Steem Blockchain´s Economy: DEVALUATION.

in #steem5 years ago

REWARD SYSTEM. The Steem chip system is inflationary, new chips are distributed every day. Inflation is 8.59% in 2019 and is reduced by 0.01% per 250,000 blocks. The new tokens are distributed based on the votes of the users. When users have more "Steem Power", a higher vote is obtained.

I start with this quote, because it was these words that put the spark in my imagination.

My idea is based on the following premise:

"All inflation induces a devaluation."

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The Blockchain Steem policy is based on the fact that the tokens created for inflation will be used for votes and healing.
So this distribution is not reaching the levels necessary to maintain the economy.
That is, new tokens are still being created but they are not being distributed in the proper proportion.
Then we have an "excess" of Steem. There is too much liquidity. More supply than demand.

We will talk about that after a theoretical framework related to the economy of Blockchain Steem.

(Start of Theoretical Framework)

How are new STEEM tokens created?

New tokens are created each time a block is produced.

There are Blockchains (PoW - Proof of Work) where new coins go to block producers (called miners). But in the chain of blocks Steem (DPoS - Delegated Proof of Stake) is allocated the greater proportion of new cards go a fund called "Group of Reward". These tokens are offered to users according to the value they bring to the platform.

How often does the Steem Blockchain produce a new block?

The Steem blockchain schedules witnesses to produce a new block every 3 seconds. 21 witness nodes produce 21 blocks in each 63-second round. (Steem Faq)

(Start of Small Quick Glossary)

  • Proof of Work (PoW): The miners solve a complex mathematical problem. The miner who solves the problem first adds the block to the block chain. The network rewards the miner for doing it.

  • Stake Test (PoS): requires property, or stake, in the cryptocurrency. The more tokens you have, the more block building power you have. Benefits: eliminates the need for expensive mining platforms, works with a small fraction of the energy and requires block producers to participate in the network.

  • Proof of Delegate Participation (DPoS): Block creation accounts, called witnesses, are collectively approved by Steem's stakeholders. Instead of relying on the work test to find blocks, the Steem network actively programs these accounts to improve time between blocks.

  • STEEM: is a liquid cryptocurrency that can be bought and sold in bags, as well as transferred to other parties as a form of payment. It is an SMT and the backbone of the Steem block chain. Keep in mind that all rewards issued in Steemit are in the form of SP and SBD but not in STEEM. Users have to convert their SP and SBD to STEEM to trade in public exchanges.

  • Steem Power: is the STEEM that has committed to a 13-week award program. SP balances are non-transferable and are generally not divisible. It can be converted back to STEEM, upon request, over a period of thirteen weeks, through 13 equal weekly payments (Power Down). Because it represents the long-term commitment of users to the website, SP can be seen as the influence of users on Steemit. When users vote on the content, their influence on the distribution of the rewards group is directly proportional to the amount of SP they have. Another incentive to maintain SP is that 15% of annual inflation is paid to SP holders as interest on the balance of SP that is maintained.

  • Steem Dollars: also called Steem Blockchain Dollars (SBD), is the vehicle implemented to protect the stability of the system. It is similar to convertible bonds (short-term debt instruments) in the real world. An SBD can be exchanged for approximately $ 1 of STEEM.
    (End of Small Quick Glossary)

Unlike the PoW Blockchains where the tokens are randomly produced and distributed based on the amount of raw computing power and the work done, the tokens in Steem are generated at a fixed rate of one block every three seconds. These tokens are distributed to several actors: content creators, witnesses and curators, who compete in a specialized way for the tokens.

Content Creators: Users who produce content are adding value to the network by creating material that will drive new users to the platform, in addition to keeping existing users engaged and entertained. This helps distribute the currency to a wider set of users and increases the effect of the network.

Curators: Users who take time to evaluate and vote on content are playing an important role in distributing the currency to users who are adding the most value.

The chain of blocks rewards both activities by determining their real value based on the collective wisdom demonstrated through the voting system.

Witnesses: These are nodes specifically configured for the production of the necessary blocks. And they are also the users in charge of cooperating within the DPoS protocol.

