in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Do you think creative output has a chance on DTube or is this only for crypto / steem related chatter?

▶️ DTube

Valid question man. I think what we have now is various initiatives to focus on trying to get people to post in general anything. I guess that is a good way to encourage people to start, however, at some point folks, the quality and usefulness of the content has to improve. You have to up your game. Improve that shitty cell phone audio with a bit of a better mic. Work on a bit better editing. Try new things and grow and expand. I believe I've seen that very thing with your own work man. Your videos have grown, improved and changed over time. You've experimented and tried new things. Played with colors, black and white, hyper-lapse, you bought a gimbal, etc. We need more improvement....myself included.

So much agree.
I don't hope for significant improvement of the content, unless the community members start to use FLAGS more often, on the truly shitty clips. Which I don not see at all yet.
What worst can happen to someone who uploads a shaky, out of focus, terrible sound or just meaningless video?
Well, he may not get that fat upvote from Nathan or DTUBE itself, but yet a bunch of bots and friends will generate him 0.50- 1 Steem, maybe even more.
But, at the risk of harvesting flags, loosing rewards and deteriorating his reputation - maybe many will think twice before hitting that "upload" button.
Are we all so much afraid to run into flag-war?

Just came across another clip on TRENDING page (to bad that MUTE function seems to be not working for me on DTube's page), a perfect example of "low quality" work (as I understand this).
Bad sharpness of the picture, often just out of focus, very shaky, low resolution, terrible sound, non-existing white-balance, almost 6 (six ?!) minutes long, and has nothing to say. And you know what?
After just two hours since its been uploaded - over 220+ upvotes, 19 congratulating comments ( not a single critics), and impressive $19 of rewards

People see all this, see how it works.
Naturally, expect to see more and more of "works" like this.

I have not put my flag there yet (As I just simply disagree with the rewards.)

I have another full 7 days for doing this.
I just curious to see, how far it will go.

@onealfa I'm down for the flagging as well. Specially on those kids who can't take a flag because they revenge flag all the posts from the flagger.

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Thank you so much for writing a meaningful comment.

It's easy for people to say why quality content is missing the support but we're in a early days of building Dtube and first thing we need to focus on building strong community. So everyone will be given time and opportunity to join our community.

I've been focusing engagement here on Dtube and delegated large amount of SP to individuals to level up engagement to provide feedback to other creators to grow and unfortunately most people had their own projects in their mind.

I left Discord and I've introduce #SNAPfeedback to give feedback to other creators to grow. But still people are only commenting on their best friends content. So I decided to go all in with engagement myself.

I just saw your comment on someone else's post where you told the guy this is shit content. If members in our community start comment on others content then we'll have 2 million users in 6/7 months time but everyone focusing on how to get rewarded from 2 million SP that Dtube has.

People to need to think long term and Dtube need to so much make sure that Dtube is community driven and promise some future stake in Dtube Token economy.

Talk to you soon buddy!


@captainbob thanks for watching and replying. I agree with what you say, however my core question was if DTube is more for crypto shilling / fudding related videos, or if there really is people who want to consume real entertainment and creativity here?. And I'm not talking about upvotes. I'm talking about REAL engagement (just like your comment, or @onealpha's). I have seen great creators losing their momentum mainly due to the fact here people seem to engage in a shallow way, only looking for the damn upvote in the comment. I myself look at most of the steem shill / fud content as another way to just get the damn upvote from big accounts.

There seems to be no true receptivity for creative content here, and I want to change that.

By the way, I have seen so many shitty quality videos on other platforms (bad audio, bad shaky footage, but rich on story or creativity) which were released at the right time and had a big impact on myself and many other people (judging by the engagement they received). I guess it all goes down to the people's taste... no everyone likes B movies, or European cinema... most people prefer mainstream Hollywood, and only because it is the kind of movies that get the biggest marketing budget, they have brainwahsed us into liking the same fast food-like style into most of us.


