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RE: Gotto Love Steem When It Moons!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Almost one day of green candles all around. I love when the green candles are bigger for the coins that we own :-)

On one hand we have people calling the bottom and on the other we have bears looking for 3-4K. Whatever the case maybe I just took a look a @kingscrown post where he compared the last years price of BTC on this date to this years - more than double. Gotta love this market for its highs and lows because we never have a dull moment here :-)


It's amazing how it's still pumping. I didn't expect it to last this long. :D

Gotta love this market for its highs and lows because we never have a dull moment here :-)

Correct. Never a dull moment in crypto I tell ya. ;)

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