With Steem, block production takes place in rounds. Each round 21 witnesses are selected to create and sign transaction blocks. Twenty (20) of these witnesses are selected by approval vote and one is shared by each witness who did not rank among the top 20 proportional to their total votes. The 21 active witnesses are shuffled in each round to prevent any witness from constantly ignoring blocks produced by the same witness placed earlier. Any witness who loses a block and who has not produced in the last 24 hours will be deactivated until they update their lock signature key. This process is designed to provide the best reliability while ensuring that everyone has the potential to participate in block production, regardless of whether they are popular enough to be voted on top.

Generation and Distribution of Tokens (Excerpted from Steem Bluepaper)

The rate of generation of new tokens was established at 9.5% per year as of December 2016 and decreases at a rate of 0.01% per 250,000 blocks, or about 0.5% per year.
Inflation will continue to fall at this rate until it reaches 0.95%, after a period of approximately 20.5 years.
From the offer of new tokens created by the chain of blocks Steem each year, 75% of those tokens make up the "group of rewards" that is distributed to content creators and content curators.
15% is distributed to the chip holders, and 10% is distributed to the Witnesses, the block producers who cooperate within the Steem DPoS consensus protocol.

(End of Theoretical Framework)
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As it says my initial quote:
"The system of tokens of Steem is inflationary..."

This leads me to think about that 75% of the chips created (Reward Group). These must be distributed among content creators and curators.
As we can see, this distribution is made around the contribution of content, the contribution of value to the community.

But if this distribution is not being done in the proportions that were expected, then the rate of decrease of 0.01% per 250,000 blocks could not be met and therefore the economy would be affected.

Starting from the premise that all inflation leads to a devaluation: could we assume that the inflationary policy of the blockchain would damage the value of the STEEM currency?


• There may not be the number of accounts necessary to distribute that 75% correctly.
• Maybe we have lost active users that contribute content - value.
• Perhaps the active users are not contributing enough value to the chain to earn higher rewards.

The Blockchain Steem is based on stake. The stake, is the STEEM in your SP.
STEEM is an essential part of the entire functioning of the voting system within the chain. It could be represented as shares acquired from a company, the more shares you have acquired, the greater influence you will have within the company.
Ballot voting determines the allocation of rewards.
The stake can be bought or won.
The only way that users can increase their influence on the platform is to increase their participation.

Steem only allows members to vote with STEEM when they are committed to a 13-week acquisition program called Steem Power.

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Final thoughts

The tokens created by inflation should go to the SP of the users, that's where the surplus of tokens should be. That can happen in two ways, through POWER UP and earning healing rewards.

In order to earn healing rewards, there should be more quality publications for voting to occur on the part of SP holders.
To increase the number of publications, then we need more active users.
This implies creating new accounts or simply reactivating accounts that are passive (which are many).

To increase the number of active accounts you need more motivation, that is, better rewards. It is an infinite cycle.

Precisely in the search for that "motivation", many of the current users are turning to Games Dapps.

I am concerned about the fact that the latest Dapps that are being developed on STEEM consist of "Games". This attracts a large number of users. For example, the Dapp DrugsWar has more active users than Steemit.
In these pages you can get valuable information about it.

The negative aspect that I find in the use of these Dapps is that they are causing the NO CREATION of quality content.

This is doing great harm to the community.

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A option that occurs to me to revalue the STEEM currency is a process that some blockchains have implemented but it is something extreme. It is called "burn tokens". The option of doing a hardfork in Steem could be put on the table to incorporate a steem destruction mechanism. This would involve a whole technical, economic and even political debate. I imagine that this topic has already been discussed previously.
I would like to extend this topic but I still do not master it enough.
This would have to be contemplated in the blockchain policies, but I think that currently is not the case with STEEM.

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As you can see, there are many thoughts that come to my mind and maybe I could not arrange them in the right way to convey my idea.
So, I ask you for your valuable opinion.
I hope that with a collective debate we can find the route that allows us to decipher the reason that the price of STEEM is still so low and does not achieve the desired recovery for all.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


If you want to support me to continue developing this kind of content, you can do it:
Ether: 0x9303aC18B6FD3305f1bB904FAa9D5C63B6A9B9f9

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I'm just a curious student of economy, so I'm going to give my philosophical impressions of what is going on on Steemit today.
Rewards without "proof-of-brain" only devalue Steemit and the self-esteem of those who buy votes for "To Have" rather than "To Be".
Steemit will be no more than a mechanical assembly, like any other social media with adds, and empty content, by using a strategy that wants to attract people to make an immediate profit in a nickel machine, when we need long time investors and skilled bloggers with meaningful commenting and discussions.