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While many people try to believe that DTube will replace YouTube, I think people need to understand the motivations of people that are here vs YouTube. On YouTube, you don't get paid for commenting and all that and so people go there for genuine entertainment unless they have another agenda. On DTube, people want their content to be seen, but also have money, upvotes, success of this blockchain on their mind and that changes their wants from this platform. It doesn't mean it is wrong or any of that, it just means that users come here for a different reason than YouTube. Because of these needs, I don't think people are totally open to simply enjoying the content on this platform like they are on YouTube.

There is something interesting a noticed. There is a user on DTube that copies popular videos from other social media sites like YouTube and posts them onto DTube. The weird thing is, if I saw those videos on my YouTube feed, I would feel a strong urge to watch the video because it looks so enticing. However, when I see that same video on DTube, I actually don't feel that strong desire to watch the video. So basically, the same video on YouTube that really entices me to click and watch will create a different feeling (one of disinterest) if it is posted on DTube. I don't know why... Something about YouTube makes me want to watch it more over there than here.

We can't say what content is good or bad, but we can tell which content is engaging and not. There are plenty of videos that are not the best quality, but go viral and other videos with professional production teams that get hardly any views.

I think DTube is similar to Vimeo. Vimeo is full of content creators and videographers trying to get noticed. Very few people go to Vimeo just to watch videos for entertainment. The ones that do watch videos are mentally occupied with their own content and success to actually fully engage with other people's content even if it is really high quality. I think most people over there would only watch other videos casually if they have the time but it isn't a priority. Likewise, most people don't use LinkedIn to just make friends. Their personal gain is always in the back of their mind. Meanwhile, cat videos get millions of views, comments and shares from YouTube with very poor production quality.

YouTuber User's Priority: Entertainment
DTube/Vimeo User's Priority: Exposure/Financial Gain

That doesn't mean DTube will fail. It just means it isn't designed to replace YouTube. There may be a new innovative use for DTube that can trump YouTube that we haven't tapped into yet.

Nailed it. You very concisely hit something that I didn’t really have the words for. You get so involved with your own content that you fail to make time for others and there is an understood, but unspoken reality that creators are here to promote their own content and have to operate with that understanding at the core of their actions. I think what I’m seeing more frequently is the incentive to pander towards whales is driving those creators towards less interesting content and that is effecting how I engage.

Thanks for the post. Just hit a lot of things I’ve been thinking of.

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Interesting way to see the difference between the two. I think we are too soon in to be able to say definitly. I believe DTube has a lot of change ahead as it grows.

@kenanqhd you couldn't have said it better. Thanks for the reply. 100% agreed.

Same principle applies to the whole ecosystem. In the end most interactions are fueled by money gaining.

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Yep, agree , much room for improvement. It takes time.
I have no doubt with time things will get better.
Much crypto rant? Yes. And this is so natural.
Maybe 80-90% of authors here on DTube have something to do with cryptos. Some are just obsessed, crypto-addicted (like myself). What much else can you expect from such authors?

This is natural. Will change.
We (and you, we all) got to be patient.

Hello @onealfa thanks for watching and replying. Yeah I totally understand the occassional and rational posts about crypto or steem prices. But when people start uploading content based on what the CEO of Steemit does or doesn't do, making bullshit shilling videos or hopeful / fudfuk analysis... that shit is just upvote harvesting, in my honest opinion. I understand creators need to adjust to their crowd, bur there's a thin line between adjusting your content and becoming the whales little b*tch

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Just my opinion but I think there is plenty of room for all types of content. The eyeballs will be here ready for diverse content.

@old-guy-photos thanks a lot for your input.

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I’ve hinted around at this before in posts, but this is by far my biggest frustration with this platform. I don’t come here to listen to people circle jerk each other on Steem price projections. I come here because there is this quality creative community. There is this culture developing on here that makes me think however that a newcomer would think the path to success in here would be to just pander as hard as possible to those big upvotes and if there’s one think I hate, it’s fucking pandering.

I rarely get significant upvotes and I’m mostly ok with it. Though I am kind of wondering why I never get the Dsound or Dtube votes anymore, but I don’t really want to navigate this complicated system of discord channels and shilling to get them. I just want to make music and get some good interactions.

