Things STEEM should implement to really go big - from old SEM/SEO manager PoV.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

If someboy missed - im an oldschool SEO/marketing guy. Check my nick and my initial post here if you want to check my credibility.

So during last days i have been checking STEEM and here is what STEEM needs IMO to go really good and bring money in.

Fix writing editor.

I know you are all techy, but people are not. We need rich editor, we dont want to know whats running below it. Heard of BTC killer app? Its the one that people dont even know BTC is on the inside.
You dont want people to know how complex coding is below the posts.

Fix duplicates

Steemit and steemd duplicate each other. Please use canonical links. They allow to copy content while actually giving power to 1 source.


Thats how forums get traffic this days - signatures. We are something between Reddit & Forums. Please add signatures - you will see more posts, because people will be able to advertize easily.

Ref links

I know site has them, i know you dont have ways to monetize this but.. Let people have the numbers in their account of people referred.
Also.. i know this will be centralized a bit - but allow known users to get somethign for refs. I dont mean all users, but you guys chill on some channels - if some user is known to you an legit, let him some stuff for referals that are active.
Even if he made his own accounts - as long as they are active - its good for STEEM.


Why ther is no spot in "wallet" saying how much i have from my posts now? I know it changes, people downvote or upvote. But reall - people love numbers. Make this available in wallet part.


Let people buy ads on site by paying with STEEM. This will make price of STEEM better. Later on let people having enough SP to not see ads.
IMO there is enoguh users to sell ad space.


You should follow Wikipedia a bit and allow ease internlinking between sites part. Ie make some tag that interlinks to STEEM. For example $SEO would interlink to


Let people have avatars, i understand there is some barrier in technology but let it even be centralized. People love to have their looks this days.

Get merchants to accept STEEM

I could accept STEEM for half-year subscription to my blog - would anybody be interested?
Even if not, merchants are good. Even if nobody pays - this is extra advertisment.

This points should be your roadmap and if you fill them, IMO this is gonna go big.

Do not treat this as info of guys who knows it all - as i do not. But i have seen many new sites and took profits (read original post how we made 1st Pinterest bot) of them, so i know what i am talking about :)


Against any ads and signatures. That is spam in every comment. Motivation should be adjusted by rewarding system and not violates UX.

Almost every single thing you stated is on our roadmap.

  1. Steemd should already be using canonical links pointing to steemit
  2. Marchants should accept Steem Dollars (not steem)
  3. Ads are a touchy subject, many people like Steem because it is ad free
  4. Medium style editor is a high priority

...5. Steemit will continue to be awesome

I think the ad idea is good. Ad free is cool but if we get paid more from having ads that is cooler.

couldn't ads be our choice?

sorry i have not read roadmap (dont know if its public or not)

just my pure thoughts and ideas

Good points, most of them are in our pipeline except signatures and ads - signatures that are basically ads and if we ever allow ads on, I think they would be required to be payed in steem, so all long term holders will benefit from the steem price rise. Allowing signatures would mean just a free advertising for those who use them without any benefit to the community or Steemit, Inc.

Where the obsession with ads comes from? Usually everybody tells that they hate ads. For once we have a platform that doesn't require any ads – it runs just fine without them. Let's keep Steemit that way, it's a great way to distinguish us from everything else out there.

Of course anyone can create a new UI for Steem if they really think that there is demand for ad infused Steem user experience. But I'll rather use UI that is ad free.

That's an interesting idea...two versions of the UI, one with adds and one without. Better yet, how about one UI that has user configured quantity of ads to be displayed. Maybe rewards for viewing/curating content could be tied to displaying of ads.

Good post. But I won't up-vote since @ned voted already, and too early.

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