My content is being used for centralized publicity, and I always blogged only in places without adds, because the profit goes to the few that own the share of the lion on Steemit, that ultimately will leave to the same of group dynamics of centralized society and press, trying to swallow the rest of the steemians small wealth.

The comment section is now property of the bots, living no space for real humans to comment, because people just see the short term gains that slowly will dilute the impact Steemit could have in making centralized media obsolete, but it seems to suffer from Freud's envy concept because Steemit will be more centralized and automated living no space for human interaction as the real values and future evaluation of Steem.

The Steem blockchain is decentralized, but token accumulation in the hands of a few, that guides the politics of short therm profiting, just like the rest of the banksters, states and social media giants.
The steem economy today is based now in finding ways for passive income ruled by bots, that can't virtualize the vision and mission of creating content with"proof of brain".
Sreemit is suffering from the same syndrome of the economy on the western civilization, we don't make things, just do financial short term speculation that eats the GDP of the countries.
Traders and Investors are radically different, the former is totally detached from the object of investment and is driven by "sell-high"/ "buy-low" cold numbers, while the later are immersed in a total emotional involvement with the capital and has more tendency to "hodl" and perpetuate the love relationship with the purchased value even in the worst crisis.

Excellent comment Extremely valuable!
Thank you very much for giving me the privilege of having you in the comments section of my humble publication.

The concept of "brain test" was the pillar that supported Steemit. Upon it, it was built, and achieved its splendor.
Proudly the writers showed us the effort of their work and were certain that this was going to be recognized.

Steemit was novel. Precursor, maybe.

This attracted more than a million new users. The tokens were dynamically distributed. Cures were the order of the day. This motivated us to have better content quality every time.
We must accept the fact that today this is not happening.

The chain of blocks of Steem is decentralized, but the accumulation of chips in the hands of a few, which guides the policy of short-term profits, like the rest of the banksters, the states and the giants of social networks.

I believe that this is an economic factor that is affecting us.

The comments section is now owned by robots, since there is no space for real humans to comment ...

This would be The Sword of Damocles for Steemit.

I feel very grateful to you, dear friend: @charlie777pt

Wow. One of the best comment I've read today @charlie777pt

big thx!

Thanks a lot for my motivation that is getting lower because I miss the initial interaction before the bot era.
And I read what you guys are doing, I'm impressed with the job your nice community is making, and bringing back human dialogue and interaction, the only real life we live on Earth.
As a social psychologist, I'm interest in the dynamics of decentralized communities on the blockchain.
South America, Africa (where I'm from and I visit a lot) and Asia (I was in Esta Timor this year)have to embark in this boat of a decentralized economy, but with "active income" (work) for human participation, instead of "passive income" (no contribution) that is now the direction of steemit, replacing people with robots calculating financial benefits, without contributing to the vortex of Steemit, Human enriching Content, Human Meaningful Commenting and Human voting as the real value of the future of steemit.
The future is a ghost town in Cyberspace, that in some years will only deserve a visit as a Museum of history that failed to be written. and made a realizable utopia turn into a dystopia.
Thanks to all you guys. :)
Nice Work of real value...keep shooting

Oh wow, you are quite pesimistic @charlie777pt :)

I'm impressed with the job your nice community is making, and bringing back human dialogue and interaction,

I feel flattered :) Appreciate your kind words.

My impression is that there is more and more people on Steemit who understand how this platform works and what is it about. People who value interacting with others, sharing their knowledge, opinions and experience.

I also see how our community (build on common interest towards blockchain tech) is only getting stronger and I choosed to be optimistic :) I may be a fool, but a happy one :)


I'm a big optimist always suffering from the disease of realism.
My reality views can be seen as pessimistic because I have been for too long on Steemit to see the reality changing from the initial vision.
I've been analysing the statistics of steem in the way the numbers of active users versus the bot users and the number of comments made by human dialogue vs the monologue of the bots in a ghost town in cyberspace, with a lot of lamps in the streets, like an empty circus, with no human presence just "botties" talking to themselves and their calculating machines.
We need long term investors looking for "active income" instead of cold-blooded traders looking for fast "passive income " of selling high/buy low.
The goal of human interaction is really low these days.
Thanks for telling what you feel.
Another thing I learned in communities, is that if we want people to change we must talk about the behavior and actions (visible) of the people opens the dialog, instead of the character traits of the person (invisible and unobservable) because it blocks dialogue and does not promote mutual growth.

