The Blockchain Freeze - "A Nation Cannot Survive Treason From Within"

in #steem6 years ago

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Block 23847548

The other day, when we were all talking about the blockchain freezing and literally causing a situation that caused irreversible financial damages to all Steemians, there were a few posts about his and pretty much that was the end of that story!

I recall not all that long ago, how many posts were floating around about a video that many found to be distasteful and all the time and energy invested in to them. Unfortunately this event obviously isn't something that many believe to be deserving of the same attention and effort.

However, so as not to be part of the "problem" and to ensure we can reflect upon the events and facts, with as little to no opinion as possible, I am writing up this post. In the hope that fellow Steemians can refer to it when and if necessary, as I truly hope that this event won't vanish into the smog of posts similar to those about videos that many don't like!

The other day I was chatting with @ironshield and I asked him if he was still planning on writing up a post about this attack on our blockchain potentially being an "inside job".

Which he mentioned that he would consider in the comment thread on his post:

Block 23847548, the Block Which Will Live in Infamy

To quote his exact words: ""Block 23847548 was an inside job." Hmm... maybe another post coming."

His answer to my question was
"Heh, I was thinking of parodying the..... "inside job" language.
You can go ahead with the post.
It was your idea first. "

and here I am.


Meaning, do we have a "traitor" or possibly a multitude of "traitors" in our midst?

There are several reasons that we don't hear about corporate espionage too often. If a corporation admits that it has been the victim of cloak and dagger activities, it appears vulnerable. This could potentially attract more freelance espionage on the basis of the company being an "easy target." It also shakes shareholder confidence. Corporate espionage is a much more compelling headline than an earnings report, so the news of a breach would almost certainly receive publicity that would cause the company's stock price to drop.


There are elements here that go much further than this, some that could actually lead a person to suspect that "Tortious interference" is at question.

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm.

Source Wikipedia

To better explain this here is a more detailed definition:

Business torts, also called "economic torts," are wrongful acts committed against business entities -- often intentional but sometimes due to negligence or recklessness -- that cause (or are likely to cause in the future) some kind of financial loss. They are not criminal offenses, although some business torts also may be charged as such (including restraint of trade in some cases). Businesses that are financially injured through the intentional or negligent act of another business or individual may seek monetary damages in civil court, although sometimes courts will issue injunctions ordering the defendant to cease certain unlawful activities.


I am sure that with a little more in depth research I could list pages of unfair, unlawful and possibly illegal terms that we could suspect as being relevant to the actions of the person or persons who committed the actions that caused our blockchain to freeze.

Rather than regurgitate all the information that was made available in the few posts about this event, I shall give a short summary, so as to fill those among us who have not yet familiarized themselves with the known facts.

Basically, a registered user ( I dare not call him/her a fellow Steemian at this point in time) had withdrawn -1,000,000,000,000 VESTS from vesting balance!

& by doing so caused our blockchain to freeze.

For a basic rundown on this with relevant names and snapshots, here is a simple and clear post:

"Why did STEEM blockchain froze ?"

Who was this user and with whom all did they have transactions with?

Well, this user account was created via anonsteem, so the creator of the account is unknown.

However, in the research into the accounts transactions, which was done by our fellow Steemian @isnochys, there were financial transactions that could lead a person to suspect one of our Witnesses. Although, these transactions do not "prove" anything as far as who exactly used the questionable account to do the withdraws of negative vesting, the conversations lead to a number of facts being put on the table. Again, none of which directly proved ownership. It was found that the Witness who had direct financial dealings with the account at question also had access to the account and was able to do financial transactions on his own on that account. So the only thing that was proven was that this witness could have done the transactions and nothing else.

Here is the link to the post: Who is nijeah?

The witness who had/has access to the account responded with an open letter, in which he states how he did not do these transactions.

Here is the link to the post: Open letter to the harassers and anyone else paying attention, RE: Blockchain freeze

All I can say is that based on the comment threads and information supplied, this doesn't look good, no matter which way one looks at it.


There are many other things going on that many have not spoken up about, all of which are facts.

A number of our witnesses here were once on Bitshares, a creation of Dan Larimar, who then followed Dan to Steem and who in large numbers are now producers and decision makers in EOS.

There are a number of users here who enjoyed the hey day when "mining Steem" was the way it was, an issue that is something many a Steemian cannot get over!

"......the mining was not competitive. It was at near-zero cost, based on asymmetric and privileged information, and therefore very much unlike competitive mining that takes place over a significant period when there is ample opportunity for information to disseminate (and the developers are not admittedly and deliberately exploiting their exclusive access to that information to gain a very large non-competitive advantage)......"


Why am I mentioning this?

