Steem's Value vs Newbies's Resources Credits (RC)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Many think that life is unfair. I prefer to say that it is often contradictory.

In its dynamics it poses a constant decision making. Success is determined according to the goals we achieve. According to what you think is most important. So you can say that you succeeded or you say you got frustrated.

We all hope to get out of this recessive tunnel where the STEEM / SBD price is.

Many of us are storing steem as well as squirrels store hazelnuts. We hope that a stroke of luck brings that long-awaited change and thus see how our savings multiply.

And it's not bad. It is a totally valid option.

But we have not thought about the fact that the coin has two sides. When the balance tilts in our favor, it is because the other side is not doing very well.

By this I mean the newbies. The new users

But not to those new users who, immediately after being created their account, are delegated a large amount of SP by their sponsors or by their creator parents.

Nor do I mean those new users who have the ability to buy Steem and make Power Up their account.
I refer to those users, who are mostly from underdeveloped countries, where access to foreign currency is very difficult and who have sought in cryptography a relief to their economic situation.

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Let's recap a little

Recently I read an article stating that we were in a good time to buy steem.

We do not have to be experts to know this. We should only consider certain indicator factors and we can easily notice it.

First, current prices allow it.

But there is also the fact that the platform is investing in improving performance (MIRA / RocksDB), reducing costs and improving the user experience in dapps and portals by simplifying coding, eliminating dependence on active keys. In the same way, the initial login process has been simplified, eliminating the code that is not necessary in the wallet (Condenser / Wallet Split).

More information here

The proliferation of Dapps on the steem chain has stimulated adoption. In personal judgment, I consider it an investment window since users are encouraged to buy steem to play.

Examples of this are the Dapps "MagicDice", "SmartSteem", "DrugWar" and "SteemMonster" which have a large number of followers and are moving considerable amounts of tokens.

This demonstrates the confidence that Blockchain Steem generates in investors. Therefore we can assure that the time of the fat cows will come again.

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The Newbies

In the current times, although it is advisable to buy steem, it is also the best time to open new accounts and make power up them on, because what will happen to new users when they start steemit wanting to make many great publications and realize that with an initial delegation of 15 SP that "lends" steemit can only do a couple of post a week?

So, without a "sponsor" that SP delegates to them they will have to buy steem.

Let's analyze the costs a little

To make more than a couple of publications and be able to socialize by answering comments an account should have at least 50 SP.

With current prices this represents about 16.5 USD.

Without being ambitious, suppose a scenario where prices reach 50% of the historical maximum 1 STEEM = 4 USD.

Now make power up a new account with 50 SP would cost approximately 200 USD.

This amount is simply unattainable for the majority of the population of South American countries. Especially considering that those who seek to register in steemit, are looking for ways to generate an extra income of money that allows them to buy food.

We would have to do a survey to have a clearer idea of the number of South Americans and Central Americans that are in steemit. But when we see the entries in writing, art and music contests, we easily notice the presence of Latin Americans.

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From the HF2.0 steemit implemented the Resource Credits (RC). This action has been seen and analyzed by detractors and sympathizers.

While it is true that now users are more aware of the use of their resources when commenting or doing resteem, it is also true that many are living a hell in their struggle with low CR.

Currently some have been able to acquire small amounts of steem, but could not do so with a price of 1 STEEM = 4USD.

This would cause massive defection of users.


It is necessary for Steemit to review and edit the RC calculation algorithm.

A solution must be achieved for new users and stimulate adoption. Perhaps a higher initial delegation could help a lot.

We all want and hope that the price of the steem goes up. But the balance is tilted and it is the weakest who are harmed.

separa steemit.jpg


@crypto.piotr has set 3.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!


@eturnerx has added 2.990 STEEM of bounty on this post!

cuentas con mi apoyo

interesting article

thank you

Thank you Sir.. is great

Posted using Partiko Android

I have been saying that they killed the system with the RCs since they came out for exactly this reason. You are 100% correct and the fact that they can't see that just makes them blind. Most people have stopped coming and for the few that do, they leave really really fast. No one will pay to make their voice heard.

A broad social platform will never develop as long as people are limited to so few comments a day. It is insulting and elitist to think that people owe you to speak their mind.

I realize they did this to stop spam and they will tell themselves that they are succeeding. That's true, and if they had NO users then I guarantee them they will have NO spam. I guess you get what you deserve after all.