I'm happy to know that you are feeling like I felt 3 years ago.
We need new people with a positive view because I've seen the best content-gold-producers, getting tired and disappearing.
ANd now there are new emerging social media platforms on the "block", had been creating solutions for the model of Steemit, the first king of "blockmedia".
Cheers my friend

Dear @charlie777pt

I'm happy to know that you are feeling like I felt 3 years ago.

The reason why I'm feeling this way is because I treat Steemit as a platform that allows me to get to know valuable people within blockchain industry.

Those kind of contacts will allow me to create business opportunities in the future. This I'm sure.

Knowing right people is an extremely valuable asset. And it's asset that cannot be taxed :P (luckily, maybe one day we will have to pay taxes depending on how popular we are hahaha).


And don't lose your motivation @charlie777pt :)


Dear @charlie777pt

Definitely your explanation is very complete, honoring your avatar tremendous point of view, without redounding to the point.

Thank you for sharing with all those who, in one way or another, if we interact like other humans, we want to make steemit a platform where content is created that is worth reading and continue feeding our vague knowledge.

Greetings from Venezuela

We need new people who will buy steam. This can be achieved if they see good rewards here. This will happen with the growth of the entire crypto market. Just wait and support the little authors, but the good ones.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi dear @cryptokos.

Investment is just one of the factors that could save the economy in Steemit.

Thanks for coming and commenting.

hola amigo como estas, muy bueno tu post has considerado varios tópicos, pero quizás has dejado pasar algo muy importante y es que la blockchain de steem no es lo mismo que steemit , steemit fue el primer proyecto que se creo para tratar de adoptar una masificasion para la blockchain , todas las blockchain que existen buscan lo mismo crear alguna dapp que les proporcione masificasion, cuando miras los numeros de las dapp de juegos te puedes dar cuenta que es un mercado gigante y no solo se han dado cuenta los usuario esta blockchain, EOS y ETH estan apuntando en la misma dirección, la creacion de dapp sera lo que logre que nuestros token lleguen hacer mas deseables, aquí también se esta explotando los juegos de apuesta, cuando bajo el precio de steem quedo demostrado que la gran mayoria de usuarios esta en steemit por una recompensa, solo son pocos los que están porque les gusta escribir , mientras que disminuía la actividad de bloguer la cantidad de batallas en steemmonsters aumentaba, creo que todos es un complemento y que existan mas opciones para que se pueda masificar el uso de esta blokchain sera el éxito o el fracaso de la misma

Hello friend @hendersonp.

When the Blockchain Steem achieved its best moment (this I consider for the value of its token and the number of active users) it was Dapp Steemit which had almost all the users. There was no Magicdice, or DrugWar.
Then users were focused on contributing content.
Recall that there is no mining in Steem.

I think the initial concept of this blockchain was not that of a gaming platform.

In fact, with its 21-node technology that allows you to add more transactions per second than BTC or ETH and its 75% of tokens in the "rewards group" everything points to the "brain test". But how is the contribution of content that steemmonster is evaluating? for example. Where is the "brain" ?.

Thanks for comment.

Hola @juanmolina como estas, claro steemit es una empresa privada que quiso sacar provecho de las características de la blokchain de steem, yo veo la cosa un poco distinta me explico, la mayor alza de precio del steem fue producto del bullmarket pasado fue general en todas las altcoin, muchas sin siquiera tener un proyecto claro otras scam a todas leguas y algunas como el steem con un proyecto relativamente bueno igualmente formo parte de ese bull, ese gran aumento en el precio del steem fue lo que atrajo personas a steemit todos en busca de recompensa monetaria y la gran mayoría en busca de poder pasar el token a fiat, muchas personas comenzaron a publicar y publicar comentar y comentar todo buscando algún voto ya que en esa época de bull con un sbd sobre los 5$ un post te podia dar facil unos 10$ y si era votado (en pequeño porcentaje) por ballenas salias con 50$ fácil,esa fue la era del spam y de post de plagio , las comunidades en discord explotaron todas con cientos de usuarios, pero todos esos usuarios llegaron fue producto del bullmarket general osea no fueron los responsables de que el steem estuviera subiendo de precio por agregar contenido a la cadena de bloques.