Well, the fact of the matter is that the EOS code had this issue covered, namely this type of transaction would not affect EOS.

So it could be logical to suspect how the person responsible for our blockchain freezing is familiar with this fact, more so importantly is familiar with the fact how our Steem blockchain did not foresee this potential problem!

Not, opinion, just logic being applied based upon facts that are undeniable.

What all is going on in our market that could have been affected by causing these irreversible financial damages to Steemians?

Well, for starters there is Dans announced "Steemit 2.0"


steem20 dan.png

Which now, from the looks of things shall be on Bitshares and not on EOS?

Rather interesting, considering the heat that was put on those who hold decision making positions on Steem and on EOS!

Yet, it was definitely "insinuated" that his "Steem 2.0" shall be on EOS and there was no mention of Bitshares.

ref: DAN Announced STEEM 2.0!


From what we can see Bitshares shall be a very large part of EOS's intricate web of "front ends"!

So by Dans announced "Steem 2.0" being on Bitshares, it really doesn't change a thing, just a potential "smoke bomb" to make it difficult for people to see the truth and at the same time to help ensure those who are by his side can further confuse Steemians by making claims that do not hold water in this 'dog eat dog' business world.

ref: Bitshares, EOS, and STEEM 2.0????

So as Dan announces his upcoming "Steem 2.0" under who knows what exact "name" on Bitshares which shall be interlinked with EOS an outright ATTACK on our blockchain occurs via a Steemit account that was created via anonsteem and hence ownership cannot be proven/known.

Who all has access to this "anonymously owned" account, apart from the one Steem Witness who stated that he has access to it?

As far as Dan and his EOS go, I won't say anything else except this:

Their EoS can be frozen
For any reason, just write a dispute case
Or just one day sad your EoS is gone
Article 15 removed but why was it there
3 years - no transaction - your eos taken..GONE


What all other little surprises did you have in mind for your "investors" and how all were you planning on looking after your loyal little servants who do as you tell them to do?

Luckily for us, Steem is becoming more independent every day, this little saga with the blockchain freezing proved that we do have the tools in place so as to ensure NOTHING AND NO BODY on this earth can stop us!

We have seen bad times, we have seen good times, we have survived Dan and scam days, only to become a lot stronger!

So, no matter when we discover THE WHOLE TRUTH about who all was involved and what all transpired, let it be known that sooner or later as is already happening in EOS, where some people are picking each others eyes out for spotting the "little surprises" that Dan included, like the above example, someone in EOS/Bitshares shall let the truth leak out into the open and GAME ON!

So was it an inside job?


I sincerely hope that one day, when it all comes out into the open, that this post shall be remembered by someone who shall be open and upfront enough to mention it!

Thanks for reading and may this one be archived for future reference, when the time comes for it.


Good post @jackmiller, you said it better than I would! Thanks for including our conversation and my post, I appreciate your transparency!

Well, the fact of the matter is that the EOS code had this issue covered, namely this type of transaction would not affect EOS.

Do you think this may have been a statement, something like saying "Look how unstable STEEM is, EOS doesn't have this vulnerability." ?

It's my opinion that it doesn't matter, EOS likely has it's own issues, even if they haven't been discovered yet. That's not really a slam agains EOS, that's just the way things work. There are always bugs that get discovered the HARD WAY.

Even if EOS is more mature newer and updated, doesn't automatically make it better. STEEM is established and growing and actually doing something. EOS right now is just an investor's coin. Part of people's portfolio. The EOS excitement is quieting down while STEEM is about to bound up. SMT's are coming and communities. Hang on, this rocket moves fast. Destination: moon.


I don't see how EOS is "more mature" than Steem which has been alive and kicking for just over 2 years now!

But yeah, I do think that some of those in Dans klan (every pun intended with the K instead of C) are a little upset that things are not going as planned over in their little EOS mothers club meetings!


You're right, EOS is a baby, certainly not 'more mature'. I should say 'newer'. @ironshield

I think EOS is disappointing a lot of folk. Steemit 2.0 will utilize the blockchain that the community has chosen and supports - this blockchain! HF20 and beyond. @ironshield

Very sad. This traitor needs to be caught and his wings cut into normalcy. How sad that people could go any mile to damage a good course.

original meme by @whatsup

I've lately wondered if there's a small group of mobsters on steemit...3o6Zt7Esrorq22OiGY.gif

I can watch that gif all day.

Nice frend

Great article! Steem really is getting bigger and better, I have noticed a positive change in just the 2 months I have been here on steemit.

excellent post and thanks for the information @jackmiller always keeping us informed. According to what he says, this stops a work like the Trojan horse, the situation is very delicate.

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