I have given up on trying to help them. I either get no where with the people I know in power, ignored by the ones I don't know, or ridiculous defense of the system by the blind worshipers. I don't care anymore frankly because the people in power don't do a damn thing to reach out to the actual users. (yes they have their workgroups of career buttkissers, but that is going to be more of the same logic since those people basically do what they have been trained to do)

Anyways, since you donated 0.02 steem to get your message heard, I thought I'd stop by and give you my respect since it is a very good point you are making. I hope you win some people over and I will help if I'm ever asked by people that can make a difference.

Best of luck and again very good post!

I realize they did this to stop spam and they will tell themselves that they are succeeding.

They would be wrong in this as Asher showed in one of his post highlighting a post with in excess of 1700 comments that were spam. The only people allowed to spam on steemit are those that have sufficient steem power to do it.

Yes I've noticed this too... On one post I saw today, there were at least 10 well written lengthy robot-generated spam comments highlighting the virtues of understanding how to use the steemit system properly. Man that was so much better than the traditional "good post" spam of the past. I was thinking how awesome it is now that the spammers are rich articulate people now instead of poor 2-word users. This is really a major improvement, so I'm super shocked that the subscriber numbers haven't shot through the roof yet. ;)

Dear @davemccoy

I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.


I'm happy to and thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts too!

Oh they can see it my good friend @davemccoy they are just blinded by all the btc they are rolling in while we are the pawns earning a crypto in cents

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey nice to see you again @neddykelly! And yes I think you are very much right... Too bad they couldn't look out further in time and see the opportunity to do it right.

Dear @neddykelly

Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?

And drop a vote on SteemChurch.

I would absolutely appreciate it.


@crypto.piotr God bless you.
You work is going up to the steem heavens.
Thank you for all you and all your friends have been doing for this community.
More power to your elbows.
All of you.
I just can mention everyone.

Thanks for the mention big rig

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @crypto.piotr hi mate, I always judge a user on their actions. I do feel that this is the second encounter inviting me to some unforseen place and I think it will be the last. A man can only handle so much spam.

Unfortunately I also won't be dropping a vote on steem Church as I have no interest. On the other hand If you want to find me on steem shamans I'll be more than happy enlightening you on the afterlife 😂😂😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Steem shamans? That made me laugh!

Yes, could be a nice gathering of ancient souls... Looking at healing ones own ancestral karma...

Posted using Partiko Android

So have you created the place or are you just dreaming of it. Sounds like this dude is not doing too great with his church here as he just spam every single part of this thread! Granted most shamans are not like churches looking for a hand out. LOL

I think It came from a reaction more than a fruition of creating something in that topic. Unfortunately modern day society has no place for shamanism. The Tibetan book of the dead the bardot teaches of great liberation and not clinging to the body moving forward for Ascension. For the love of Pachamama.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @neddykelly

I would like to thank you for your comment. Somehow I missed it and had a pleasure to read it a seconds ago.

A man can only handle so much spam.

Im very sorry for that amount of spam I created. Hope no offence is taken.

On the other hand If you want to find me on steem shamans I'll be more than happy enlightening you on the afterlife

I lost you here.


All is good buddy... That time has passed now..

Yes steem shamans. Funny aren't I? It was my invite gifted towards you. After u gifted me a steem Church invite. Are we on the same page yet

Posted using Partiko Android

You got my vote for that comment.
I've had discussions with people, enough to understand where they are coming from and I tend to feel much the way you do.

I have given up on trying to help them. I either get no where with the people I know in power, ignored by the ones I don't know, or ridiculous defense of the system by the blind worshipers. I don't care anymore frankly because the people in power don't do a damn thing to reach out to the actual users. (yes they have their workgroups of career buttkissers, but that is going to be more of the same logic since those people basically do what they have been trained to do)

You summed up my thinking in this one paragraph, I quite literally couldn't have put it better myself.

Our only hope is for a game like Steemmonsters, Drugwars or some other new game to become the flagship representative for the Steem blockchain.


Our only hope is for a game like Steemmonsters, Drugwars or some other new game to become the flagship representative for the Steem blockchain.

That's exactly why I spend so much time lately on learning these things. I think the social side is going nowhere and rudderless, so hopefully we can catch a break with a game to lite the fire!

And thank you for the nice compliment! :)

Dear @cryptogee

I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.


Greetings friend @davemccoy.

