Decentralized Front-End Woes
I'm using to write this, which should tell you several things. One of which is my grievance with decentralization - depending on who you are, your interface instrument/front-end to the blockchain could suck more or less than the one I'm using.
It comes with notifications - but the irritating part is that it claims some of my topics are invalid, which means by some metric I'm stiffled from trendsetting.
Marshall Brain (got rich off iirc) broke my mind a long time ago with Manna.
America was no different from a third world nation. With the arrival of robots, tens of millions of people lost their minimum wage jobs and the wealth concentrated so quickly. The rich controlled America's bureaucracy, military, businesses and natural resources, and the unemployed masses lived in terrafoam, cut off from any opportunity to change their situation. There was the facade of "free elections," but only candidates supported by the rich could ever get on the ballot. The government was completely controlled by the rich, as were the robotic security forces, the military and the intelligence organizations. American democracy had morphed into a third world dictatorship ruled by the wealthy elite.
Like a LONG time ago - pre-Obama. I think I had played Half-Life2 and had my first experience with drones flying around an urban setting.
Steem reminds me a lot of how the Australia Project economy "worked" - at least the first manifested step that I've gotten to participate in. The "you can spam my inbox for a little steem" seems REALLY undersold - and we should be able to set the height of the paywall that will trigger notification... Their distribution was Utopian Basic Income
But with the way I see things
There's a bit that he talked about I've been waiting to see come about, and steem front-ends is a great place for it:
In that case, the designer gained a great deal of notoriety, won accolades and awards, and so on. This designer would appear in design shows and people would breathlessly await new designs. At the same time, another designer could have a very small group of passionate followers. Both designers had the chance to do their thing, and any new designer could break out into the mainstream at any moment simply by drawing something that caught the public's attention. It meant an amazing level of creativity and innovation in every product category
I've decided to help Sir Francis Steemengen take over his town. Since #Deadwood has been recently re-primed and is "officially over" - it's ripe for a #memejack and archetypically rich as fuck.
Wild-West maps beautifully to Crypto, and the normies are on the verge of grokking Content is Gold and the crypto-mining and all of it...
We're at the stage of identifying and branding the "shovels" of mining and - to the woe of Mr. Hearst - organizing that ish. The front-end Interface you use to access the blockchain is a "brand of shovel" in this context.
As @allseeingewe and @truthstreammedia are currently demonstrating - we don't have a good set of shovels to hand high-profile onboarding. We barely can manage to hand them the keys.
#steempunkradio is now the virtual saloon tag - a memetic anchor to hold a Venn circle of content aspect. Use it when discussing things that resonate with your reading of this situation.
Highly rEsteemed!
LOT4 ... A Riot!