Integrating ChatGPT Prompt AI to STEEM blockchainsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem2 years ago (edited)

Type "!ask" following a space + the question on the STEEM blockchain. Currently the ChatGPT will listen to the comments (but not the posts). It takes roughly 30 to 60 seconds for a Reply to appear on the blockchain.

How does this work? The Design

One process (or application) is listening to the comments posted on the steem blockchain, and enqueue those that appear to be containing "!ask". Then the question is stored in the MySQL database.

Another process periodically retrieves the new comments in the time order (oldest first), and then invoke the ChatGPT (currently 3.5) API. When the API returns, the text is posted to Steem Blockchain.

The New Design is HERE! The System Design of Steem Blockchain Bots

The Improved Design to Tackle Single Point of Failure: Avoid Single Point of Failures by Introducing Multiple Master Backup Reader Node on Steem Bot Applications


The comments are monitored real time, meaning that the "messages" captured will be dealt, but when the bots are down, it will certainly miss the "old" messages and will not attempt to scan and process them.

I hope this brings some fun and joys, and most importantly, the activity (interaction) on the steem blockchain!

Short prompts may be ignored - try to ask as specific questions as possible.

Currently, this is still BETA - don't panic when it does not work. Tag @justyy to report problems.

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中文: 整合 ChatGPT Prompt AI到 STEEM 区块链上!

Blog: Integrating ChatGPT Prompt AI to STEEM blockchain

Steem Blockchain

Steem to the Moon!

  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to Tether USDT (TRC-20) via steem2usdt!
  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to TRX (TRON) via steem2trx!
  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to BTS (BitShares) via steem2bts!
  • Register a free STEEM account at SteemYY!

!ask tell me another joke.

Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field.

command: **!ask** is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. **!ask** is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!ask tell me another joke.

Q: What did the fish say when he hit the wall?
A: Dam!

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask!ask!ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!ask Dime algunas estrategias para vender productos online facilmente

  1. Utilice las redes sociales para promover su producto y construir una comunidad alrededor de él.

  2. Cree contenido relevante, como blogs, artículos de invitados o tutoriales relacionados con el producto que está vendiendo.

  3. Ofrezca promociones y descuentos especiales para fomentar la venta.

  4. Cree un sistema de envío rápido y seguro para garantizar la satisfacción del cliente.

  5. Utilice atractivas imágenes para hacer que sus productos parezcan más deseables y destacarlos en comparación con otros vendedores en línea.

  6. Ofrezca opciones de pago flexibles como tarjetas de crédito, débito o PayPal para facilitar la compra a sus clientes potenciales.

  7. Involucre a los clientes existentes creando un programa de fidelidad o recompensas para que regresen a comprar más productos con usted.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!ask Necesito un código que me ayude a crear una sesión con Laravel que expire automaticamente despues de un tiempo dado


Para crear una sesión que expire automáticamente después de un tiempo dado en Laravel, puedes usar el método setExpireOnClose(). Esto establece un tiempo de expiración para la sesión actual. El parámetro espera un número de segundos como argumento:

// Establecer la sesión para expirar en 30 minutos.
$minutes = 30;
$expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addMinutes($minutes);

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!ask necesito destruir una Cookie en Laravel

Para destruir una cookie en Laravel se debe usar el método forget() del objeto Cookie. Utilice el nombre de la cookie como primer parámetro y un tiempo de caducidad como segundo parámetro.

Cookie::forget('cookie_name', time()-3600);

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!gen Un robot que se le desprende el ADN formado por una cadena de bloques

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Blockchain Version: 0.23.1
Last Irreversible Block: 73965071
Head Block Number: 73965086
Total Steem Accounts: 1809760
Feed Price: 0.252 USD
Market Price: 0.082 USD
Hardfork Version: 0.23.0
1 STEEM Power: 1769.185 VESTS
Time: 2023-04-21T20:30:23

command: !info is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Thats absolutely awesome @justyy, thanks for your continued work you do on steam!😀

Thanks! !bing

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

!ask what is the price of steem

The price of Steem is currently around US$0.17 (as of March 2021).

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

The ChatGPT was trained by database up to 2021. !thumbup

I have Alexa, and she gives me the same results. Enjoy your weekend @justyy

Hello @silvertop! You are Incredible!

command: !thumbup is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

1 STEEM Power: 1769.173 VESTS
steem_to_sbd: 0.25209976968244524
sbd_to_steem: 3.9666835128792033
sbd_median_price: 0.25209976968244524
steem_per_mvests: 565.2376386712313
vests_to_sp: 0.0005652358104472306
sp_to_vests: 1769.1673936484738
ticker.latest: 0.09090909090909091
ticker.lowest_ask: 0.08365766896840343
ticker.higest_bid: 0.08100252537284985
ticker.steem_volume: 6049.532 STEEM
ticker.sbd_volume: 495.290 SBD
Time: 2023-04-21T23:09:05.801Z

command: !price is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Error: Error: Command failed: timeout 60 python3 /var/www/steem/

!ask do you believe in bitcoin?

Yes, I believe in Bitcoin. It is a revolutionary new form of digital currency, and its potential is limitless.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

Error: null WARNING:root:Retry in 1s -- RPCErrorRecoverable: non-200 response: 502 from

!bing test

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

!ask can you tell me a new joke?

Q: What did the fish say when it hit the wall?
A: "Dam!"

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!ask can you tell me a HAHA joke?

Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

!bing thank you 😊

strange your comment didn't trigger the !bing

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

!ask Can you introduce the steem blockchain?

The Steem blockchain is a decentralized social media platform that pays users for creating and curating content. It rewards both content creators and curators through an innovative token system called STEEM, which can then be converted into other currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The Steem blockchain relies on a consensus protocol called Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) to manage the network and its transactions. This allows for higher security and faster processing times than other blockchains. Steem also has a built-in incentive system that encourages users to create content, upvote high quality content, engage in conversations, and build relationships with other members of the community.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 86378.99
ETH 2207.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.94