A broad social platform will never develop as long as people are limited to so few comments a day. It is insulting and elitist to think that people owe you to speak their mind.

It's like putting a gag in each user's mouth.

I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.

I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.

For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?

They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.

Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:

Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.

I did vote as you said, I have a lot of respect for @votovzla and like the way you write... Thank you for the great blog article and I hope you manage the situation as best as you can!

Thank you very much dear friend.

They are not paying 200 usd to have their voice heard. they are investing in steem, and can always cash them out. Hopefully having earned even more steem.

I guess it depends on what you think Steemit is... If its an investment vehicle, then your point is valid. If its a social network, then my point is valid. I guess 2 people can look at the same platform and see it for 2 different purposes.

Maybe it would help if the people that run it, would make it clear to the users just what this is supposed to be. ;)

Dear @davemccoy

I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.


I think some people will pay so their voice will be heard but therefore a better platform is needed. To be honest it is a chaos or mess or even a bit trashy over here. It is very hard to find (what I call) good content.

So if you pay and find out after paying hoe messy or useless it is for your goals you will leave. If you have no connection with others you will so too.

Paying will not stimulate to be here, neither will a free account.

Posted using Partiko Android

Paying is already here isn't it? Aren't they called bid bots

Posted using Partiko Android

As long as Steem, (The Company/Blockchain), does not care about serial comment spammers with the same lines, the same gifs, the same memes, in the numbers of over 1000 comments on 1 post just to show they can do it and disrupt an individual post, then the cost of RC's will remain artificially high.

If an individual thinks the price of steem will be going up, then yes now could be a good time to buy, if an individual thinks the price will continue downward then they have to decide how far it will go on the low side, and what their particular risk factor is.

From a business point of view it is a very difficult thing for the company, they want to retain as much value for their product as they can. For a company piggybacking on the Steem Blockchain, they want to have as low a cost as possible, while still making a profit. (Steem Monsters/Drugwars games).

Businesses like partiko/e-steem and other onboarders/interface developers also want to be able to expand, they along with steemit can look toward the advertiser segment for additional revenue. (they already have a built in advertisement of their product in each and every comment).

I believe Steem (the company), is adverse to advertisers because of the fear of them trying to do like they have on other large social media and that is control the message. ex: "if you do not pull that video, we will pull our advertising support", type scenario.

So to lower the cost of RC's for comments they need to try to take action against the spam accounts, but then they risk the cry of censorship from unknowing and/or bad actors using steemit front end.

One way to prevent this flashback it to give everyone the right to completely block who they want from their account, and I mean fully block, that they can not vote/comment or flag their post, and likewise they would not be able to vote, flag, or comment on that person's post. Neither would see the other person post. (Length of time would be set for 1 year with no method to undo it until that year is up).

That solution however would not really work. New accounts would just be opened, and there would be other ways and means around it. So the high cost of RC's for comments and post will likely always be there, will likely go up, and like any other tax that has ever been implemented will not go away, even if there is a revolution.

Please help us engage with you by properly distinguishing between Steem (the blockchain) and Steemit, Inc. (the company).

Also, every spammer would block steemcleaners.

... One way to prevent this flashback it to give everyone the right to completely block who they want from their account, and I mean fully block, that they can not vote/comment or flag their post, and likewise they would not be able to vote, flag, or comment on that person's post. Neither would see the other person post.

I like this idea. Like it VERY MUCH.
SPAM is #1 problem, and must be fight by all means

That is a great idea and would stop the problem!

Dear @bashadow

I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.

Seriously respect for your amazing comment.


Greetings friend @bashadow.

If what you want is to fight against spamming, then keeping prices low is the worst strategy.

I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.

I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.

For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?

They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.

Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:

Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.

What nonsense your are all talking here. ?

What are you smoking ???

Look at me , at my account. I have 0 SP.
YEP, that's right , Zero.

ZERO !!!

Yet I can still write this comment. And you can read this , right?

You think I'm a liar. Look Here:
0SP; 3M RC

How on earth I can write this comment ?


I just wonder why you are missleading people, stating wrong things. "a couple posts per week " ???


The truth is this:

And this mean 6-7 posts/comments PER DAY.

Yes, 15SP is not huge, but it just feeds the basic needs right.
20-25 SP would be enough for super active, experienced newbie.
And this is half of your stated minimum of 50. And half of the money named.

