in #steem6 years ago


Important Note: This Publication corresponds to an Improvement Edition and subsequent translation from Spanish to English of My Post, previously made by me and published in Steemit: https://steemit.com/steemit/@josevasquez/sonando-dormido-y-despierto-con-el-renacer-y-crecimiento-de-steemit-y-de-venezuela

Everything was done by the Author: myself @josevasquez With Graphic support, according to the sources cited

Can Your Dreams and My Dreams Be Our Dreams For Steemit (Steem) and For Venezuela?

Can Our Beautiful Dreams Be Your Dreams and My Dreams For Steemit (Steem) and For Venezuela?

Are Our Dreams of Love, Freedom, Peace, Progress, Justice, Equity, Commitment, Honor, Ethics and Responsibility, Good and True, Among Many Other Good Dreams?

In positive consequences of the beginning of the rains in Venezuela, the trees are adorned with their beautiful verdure and in synergy with God, nature flourishes with a lot of life, love and Peace.

However, contradictory feelings, sensations, thoughts, sayings and deeds, are discovered in my mind and are evident among us Venezuelans (and possibly in almost all humans); framed according to our perspectives and according to how they favor or affect us, the miraculous drops of water precipitated from the charged clouds...

In particular, I can say that since I was a child and saw rain fall, the verbs that immediately emerged from my brain were "to play" and "to dream"; and currently in these rainy days, when I enjoy the thick drops of water hitting my face continuously, surrounded by my wife and my 5 children, I know that now, everything is still the same in my thoughts and ideals; despite my aging bones...

In this sense, something strange happened to me in days past and I infer that this happened as a result of conjugating many verbs associated with what was previously mentioned; the question is that I do not know when I fell asleep, nor when I managed to wake up again.

But, at the end of the rain I was all soaked and exhausted, from so much enjoying the water playing along with my wife and my children; and for that reason, I still do not understand it, I was lying on the floor, resting and dreaming peacefully with them, between asleep and awake! Trying to look at the sky hidden by gray clouds...

My strange dreamlike awakening, occurred in the midst of a pleasant, delicious and relatively cold atmosphere, of soft light, gentle breeze and collective euphoria. "Wake up dreamer!" My wife told me; "your children are jumping on you and you do not react", she reproached me with her natural face illuminated with happiness, immediately stamped a loud kiss, with a nice smile drawn on her dampened and beautiful face...

"Wait a minute," I replied almost automatically, while removing from my chest the smallest and playful of my children; who at that moment, dozed listening to the irregular sounds of my happy, old and tired heart...

Later, as I got up from the floor, my daughter comes to help me and ask me: "Dad, do you have to go to work at Steemit?" I stared into her eyes with a surprised face, trying to smile and without haste to answer.

I really did not know what to say, because my drowsy mind was still shining and scheming with many convoluted dreams, almost emitting a beautiful Rainbow, similar to the one that crossed the sky at that precise moment...

Immediately, almost like a ray, verbal lights appear of to love, to live, to dream, to play, to laugh, to sing, to dance, to eat, to work, to win, to share, to enjoy, to improve, to succeed, to be happy and to help satisfactorily; among many other verbs that clustered together to seek a system of miraculous control of action, reaction and realism; in order to consolidate the tenuous colors of my idealistic dreams...

So, I take the question of my daughter and the fact of being there sharing with them, to consult their opinions and advice on Steemit (Steem) and Venezuela. And almost unintentionally, a small, interesting and friendly meeting began, the results of which I will summarize below:

.- The 4-year-old boy told me that Steemit should have good games, original and fun. About Venezuela, he just mentioned that he wanted to go for a walk, play, have fun and eat pizza, hamburger, hot dog, ice cream, candy, cookies and fruits, all the time...

.- The girl of 9 years, supported everything previously said by my youngest son. However, she added that she would like to be able to do her homework with the help of "those things that are published in Steemit"; but, she added that "there are very disordered and I have no way of getting the school information I need". In short, she asked me to "recommend to the gentlemen of Steemit, do something to order the educational information, as Wikipedia does". On the other hand, with regard to Venezuela, she just argued that it caused her a lot of pain to know about the many children who have died, others going hungry, sick in Venezuela and that if she could do it, how could she change that horrible situation...

.- The 14-year-old Teenager told me that Steemit should have a radio station and a television channel, both with varieties and sports and fun programs of a juvenile nature. From Venezuela, he thought that he was bothered by so many lies, excuses and incapacities of the corrupt and incapable government officials to solve the country's problems; and in his way of seeing things this government should be changed as soon as possible, because then it could be too late for all Venezuelans...

