Journey to 100k SP and a Few Updates!

in #steem7 years ago

Hey everyone! Sorry for my infrequent posting these past few days, I've been crazy busy with a few different things. I am hopefully going to be back to my normal schedule starting tomorrow and will be able to post regularly again!!

I'm also trying to start vlogging on D.Tube, I'm hoping to post my first video sometime in the next week, but be warned - I'm not the best on camera. It might take a couple videos for me to get used to talking on camera, so please go easy on me! 😊

Anyways, I haven't posted my goal progress in about a week, so here are the current numbers. Thank you for reading and don't forget about the QOTD!

Steem Power Goals

By the end of 2018, I will power up 100k STEEM. Previous Snapshot (2/11/18):

By the end of 2018, I will power up 100k STEEM. Current Snapshot:

Steem Follower Goals

By the end of 2018, I will have 15,000 followers on Steemit. Previous Snapshot (2/11/18):

By the end of 2018, I will have 15,000 followers on Steemit. Current Progress:

Real Estate Project Goals

Last year, I completed 2 real estate projects. This year I'm hoping to triple that and complete 6 projects and share them with all of you! My ability to do so many more projects this year is due, in large part, to my success in cryptocurrencies and on Steemit. Thank you all for your continued support and I hope to find ways to get you all involved in the process of real estate design, investing, etc.!!!

By the end of 2018, I will start & share 6 new real estate projects:

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

What App (desktop or mobile) are you using the most right now? What do you love about it or why is it so useful?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



Nice going, keep up all your hard work!

Thanks @cookit! I will!

Hello @khaleelkazi,

Your name sounds a bit like Khaleesi! 😊

Congratulations on setting high goals and deciding to step out of your comfort zone and try vlogging - don't be shy, I'm sure that you will do just fine!

I have summarized my Steemit experience like this:

  1. I came here for the money
  2. Very soon I came to believe that there is no much money for me here
  3. I choose to stay anyway because I really enjoyed the opportunity to express my life & society thoughts and get a lot of much-appreciated meaningful feedback
  4. After connecting with some like-minded Steemians, I came to realize that there actually is (and will be more and more) money for me here, too
  5. I choose to reinvest everything I earn on Steemit in powering-up my profile
  6. I decided to decrease my freelance business planning activities (I increased my hourly rate and closed some old contracts in order to get fewer jobs) so that I can have more time for posting, commenting, upvoting, and above-all enjoying Steemit

Although I'm mostly focused on life philosophy, psychology, and mindfulness, I see that we like some similar topics, so I'll be following you on your (or, should I say, our) journey to 100k SP! : )


Hello, I hope all is well with you, I haven't seen you around. Those are some pretty hefty goals, I wish you luck and think I need to get myself some of those. As for apps I like using currently is giphy, mainly due to I never knew how to make them and someone lovely told me about it. have been making little fun things since.


Hey @insideoutlet! Long time, no see! Yes! Please make some goals and let me know what they are, I would love to hear about them! I actually download giphy recently but haven't gotten around to playing around with it!

I'll have to get onto that. I think it scares me a bit putting them out there and potentially not achieving them. But without them there is nothing to drive for. So best get onto it.

What App (desktop or mobile) are you using the most right now? What do you love about it or why is it so useful?

Telegram and Discord.

Telegram because I'm getting a lot of news and updates from blockchain projects that I'm invested in.

Discord for Steemit groups and getting involved with it's various communities.

These are 2 that I'm using a lot at the moment and find them extremely useful being that it connects me to the latest and most useful information.

I haven't used Telegram much, but I keep hearing from people that I should get on there. I also lost access to my Discord account a while back because I switched phones and lost all my authenticators 👀 not my brightest moment lol.

Thanks for sharing @danielwong!

U got my full upvote, hope you achieve your goals!!

Thank you @applelex! I appreciate your support!

I can live vicariously through your projects. Thanks for sharing both the Steemit strategies and your real world projects. I would like to hear about some of the challenges and funny situations that happen when you ramp it up over 3x for this year in the real estate projects.

Thanks for being a part of my feed an never disappointing!

haha, that's great to hear, thanks for your support! Yes, there have been a few funny situations and roadblocks, I'll make sure to share more about those as these projects progress, especially since I'm scoping out the 3rd project right now which means I'll have more projects going at one time than I had done all of last year! It's become a huge weight on my shoulders, but I love every minute of it!

Thank you @zekepickleman!

Looking forward to the updates!




Most times, I get stranded on ideas, most times, some clients come with tasking jobs and you really do not know or have an idea what they are talking about. What I simply do is just to login the site, click on the search bar and input what I want, the app gives me tonnes and tonnes of ideas to work with.

For example, if a man comes and doesn't know what style he really wants, I just login, give him options to choose from and voooom, the job is done.


I like the app cuz it comes in handy, easy to use, has recent and latest styles and has a "touch of everything" you would need.

I've missed you @khaleelkazi and your CRUSHING IT series..


Awesome @eldahcee!! I have used pinterest a little bit, but not nearly as much as you! I'll have to start spending some more time on there! We should get a pinterest for steem by the way 😉

Thanks for your support and I've missed you as well! The Crushing It! series will make its return today! I'm also finishing the book today and have a few posts for Crushing It! in the pipeline, but expect a new book series in the next few days as well!

Pinterest is great for finding project ideas (at least in the way that I use it!)

Well @khaleelkazi I had expected a bit of the irregular postings due to the two project at hand. Would love to see you in motion on camera.

Now to the question of the day. The right answer is chrome browser because I used it to connects to Steemit. But since we don't really wanna talk about Steemit. I'll say Coursera is the most used app on my phone now. It's an online learning platforms with lots of MOOCs from universities across the world. Am taking some free courses at the moment from the platform mostly business related. I have recently concluded a class on the principle of negotiations and also on international management and organizational behavior.

Why I prefer it to its competitor, EDx, is the ease with which you can save your videos for offline view later. Since am in a country with power issues and data cost is expensive. This feature is really helpful. I would recommend it for anybody who would want to learn a new skill.

haha @lordjames, yes the two projects have kept me extremely busy and I'm actually scoping out a potential 3rd project today! I'm working on my "vlogging skills" and hope they will be good enough to share with all of you!

Thanks for sharing those apps, I also use chrome for my steemit activities, it's very helpful! I've used Coursera in the past to take a course or two and really enjoyed it! I haven't heard of EDx before and will definitely check that out today, sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing that, I'll let you know if I start using it!

Question @khaleelkazi, where did you make all the images you put in this post?
I wanted to use some images like these ones:


But i wanted something original of course :P
Also, we all have our own lives, sometimes we can't post for a few days because of it, it's normal!

What App (desktop or mobile) are you using the most right now? What do you love about it or why is it so useful?

I only have 4 apps on my phone, facebook, youtube, google authenticator and an antivirus, can't remember which one...

I just made them in photoshop actually, it was really simple. Just basically a darkened rectangle and then green paint brush for the progress and then text with some font enhancements. - hope that helps!

Yeah it happens to the best of us! Haha, wow you have a tight selection of apps! Thanks for sharing!

These images are quite amazing, great work on them!

My most using app is Snapseed - complete photo editor, its easy for me to use it, thats why I like it;) Good luck with your video.. so exciting about your first vlog on Dtube!
Have a great upcoming week and smile :)

Hey @liltammy! I actually haven't heard of Snapseed, I'll check it out! Thanks, you too 😊

haha COOL. In my country (slovakia) everyone use just this app ;) So now you know magic of my photo :D ;) Have a great Sunday :) @khaleelkazi

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