This is really a fascinating issue. And it WILL define our blockchain in the future. What is really going to blow your mind is that there is not enough steem, nor will there be for MANY YEARS for each user of reddit to have 1.

That's right, there's not enough steem for everybody to have one! (Luckily it's divisible to the eighth digit, just like bitcoin).

The real answer to your question about RC's lies in something I read from blocktrades during the development and discussion surrounding RocksDB. The cost of any action, in resource credits, is relative. We can make these things as cheap as we want by increasing and expanding infrastructure. Future users , should they find themselves on a populous blockchain of millions of users, will not need nearly as much steem to post a comment as we do today.

Secondly, there are plenty of RC's to go around, currently most of it goes unused. If new users want to use steem blockchain as a social media site, they will need patronage. I delegate to new users, @crypto.piotr does, hundreds of other users do, and none of us come close to the amount of new user delegations steemit inc does. Its what we do because its necessary to treat steem as a social media site. Here's the thing though, steem is not a social media blockchain. It just happens to have one built on top of it.

Going forward, each dapp, each use case of steem will have to deal with RC's a little differently, depending on their exact case.

Thirdly, and finally, in the larger scheme of things, it is not even clear that everyone needs their own account. The @ifc competition allows entry by email, @steemnova pays out in steem but doesn't require a steem account, and other solutions are being developed (or at least I'm working on one) that allows everyday queryers to ask questions through a centralized site, which will post vetted questions to the steem blockchain with a single account. Only expert answerers will need accounts to get paid, but later even they will be able to submit their answers 'offsite' without an account.

In conclusion, there is an uncomfortability around RC's that have to do with them being very different from how we are used to interacting with the internet. @crypto.piotr's example of clearly demonstrates this. But this is far from a problem, its actually a feature, a misunderstood feature of the steem chain, that will require some creative thinking as we go forward.

Most of the apocalyptic fears involving scaling are unfounded, and will solve themselves with hardware upgrades, some of which already in the works.

Interesting thoughts.. When I made our game open to email I was trying to get players from outside of steem to play, though with RC issue it could be a way for newer steem users with low RC to play and not burn up what they have for posting. Hmm.. Never thought of that before, but that's a good angle to consider and be aware of in the future!

I think one of the important things you brought up here @ecoinstant is that this entire system is more adjustable and flexible than most people believe. Part of what you said here also brings to mind something else I keep thinking about: "Investing" in Steem — aka "holding some Steem coins"* — always seems to be automatically associated with being ACTIVE in one of the Steem front ends.

I think people put a lot of misplaced emphasis on this notion that investing is synonymous with creating income, but the vast majority of conventional investing actually consists of someone buying an asset and simply holding it passively for five years, in expectation of capital appreciation. And so, not everyone needs their own account, AND people simply holding Steem for the long term effectively help drive the price up by reducing active circulating supply.


Dear @ecoinstant

I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.

Seriously respect for your amazing comment.


Hello @crypto.piotr! I thank you for reaching out, no matter how long it takes, its great to hear back from you! I appreciate your comments and your memos, I always try to take some time to visit the different interesting topics you have for me, and offer what I can from my own perspective.

Now, I have a favor to ask of you! We are finally beginning the public part of our journey with @steemlogs web app (available now on, and have just released this announcement post. There is still a lot of work to do, but we are on a roll now, and I would appreciate any comments you could offer. If you think it is worthy to recommend to your network, I would happily cover the cost of any memos.

Please let me know your thoughts either way!

Dear @ecoinstant

I always try to take some time to visit the different interesting topics you have for me, and offer what I can from my own perspective.

That's very kind of you. Always appreciate your support.

Now, I have a favor to ask of you!

Lovely :) I love new ideas and challenges. Your project does seem to have potential. I just wonder if listing all recent published posts is the only way to use it so far? Or does it have more functions I didn't discover yet? :)

If you think it is worthy to recommend to your network, I would happily cover the cost of any memos.

The only problem I see is the fact that I've send memos lately (you received it too) saying that it was my last memo this month. So I really cannot be much of help for next few days.

Perhaps I could help you with next publication? Maybe you could promote @steemlogs on your own account (@ecoinstant) and I would bring traffic to this publication? What do you think?

ps. would you happen to have telegram? getting in touch via telegram could make our communication more efficient (I tried discord but I found it so very messy and I seriously hate that platform).


