A small word with a lot of weight! "TRUST".

This is a small word but it contains in itself a great power, especially for relationships in all aspects such as business or personal relationships, trust is the fundamental and irreplaceable pillar to have good relationships.
One of the keys to growth and development is to develop trust, in the sales aspect generating trust with customers is essential. In other words, it is not just about a sale but about an experience, the beginning of something new, a dream, a desire or simply having something that was desired.

How can we build trust with our customers? We can build trust little by little, encountering other encounters, with the words and conversations we have with people, especially fulfilling the commitment regarding listening and validating what customers have to share with us. This also implies sincere and transparent follow-up, in a word, it is putting ourselves in their shoes to build a strong relationship that is not limited only to a transaction.
Gaining trust is very valuable as it is a fundamental tool that allows us to close deals, as sellers it allows us to connect people with their dreams. Without trust, agreements would be on a very fragile foundation, when we generate trust we are working on a very solid foundation and it will allow us to expand, these people who have already trusted us will recommend us, the doors will open wide and opportunities will present themselves to us one after another.