A job or a diguised prison? how to know if you are actually living your passion

I decided to write this post because maybe the ideas and the story I'm about to tell you could actually help you to decide whether to stay on a situation of your life that actually you don't like or to move to something that you really enjoy. Believe me it's not as easy as it look and if you are going through something like it already then you will know what I'm saying.
My story Goes like this
A month ago I started a was finishing a contract with a company I used to work for, that company was one of the bes I could have been and I cand say this without a doubt because they cared about my emotional salary. Here on Venezuela most of the private companies are leaving because of the economy and other factor that threatens their stability on the market. This company could not give me an stable proposal for a job and so they decided to finish the working relationship with me. They were sad that I had to leave and so was I because I didn't know where to go from there. Of course I was already looking for new jobs but there is not so many places to go to work right now here on my country.
A new position or job offer came up and even though it was not my area of expertise, I decided to give it a try and I have to admit that I took the job because of the payment they were offering me, and that was my first mistake on a large list that came after that.
The new Job
I started this job at the collections dept of this new company and I was already under a constant presure from the very first day. That preasure was not comming from my supervisors, it came from my partners and myself. On this job I was supossed to achive a daily goal of 32 managements with a large list of clients who onwed money to our company. First days were hard, I didn't achive the goal, I felt frustrated and preasured by the other collectors too. I was burning out on this new job on the very first week and I wanted to quit but I decided to give it a try and push myself a little harder, always thinking that the problem could be all in my mind and in fact there were things that I could change, on the way I was looking at this new job but the space was has issues too. It was not a department to grow as a human being since the supervisors were alwasy worried on their own income and no the whole group's.
What did I do?
I took some advices from people on the job, my family and friends just to get an overview of my situation.
I put board all the positive and negative aspects that I considered on this job.
I asked myself if I was happy and if my dreams were possible by staying on that job.
I asked myself: Am I loosing more than the things I'm earning? (happines, money, health and others)
After answering those questions I came with a solution to my situation. I decided to give myself a month, learn everything I could and then just quit the job. I decided this beacuase I didn't feel good as a proffessional, felt tired all the time and I was getting a lot of stress. Even though this was happening I started acchieving the goal on my second week and made some good collections on my time there.
The decision
Even though the payment was promissing I decided to choose my happiness, mental health and dreams as a priority and I decided to quit and look for another job. I told myself that if I wanted a better income and time for myself and my dreams and projects I had to work for it but specially I had to enjoy working for it and not feeling like a prisoner for the next 6 months. I recently found a job on a new company where I got an even better proffessional environment to grow and be myself, besides it follows my career which education and Human Resources. I learned that there is time to do things right and maybe the road ahead of me will be even longer than the one I would have If I had stayed on the previous job, but I willing to take my chances in order to live my process happy and get there on my own terms.
So every time you find yourself on a situation like this one make sure you ask yourself the right questions in order continue your wonderful journey on this life.
And that's pretty much my post and story so far. Lets see how this job turns out =D.
Good job t
Thank you @hogata. Hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day