Dear @ecoinstant thanks for your valuable comment.

The @ifc competition allows entry by email, @steemnova pays out in steem but doesn't require a steem account.

I am not a supporter of this type of "hybrid" applications.

They want to make a new proposal but develop it on an existing blockchain. They even propose their own tokens even though they can adopt an STM.

It seems to me that they somehow weaken steem, or at least they do not contribute to its strengthening.

Yours, Juan.

Check out @ifc, there is nothing hybrid about it. Your point, perhaps, referring to dlive, is understood, but if your definition of what steem is is too strict that too weakens the value of steem.

i agree with you dear friend.

The ifc isn't really an application, it's more of a contest and community. Some day it'd be cool to turn it into an application. However the intent of opening it up to non steem users was partly to encourage more people to sign up for steem. And if they are unwilling to make an account it still brings more attention to steem to people who are unfamiliar with it because this is our homebase and we mention it and talk about it often.

Greetings friend @apolymask.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.

I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.

For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?

They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.

Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:

Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.

Most users who have accumulated Steem before HF20 won't realize how hard it is to start in Steemit nowadays. On the other hand, new users of Steemit should know it's an investment platform and investing in Steemit could actually give you a fruitful return in the long term. If we have friends and people whom we want to invite here, we must be able to share to them these facts about Steemit and it's up to us how we support their onboarding. I, for one, does not want the way it was before that people thought it was all for free, you need to be realistic and know that you need to invest and that helps the ecosystem as a whole.

I do not agree with you that those who start new have a harder time. I started before HF20 and after it I had a very hard time. I could post every 24hrs once or reply once or twice and nowhere I could find back the reason why.

Big chance that is the reason why so many old Steemians gave up on it. I still do not see any benefit of it. Spam, scammers and bad content is still there. If you pay you are in, are popular, if you write and respond... less chance.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sad but true.

Dear @mermaidvampire

I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.

Enjoy your weekend,

Greetings friend @mermaidvampire.

I consider that the HF20 caused real "damage" to the platform.

I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.

I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.

For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?

They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.

Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:

Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.

Dear @mermaidvampire

Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?

And drop a vote on SteemChurch.

I would absolutely appreciate it.


this onboarding problem is not going unnoticed. yes it is a problem. yes something needs to be done. some say they dont care about the user thats not willing to pay for their account, the problem I have with that is we dont have enought adaption yet to take that attitude.

There are many small programs out there offering delegation to new users. I just launch a new initative myself

Admirable work what you do, woman!

Greetings friend @paulag.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.

I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.

For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?

They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.

Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:

Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.

hi @juanmolina, thanks for letting me know about your efforts to win delegation. I understand Venezuela is going though difficult times, and so I have already given a vote to a project from this region. I wish you massive luck with your campeign

Thank you very much, dear @paulag.


I loved it.

I've been here since August 2016 and I would just like more clarity on how the payouts work. There are some tools I used to use that I loved but many are broken right now. There wasn't really much communication going on about how Steve it worked but I've spent most of my time here posting about that. With all the dapps being built right now steemit 3.0 is going to be something great, if users power up and give. If people are just draining the rewards pool and not reinvesting it is a disservice to the blockchain. I would love to see more information about how payouts are structured currently with the hard Fork, apparently you need to wait half an hour before uploading a post, and education on how Keys work to authorize steemconnect and other safe ways to use steam it without risking your keys. I am preparing to launch my own steam engine token I would like your opinion on whether this side chain is a token solution or how is that smart media token thing coming along? I am thankful for your thoughts on resource credits, and I think of that one to $4 is a very reasonable price for steem, if people knew the value of what we are working on here it could easily be a $30 coin. I for one do not mind $18 steam dollars or $10 Steam.

Thank you very much for commenting on my post.

You have just raised a series of very important points.

I am also very curious to know how the payments are structured.

When we make a publication we can see, for example, that we accumulate $ 10 in reward. But when the time comes to receive the payment, then we get other amounts. I am aware that it is also contributed to the SP but Steemit changes the distribution very frequently.
Sometimes we receive the whole in SBD, other times the payment is shared between SBD and STEEM.

I really know where the parameters of this policy are published.

I have the idea to investigate that topic and expose it in a next post.

Thanks for coming appreciated @darkflame.

You are very welcome! Check out my latest post

i´m pleased to do it

Dear @darkflame

I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.

Seriously respect for your amazing comment.


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