actively be apart of important decisions, and I can't help but want to be a part of that. When an individual or group is making small changes to me it shows they want to improve, and I don't expect everything to be fixed overnight.

I do feel this is a step in the right direction though, and am optimistic of what is to come.

How did I get here?

I am not entirely sure, and have asked myself that question a few times over the last week ha. I was told someone in a discord server recommended me as I was someone they felt was trustworthy. I just have to say that that statement alone makes everything I have every done here worth it, so thank you to whoever you are.

I believe I am "here" in this situation, not as a top witness, high stake holder or as an "influential" individual.. I think I am here to represent the community. All of the community, and I take that pretty seriously. I have stuck out this insane situation as I feel that full transparency as well as ensuring what is best for the whole community, rather than a small group, is an important part of this.

I have pledged to do just that as long as the community would like me to. This also means that I am not "loyal" to one side or the other, but to what is right by the community and only that. Which means I will say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said.. even if that might be not the best thing for my "Steem Profile". I have no desire to have a role in leadership of this future foundation and have said so publicly many times. My only goal is to try to ensure that this process is done in the absolute most transparent and fair way possible, as well as to ensure the community's needs are considered.

After that is all done, I will step away and cheer from the sidelines.

Recently my intentions with being involved in this have been questioned, which isn't really that new as my intentions are questioned frequently. I think the idea that someone is actually doing something to not benefit themselves, but the greater good, is hard to understand for some people. Especially those that always are thinking of their own self interests, even if they wrap it in a pretty package to make it "look" like they are doing it for some other reason.

The idea that I am hungry for some sort of "fame" or want some sort of monetary gains has been spouted on about lately. Which I find quite interesting as if those were my true intentions, there are way easier ways here to be popular and make money...rather than working your ass off behind the scenes.. but that is a post for another day.

My actions on this platform should speak to what my true intentions are, and well.. that's all I can offer.
People can make their own assumptions, that's just part of being in a social environment. It's what we all signed up for, and unjust criticism just comes along with the territory. I have accepted that.

I can only stay true to my values, my beliefs and try to do the best I can, and that's what I intend to do.

What is to come next is up to us, The Steem Community as a whole. It's our time to step up and be a part of the solution. It's our time to stop complaining about all the things that need to change, and instead be a part of that change.

It is our time to show the world what this community has to offer because while a blockchain is impressive, this community is where the value is. A strong community working together on said blockchain is revolutionary and it's what makes Steem so far ahead of the rest.. we just have to get our shit together.

I hope my ramblings helped to show a bit of a personal "insider" side of the events that occurred as well as sharing my own personal thoughts. I also hope that you will all join me in the endeavor, so we can all work together to do the most good. While not forgetting that we have other problems that need to be dealt with as well, or this all might be for nothing.

We are all in this together...

Much Love and Steem On,


Please excuse my horrible grammar and typos.. I like to blog in a "freewrite" style that is simply sharing my thoughts rather than worrying about formatting or making it "perfect".

Image Source


Well change start somewhere...honestly I am a bit out of life this month, lacking the time to really dig in I have lost across events. I am comforted though to see your name there because I know you are sensible snd organized snd you have been doing a great job trying to explain what it is about. I confess my comment is kind of a filler because as I say I am not out of Steem (celebrating steemversary and all) but slowed down to fix things in the 3d life. I get in the discord but too many things going on, I felt confused I must say.

yes, it does have to start somewhere for sure! While I think that a small group discussing the how and why of this idea and not coming forward until they had a set plan would have been the "traditional" and well most easy to understand direction for the community...I think the "secret talks" narrative would still be alive and well, which would put a negative spin on this from the beginning. So, while being full transparent from inception caused some additional chaos, maybe that is what needed to happen for it to be truly the community's... we are all sort of figuring it out together.

Thank you for your kind words, they mean more than you know <3

Happy one year! Missing some forest shots... I need to go visit your blog ;)

Thanks for sharing. I think this was very much needed and am still trying to catch up myself as to what #steemalliance is and what it is the group is trying to accomplish.

With your explanation, I can see how it can difficult to get organized while being transparent. I know it's a lot of somewhat organized chaos right now, but looking forward to what you all can put together to help Steem become "more better" than it already is.

It has been a lot to digest, and while I feel that the first working group did amazing things in a very short time, there was a lot of confusing aspects and I don't blame people for being a bit lost. Hopefully with the chaos behind us we can open up more organized communication and move forward with the next steps.

There is a lot to still be decided by the community so there is a lot of "unknown" but I think it is really coming together nicely and am excited to see what comes from it all.

Thanks for the comment and I am glad my personal experience helped a bit!


There's a lot here, and in even more places, but this is well done!
Yes, confusing, and at times, chaotic. BUT, I am proud of the work we did in the fashion we did it.

AND I applaud you for continuing in the work. To make Steem the blockchain a better place.

Greg - Bluefin Studios

oh there is so much more of "specifics" that needs to be put in one place, and I am hoping that happens sometime this week. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go full details here or just more of my thoughts with a bit of a why thrown in. So much has happened and I think it is important to document that, but that might take a few days haha.

Thanks for you being amazing and sticking with the crazy journey as well. <3

Thanks Justine!

So the current working group has been elected? Or are there still elections to come?

I think, unfortunately, everyone's intentions are questioned these days because people tend to only really give you attention when they want to sell you something... or if they're after attention for that perfect burn... so I'm glad you don't take it personally. Steem really does have the potential for us all to create value to the world, we just need to figure out the hows and whats.

You're welcome!

I agree completely, its good to be cautious but I also think many individuals just feel the need to pull others down. There is a fine line between being cautious and just being an ass.... some throw themselves as far over the line as possible. lol. But yes, trying to not take it personal is key... I am working on it.

The elections were finalized yesterday and here is the post announcing;

thanks for the comment and I hope your training is going well!

Como se suele decir en mi país España
"Mucha suerte y al toro se le coge por los cuernos"

In English ^_^

As they say in my country Spain

"Good luck and the bull is caught by the horns"

See you on the net

Hi Justine, thanks for the thoughtfull-freewrite, we need clearance and a voice from the crowd, and open blog-communication from behind the scenes, in language for as you said for individuals from all walks of life and many different communities to stay involved in the future and the discussions needed to stay alive,
Blog to you soon

I agree, and I think now that things have calmed down a bit and we are starting to get an idea of what the next steps are it will be easier to communicate and I hope more speak of their personal experiences as well. After reading a few blogs it had become very clear to me that there was still a lot of confusion, so I feel clear and organized communication needs to be a high priority of the new group. It is sort of all a learn as you go situation though, so I hope the community begins to understand that as well.

Long road ahead, but I think the destination could be pretty great if we did it right!

Agreed but not only SA must communicate also Eli and SI, and be available and approchable for every sea mamel we have among Our account members. But first things first, the beginning is Made and the road could be long but exciting aswell. I wish you patience and wisdom, and if There is something WE can do let us know ....
Thanks for now, also for the other alliance members

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I'm still confused. So it's a place where the community votes on things to do?

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