cuando llegan miles de usuarios a "crear contenido" buscando la retribución monetaria para vender el token por fiat para nada le hace bien a la economía del token si no todo lo contrario, porque son usuarios que están haciendo algo por dinero, seria como el que se para todo los días a ir para trabajar en algo que medianamente le gusta, en el momento que no le paguen indiscutiblemente abanan ese trabajo, esa gran cantidad de usuarios en vez de generar demanda del token genera es una sobre venta, ahora mira el lado de los juegos las personas van a los casinos primeramente porque quieren divertirse por que les justa jugar y si ganan dinero fino (aunque normalmente pierdan) todos los juegos creados hasta ahora no producen creación de recompensa en el token, mas bien para poder jugarlos tu requieres comprar steem o sbd osea que tenemos usuarios que generan demanda del toen (jugadores) y los "creadores de contenido" (no todos obviamente) son mas bien vendedores del token , ojo no quiero decir que eso sea malo solo que justo lo que le hacia falta a esta cadena de bloque era dapp haga que las personas quieran adquirir los token simplemente porque con ellos van a realizar algo que les gusta y si sacan beneficio o no queda en segundo plano, en DrugWar vi como una persona se molesto porque otra le mato el ejercito y gasto 1000 steem en crear uno nuevo para vengarse cuanto duraron las tropas? unos pocos minutos todas terminaron muertas cuando las envió a la batalla , el se vengo y se sintió feliz y fue un consumidor de steem, si llegan muchas personas buscando diversión y eso genera demanda del token eso si va a aumentar el valor del mismo, si llega 100 mil escritores mas tratando de buscar votos para pasarlo a fiat provocaría todo lo contrario, jejeej espero no ser muy extenso y haber explicado bien mi punto de vista

Thanks for being so attentive appreciated @hendersonp.

I think there is a problem with my translator. But the semantics is quite distorted in your answer.
Although I managed to capture the main idea.

Thanks for your valuable comment, friend.

I love that you're replying in english @juanmolina :)

Hi @juanmolina.

I'm worried about the low price of STEEM.

Lot of content creators have left Steem to find better rewards in other places. I'm afraid that these other plattforms won't be as good as they think. The complexity of blockchain economics and the ever changing market make me think that in some point of time they will fail, unless people figure out how to fix that.

In order to figure out how to fix the value of a blockchain, I think that is very important the feedback from content creators.

This article has been a great source of feedback. Your perspective has provide great insight that will be helpful to begin to understand the inner workings of this blockchain.

I'm sure these kind of discussions are going to bring more and more ideas to improve this blockchain.

Hello dear friend of mine @danielfs.

I have thought of an analogy between the situation of Steemit and the theory of creation according to the bible.

God created man and gave him free will.
Then man became corrupt.
God destroyed man and gave him a new opportunity.

In Steemit everyone is acting according to their free will. Nobody is thinking about the other. The concept of community was distorted.

Will we also have to go through the universal flood and be reborn?
If so, we must begin to collect the species that must be saved.

Dear @JuanMolina,

This is an awesome participation, great content and overview about the steem blockchain 'economy' devaluation.

The negative aspect that I find in the use of these Dapps is that they are causing the NO CREATION of quality content.

This is doing great harm to the community.

And this was the bit that got me, I totally agree with it, while there are still some users creating good content and curating as well, a big majority have stopped doing it, whether for discouragement of steem value, or to trade it into use of the Dapps mentioned because they're more appealing at face value and more rewarding in short-term.

Totally forgetting that with time this will be prejudicial to the entire steem blockchain and the creation of more good content that gives it true value..

It's a hard subject and I really would like to have a solution to contribute with but, can only say that the few still creating content should definitely continue what they're doing and even raising a tad more the bar on it, and maybe share and attract more users from other platforms that are victims of censorship and not yet integrated within the blockchain technology.

Without that much to add, I thank You for this awesome post!! Keep up the good work!

Have a great time, all the best ;)

Hello dear @cyberspacegod.

... attract more users from other platforms that are victims of censorship and that are not yet integrated into blockchain technology.

This is a great option to increase the number of users. For this we can share our steemit publications on other platforms (facebook, twitter, etc). Provide information in the traditional social networks of the benefits of the steem blockchain.