.- The 15-year-old teenager told me that he would like to see videos in Steemit or upload original videos, that they remain forever in the "blockchain", just as they do with the publications, or as seen in "YouTube" . As for Venezuela, he said that the corrupt, drug traffickers and criminals, civilians, police and military, are the ones who hurt the country the most; therefore, it recommends improving the application of true justice in a severe and timely manner, regardless of the civilian or military rank it has or the political or social position that the person commits crimes...

.- The 21 year old expressed that he would like to see Steemit have a valuable section with specialized content of University style or publications of professional experiences, which are deep "post", of innovation or serious research, for example in: Science, Engineering, Technology, Computing, Investments and Humanities, which have real and educational value for all users and professionals throughout the world... When talking about Venezuela, he was very sad to ask for the disappearance of hyperinflation and for the real improvement of salaries, wages and income of workers and professionals (with a minimum wage of more than US $ 1,000); as well as he asked that the insecurity and the shortage be finished and the food and medicinal products can be easily obtained...

.- My Wife, indicated to me that Steemit should admit advertising or another mechanism of real income to help themselves, fill or recover the "Rewards pool" and increase the payment in votes to the publications; especially, to be able to honor well the authors' fees for quality, good and original publications, articles and books (as if it were an online publisher) and thus have the possibility of reading excellent and varied books and novels, online and free of charge, because its authors would be well rewarded by Steemit... On the other hand, when speaking of Venezuela, she wanted more Love, Union, Courage, intelligence, honesty, ethics and commitment, and less fanaticism, ignorance, vices, conformism and mediocrities of the Venezuelans; to demand and promote the necessary changes that we are required...

For my part, I almost said nothing and just dreamed of open mind and eyes, while simultaneously listening carefully to their words, supporting what they said and wishing to have a "magic wand" to grant them all their eloquent and good wishes; and add many others that Steemit (Steem) and Venezuela deserve...

However, suddenly I felt a little sad, after the pleasant and interactive gathering; for that reason I tried to get away from them, almost muttering my own and others' sorrows, and asking God for his divine intervention.

At that moment, second by second and aupated by the water, some thoughts and sensations of serenity, rebellion, courage, self-control and euphoria, among others, began to germinate; and with them, many positive ideas climbed hills to encourage me to continue fighting and teach without rest, according to "Our Honest Dreams"...

That is to say, with ego exalted and very motivated, I was able to return almost immediately, together with my children to tell them some meaningful words, which were born from the deepest part of my heart, my soul and my mind; reason, to appease the spirits for the fears caused by the unfortunate chapters of the current situation of Venezuelan crisis and the negative events that underlie Steemit, coupled with the concern that causes us all the "health" of Steem ...

Then the tender hands of my wife and children were piled on top of mine, together with a breath of God, in a delicious breeze, of light and optimistic brotherhood; to orient my scarce wisdom, with diaphanous melody of gallantry, ethics and leadership to try to influence my brothers to unite and fight for a better future...

Later, late at night I write this "strange" publication between asleep and awake, with a smile of satisfaction, joy, happiness and hopes tattooed on my face; I praised myself and praised my wife and children for their remarkable intellects.

Then, remembering the words that they told me in the afternoon, made me feel very proud of them, because each one was able to analyze failures and consequently build a suitable future scenario of honesty, wisdom, justice and fairness; that invited to repeat it again; and if well applied, they could stop the possible destruction of Steemit (Steem) and Venezuela; to be exchanged the negatives made by a kind of progressive and self-sustaining growth...

Finally to return, several hours before publishing this letter to indicate, that after dinner together with my children, they tired of both play and have fun, they were rendered, deeply asleep, which tender little angels in the arms of Morpheus; as innocent Angels of God in struggle of kindness, in this Earth plagued by vices and evils...

And I must have culminated in this just moment, because my wife took my hands, caressing my hair, and whispered delights in my ears, inviting me to dream together; and she wanted to take me to bed (and I accepted with pleasure), asking for my tenderness with impish words and caresses; to then end that great day, embraced in a deep sleep of love...

Conclusion: From All of Us in Union Depends on the New Period of Rebirth and Greater Sustainable Growth of Steemit (Steem) and of Venezuela, which are Feasible and are Glimpsed on the Horizon, Together with the Good Vibes and News Announced and by Announcing... God Bless Everyone...

Source of All Images: https://giphy.com


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