Why You Should Read | 3 Of My Favorite Reading Quotes

in #steem6 years ago

Exciting stuff is happening on the Steem blockchain. HF20 is dropping next month and SMTs finally got a release date. I plan on talking about those at some point, but I had this post in the pipeline and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Reading is something that I've done for years now. When I was growing up in the school system, I never read. I refused to do the assigned reading that my teachers would give me and I would stand my ground about never doing the summer readings either.

I grew up my entire childhood thinking that I absolutely hated reading. I never wanted to do it and I thought that I would never want to do it ever again.

Everything changed for me when I started listening to the Tim Ferriss podcast. Tim somehow made it seem really cool and interesting to read.

He made me want to read to become a better version of myself and to progress in life. I always had colossal ambitions and I always wanted to achieve greatness. Tim convinced me that I'd have to read in order to do that.

Reading has since become one of my favorite habits. I read every single morning. Some days are busier than others and I'll read less than I'd like to but I always get at least 1 hour of reading in before starting my day.

I hope to inspire some others to read as well, I think it's one of the most underrated habits - especially in these times of on-demand videos and audio constantly circulating around us. Here are a few of my favorite reading quotes that inspire me to read every day.


I saw this tweet a few months ago and was instantly obsessed with it. I get fired up when I think about this quote while I'm reading.

I think about how the author I'm reading spent years of his/her life learning this material and then spent more years putting it into a package to present to me via the written word. All the lessons and knowledge that they have gained about this topic is now being fed to me on a silver platter.

Reading is not something to dread. It's not something that you should be afraid of. It's something that you should look forward to. It's something that will make you exponentially smarter because you're walking in someone else's shoes for the duration of the book. It's a unique opportunity, don't squander it.

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body" - Joseph Addison

I'm a huge proponent of physical exercise. Working out has been an anchor in my life since I was 14 and first walked into a gym.

Reading has so many fascinating similarities to working out. Similar to working out, reading is a skill that is built through repetition and consistency.

If you read sporadically, then you're well aware of how hard it is to cultivate the habit to read every day and for certain time periods. Reading sporadically is nearly impossible for me. I have to read every day and keep the momentum going. If I stop reading for a few days in a row, then it's like an addict falling off the wagon - I run into trouble and everything else in my life suffers for my lack of reading.

That's why I make it a point to set aside specific time for reading. I do the same thing with working out. It's something that must happen, I never waiver from these 2 habits.

"Reading is an active, imaginative act; it takes work. -Khaled Hosseini

I love this quote because it addresses a common misconception about reading. So many people think that reading is some empty act, something that you can just do while you do something else. Comparative to watching TV, for example.

Reading is the complete opposite to me. Reading is something that requires my 100%, unwaivering attention. I can't do 3 things while I read. I can't check my phone while I read. I can't scroll through my twitter feed while I read a book. It just doesn't work that way.

Reading requires me to zone in on the author's words. I'm always imagining what the author was thinking when they wrote a specific line. When I'm reading a true master of the craft, I can feel the emotion of the words and the lessons become ever more powerful and present to me.

What's your favorite time of day to read? What's your favorite quote about reading?


there is an argument that we all read. An average smartphone user absorb thousands of content everyday via facebook, twitter, steemit, etc the vital question here is: what are you reading? it's a question of value. there millions of insignificant informations streaming through the cyber space and most of us have become junkies, feeding on cheap irrelevent information.
I view reading as an opportunity to diversify one's experience and knowledge. like a writer once said, readers live a thousand lives (paraphrased, I don't do well with quotes). Ignorance is so boring and sometimes I wonder how people cope without knowing. being aware is the meaning of life, and books keep you alert and aware.
I had a read 54 books this year goal, but my phone got spoilt and i lost all my soft copy books. plus im writing my final year project, so there is a lot on my plate. well this is my excuse, but i have read close to 25 books this year if I am not mistaken

My favorite time of the day to read isn't during the day at all, it's at night. Maybe finish up a book right before dawn? There's something about letting your imagination do it's thang when the sun isn't out. I guess the moon helps me visualize. The sun almost blinds me, it takes a bit more effort for me to read something and maintain the context while reading as fast as I would normally at night, during the day. My creativity is the same way, not only much more active after dusk, but quicker and capable of new routes (techniques) that were either not achievable before and now are attainable. However, once the sun starts peeking his giant head around that horizon, there's a shift in my body's energy and not only the way I'm projecting, but the way I'm feeling and how I am processing the information that I am receiving. Learning is so much easier at night. I'm not a daytime citizen, but I need to be today due to appointments. Why are nightfolks forced to adapt to being daywalkers, but daylight ladies and chaps can't stay up past 10 lol? Seems like a double standard to me...

Reading broaden our horizon.... through reading our skills will be improved...we become confident when we speak because we can share sensible information, we can express ourselves in writing and also it is a good exercise for the brain.... before I don't read a lot as much as I read now... Indulging myself in reading makes the better version of me too... in my school, in my work and in meetings because I can relay significant information to others...

Your right khaleelkazi....make reading a habit ....30 mins for a start wont do any harm....to all stay cool and be ready to unleash your imagination!!!!

It is so beautiful to see that there are still people who are passionate about reading. Reading definitely helps us to grow a lot more as people, not to mention that we also acquire impressive knowledge when reading. Good to meet you for this post, I hope to continue reading your publications. Greetings from faraway lands (Venezuela). Hugs.

I'm glad you're also passionate about reading, I'm from Venezuela like you. Hugs and luck

Do you have good access to books in Venezuela? Is it easy to purchase them or order them? In tough economic times, books could be a hidden treasure.

Nice post! Good quotes. It’s pretty sad how little people actually read books of value.

What’s a good read you have had lately?

Thank you!! I totally agree. Many people do little reading at all these days unless it's in an instagram feed.

Homo Deus is definitely up there on best books I've read this year. I'd say The Alchemist is another good one and then also How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollen is something I'm currently reading as well. How about you?

Nice! Some good books there. I've been through them all too. Most recent three are Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield (for the 3rd and 4th time), Our Universal Journey by George Kavassilas, and Improv Wisdom by Patricia Ryan Madson.

Yea, that insta feed browsing really shows on peoples intelligence these days, sadly.

I haven't read "Turning Pro" yet, but I have read Pressfield's "The War of Art". It was very good.

A lot of similar info in the two, turning pro is shorter. Worth the read still. All of his books are worth the read, especially the ones that deal with resistance.

Read, become articulate, transform the world:

Great argument. Thanks for sharing this video!

What books do you recommend reading?

Right now I am reading Principles by Ray Dalio. He has a mini-series on Youtube where you can get an introduction to the book

. What are you reading?

I'm reading "Getting Things Done" by David Allen and "Reinvent Yourself" by James Altucher.

Reading is definitely a great way to become a better human being. It allows for mind shifts that would otherwise have taken a long stretch of trial and error to accomplish.

Great points you make here, thanks!

I totally agree with you. Reading is one of the most underrated habits. But those who read oftenly will agree with me if you read a story, sometimes the authors make the story so descriptive that one believes he is in the story and is constantly feeling things, familiar with environment and can appreciate the beauty mentioned in the story. It takes a great deal to write and even greater deal and luck to get appreciated. But everyone should have a habit of reading. Not only for recreation purposes but for knowledge as well.

Fully agree with you mate, i also love reading but the main point is quality if content. Internet is flooded with articles, most of them are duplicate copies, only some are good.

What books do you recommend reading?

Your article is well written. I admire your talent.

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