Thanks for your valuable and motivating messages. You have filled me with new courage.

Thank you.

Dear @JuanMolina,

Thank for the appreciation shown, and for getting precisely what I was trying to pass with my comment, although I'm not entirely sure that it is the best option still, it might help at least to spread a bit more this amazing community and the blockchain technology! ^^D

No need to thank ^^) glad that the messages work to inspire You =D

All the best, have a great day brother


The kind of deep dive into STEEM that I absolutely love!

Well, let's wait and see how things further develop in STEEMs and our future as content creators. I see the problematic behind the math of the mechanisms in here and learning about "MEOS" or "STEEM 2.0" by Dan Larimer isn't really helpful in this situation either.

I also see the issues around gaming not bringing OC into STEEM. On the other hand these high ranking dapps really brought massive growth to STEEM in economic volume as a whole.

Other projects, like steem basic income, are more embedded in the general growth of the community.


Hello dear @doifeellucky.

Other projects, such as Steem Basic Income, are more integrated into the overall growth of the community.

Precisely I have a hypothesis about this which I intend to develop in a next publication.
The creation of small communities with their own SMT could take a turn in the evolution of Steemit.
Concentrate on the Micro and then on the Macro.

Thanks for comment.

Sure! My pleasure!

Great article and thanks for the invite to this post. I'm not all familiar with the who idea of the steem blockchain; but, after reading your article, it kind of shed some light on the subject. Thanks for your hard work and efforts to put out such an enlightenment article! I can tell that a lot of thought and research went into this article; and, it's content like this adds the value to the steem blockchain. .facebook_1531326118812_LI.jpg

Hi dear @tinyhousecryptos.
Thanks for commenting.

I hope you continue to learn and grow in the community. Note discouragements. Provide valuable content and read the work of others.

Have a nice day.

Thank you for putting up some important points. I was wondering myself as the value of steem is not improving. I think we need more users who create quality content and a way to control bot accounts. I don't think it is possible to get rid of them but maybe it is possible to control their activities. Perhaps the value of steem will start picking up again and more people will start participating. I know at least 4 accounts that are passive and don't post any content because they don't feel motivated. These users used to be active before giving up. I guess a better reward system that gives recognition to genuine, deserving creators will be great. Otherwise, they would rather join Games Dapps than wasting their precious time to create a content for nothing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe we need a dapp for content creation.

Hi dear @yashny.

...they would rather join Games Dapps than wasting their precious time to create a content for nothing.

If they prefer to use their time to play instead of create for fear of wasting it, then perhaps it is not so valuable.

Thanks for comment.

Dear @danielfs, that might be the last resort but not at the moment in my opinion.

Dear @juanmolina, that is definitely true in the event where they give up too soon before putting up efforts and hard work.

Posted using Partiko Android

I was thinking about a dapp for content discovery or something like an ad-network for posts.

Well, one thing that leaps out at me from the very start. Near the top, in the section entitled How are new STEEM tokens created?, you say "These tokens are offered to users according to the value they bring to the platform."

I would strongly, emphatically, vigorously challenge the truth of this statement. You have accurately described how the system is supposed to work, but in fact the tokens are not distributed according to the value the users bring to the system. They are distributed according to how skillfully the users game the system, how successfully they play the vote-trading game or other system-breaking practices. VALUE has nothing to do with it.

I don't play Drug Wars or any of the other STEEM games, but at least they offer some value in the form of enjoyment (presumably).

It's frustrating when you put a lot of effort to create great content without getting enough rewards. Sometimes it seems that gaming the system is better than spending time creating content. At the end of the day we need to feed our stomachs or pay our bills.

Whether to game the system or improve the blockchain in a fair way, I think is very important to understand how this whole thing works.

Hello @redpossum.

That phrase is not really my responsibility. You can find it in Steemit's Whitepaper.

We must reflect on this. If it is in the whitepaper it is because these were the principles that led to the creation of steemit.

So what was the breaking point?

At what point did Marty Mcfly travel into the past to alter our present and perhaps build an alternate timeline?

If you read my reply carefully, I said "You have accurately described how the system is supposed to work", and of course the whitepaper will describe the theory rather then the reality. It was not my intention to blame you for that ugly reality.

I have no clue what you mean by your comment about Marty McFly.

I like the "Marty McFly" illustration... I thought that was hilarious!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm a super fan of that saga.

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