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I don’t really want to navigate this complicated system of discord channels and shilling to get them

You have to do that shilling here (and on any platform) or you get nowhere. Make a 15 minute marketing effort for each video you publish and this will get better. Aside from discord - fb groups, twitter and linkedin work for this place.


There is a large difference in my eyes between promoting to get engagement and spamming 80 different Discord channels to get on a vote trail to get big votes. I’m not here for some big payday. I’m here for the engagement and what I’m noticing is that because so much on here is automated vote trails that even a big upvote has no guarantee of having any real engagement. For instance, my big Curie vote from last week netted over 800 upvotes, but only one substantive comment from outside my current circle of regular commenters. I agree with spending a little time sharing your work with people and not just hoping good things will come with no effort, but the current incentive structure feels off and I think that lack of substantive feedback and engagement is driving many people off this platform.

Just my 2 cents. I know I probably sound bitter but I’m mostly just this guy who has an idea of what I would like this platform to be (a place where historically underpaid creatives could thrive) and just a little frustrated it isn’t moving in the direction that made me want to join to begin with. Lately, It just feels like a place where people talk about Steem. It’s like going onto FB and people only discussing the current state of FB. Still with all that said, thanks for the feedback and cutting through my cynicism a little bit.

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bad thing is when the engagement is merely for upvotes ending up in a shallow ass-kissing without any kind of constructive feedback that's easily perceived as vote-begging by anyonw with two fingers of forehead. Same as wirh content creation when you adjust so much to what the crowd wants that it clearly says you are doing it for the money. Hell I could have written fucking EDM tracks instead of techno, but did I want to do that?. Fuck no!. I would have felt miserable as hell. I wonder if Pollock or Picasso or even Aphex Twin or Juan Atkins ever adjusted their artwork to what the crowd wanted. Hell no. They did what they wanted to. If they wouldn't have done what they wanted they wouldn't have been innovators, they would just have been another brick in the wall.

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Exactly. This is a pretty common trait with those in the techno community. We see pandering and we immediately take a dislike to it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say we’d get along in real life pretty well.

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I like to see everything on here. I would really like to see more personal vlogs so I can get to know people on here better. The thing I can't learn anywhere else is who the person behind the account really is. I think that is the most valuable thing people have to offer.

True that but then again very few people show what their real life looks like. Having said that I must admit that all vloggers I've personally met from DTube are the real deal in real life.

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Hi, personally as I'm very new here. I think yes there is. But I want to get to know or try understand were different people are coming from. So sometimes that takes time. But Even though 100% in on DTube, I signed up a Vimeo Account and I will still post on Youtube, because to get quality people here sometimes you gotta get found in different platforms. Anyway great work keep it up Aloha, Rich

thanks a lot for your feedback @sharkenvy. I wish you a fulfilling creative journey on DTube. While it's key to know your audience I believe it's of utmost importance to stay true to your values in order to unleash true creativity.

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Very good point and legit question. I think its a combo of Crypto talk and everything else.

There are plenty of people who do Dtube for strictly creative outlets. Doing plank contest, drawing, eating out, travelling etc..etc..

But there are plenty who try to talk only crytpo and try to get big upvotes from whales.
No question.


Exactly, which begs the question: is this a platform where creatives can thrive and build a follower base?. And by creative I mean actually creating stuff, because a one minute plank video, or eating out is not creativity, unless you apply the creativity in the edition and post production phase...

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Blah blah... How is the price of steem going?
Haha just joking
Very well asked. I believe in Dtube, because I believe in the power of video, and maybe Dtube could become bigger than Steem and becomes its own blockchain. But in its current form it is still not good for creative creators. We need better quality resolution and fps, better reliability, longterm storage etc... It will come. 👍

hahaha @hedac thanks a lot for replying.

I value your feedback because you have touched very valid technical points (specially the FPS) which may have been ignored and could definitively positively impact the creative community of the platform. Thank you :)

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yeah... 50 or 60 fps is cool, feels more real. And it is good for fast moving scenes for example your hyperlapses ;)

PD: I got Pris a new little thing for her birthday so she can start vlogging soon. It should arrive any day now. Can't wait :)

omg! cant wait to see what it is!!!

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