Life boosters and happy places- A life changing tip

If you stop for a second and ask yourself how many sad moments you have had in your life, do you think you could find a number to answer the question? and what if I ask you about the Happiest moments of your life? could you tell me how many are those? As humans we are usually seeking happiness but we focused very often on the negative things that keeps us from getting to the ultimate goal in our life. Why is that? well I'm here to tell you a little bit of what i consider is a life downer, how to avoid them and also what are life boosters and happy places and how these can help you continue your way an this journey called life.
So What is a life downer?
Everyday, every hour we try to achieve something but there are mistakes, problems, obstacles and a lot of things that keeps us from getting to the place or state we want to be. All these things are Life downers, they pull you down to a place on yourself where you start feeling sorry for who you are and for every mistake you made. Life downers can show up on every corner, you might be a student, a worker, a secretary, a doctor, a police officer or just a family member and this kind of things will show up in your life, but you have to keep in mind that there are two ways to deal with life downers.
1- Its a mistake and it will happen again, theres is nothing you can do to get better and the only solution is to feel sorry for yourself.
2- Its a mistake and also a opportunity to try again an doit better this time.
I know the first one might not be as scary as the second one but let me tell you something, the first one is not going to make you achieve anything but a lazy attitude and a terrible self esteem.
The second way to look at life downers might cause some fear on you but believe me it is normal and it is the only sign that will let you know that if you try again you will be one step closer from solving your problems and achieving your goals or dreams.
What is a life booster and how to access them?
A life booster is the best thing I have found in my life to get happy during sad times in order to move forward to my dreams and overcome obstacles.
Life boosters can be:
A happy memory
Music of some kind that motivates you keep on track for your dreams.
A photograph of something that happend, a person or maybe an object that makes you keep working.
A phrase or an idea which strikes your heart like fuel strikes an engine and makes you star working again.
These are just some of the ones I have found but there might be others and I woul like to know which is yours down on the answers panel.
A few suggestions on how to access them are:
Stablish as a rule to run for that song, phrase, picture or happy memory everytime a problem comes knocking at your door. Force yourself to do it all the time and it will make your way easier to continue, to get the good juice you need to keep running faster towards your dreams.
Hope it works for you and let me know if there is something that I didn't mention and it works for you to overcome difficult situations in life. :D
Thank you for writing this. It relates to me on so many levels. I am at the state of life where I'm regretting the life decision that I made as a teenager, and it makes me dysfunctional. But fortunately, I came across seven amazing human beings, and these days, pictures and videos of them are some of the little things that keep me sane and happy. I never thought I would need them this much when I first knew of them.
@alt_universe thanks for stepping by. I'm glad that my post got to you. It is good that you realized how much you need them and that's not something to be ashame of, it is actually a proof that you have good people in your life and great memories with them to keep moving forward, make them your life boosters and remember you can do anything you whish for. Have an awesome day, you deserve it :D