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RE: Do Not Be Fooled By Bulls**t: STEEM Is The Real Deal!!!! You Will Be Well Compensated For Being Here So Early!!!

in #steem7 years ago

What always makes me smirk and shake my head, is when these financial investment EXPERTS say.. don't invest in cryptocurrency... it's too risky... it's a bubble, etc, etc and on and on...

But wait?! Isn't the stock market risky? Aren't there still people like Bernie Madoff out there waiting to help you invest your money? Wasn't there a housing bubble about 9 years ago?

Wait! Isn't there a subprime auto loan bubble? A student loan bubble?

Or the credit card bubble?

Just because they (the so-called experts) don't and can't understand cryptocurrency doesn't mean it's bad or you shouldn't research it.

Who remembers when amazon came on the scene? EXPERTS said.. Oh no one will buy their items online! Oh, yeah.. pfffttt who's gonna buy books ONLINE (which is how amazon started) when they can go into the bookstore down the road?
Yeah, the experts had that one spot on correct.


Imo they are all liars. They KNOW crypto is not a bubble or merely pretend tokens. They want to sell people on the idea it's a bad investment so they can sell stocks in bad investments, meanwhile come in and gobble up that crypto. They think, anyway.

I lived in California when the housing bubble burst. $700,000 homes devalued to $300,000 overnight. On top of that, co-workers within 5 yrs of retiring went from a couple hundred in 401ks down to 20-30 thousand seemingly overnight. Why? Because when you sign up for a 401k at many (most I'm guessing) jobs, you get a short list of options. They're usually all mutual funds or bonds. Collections of companies invested in which you have no actual decision in. The decision was up to that mutual fund who would pick a fortune 500 pack of businesses, which happened to be those too big to fail mortgage lenders that created that bubble with subprime mortgages.

Crypto gives us power to invest in the future we want to support. If something is fishy, we can move to another pond. We are not stuck in a cesspool.

New technology always affraid money making corp. It change their business model and it take effort to make money.... Who do that except the 99%?
So, sure, expert say it's a bubble, it take effort to get involve.

EVERYTHING is technically a bubble to some degree.
I believe what bothers them most are:

  1. They have no control over cryptocurrency and big bank NEED to have the FDIC backing claim so they can say "your money is safe with us"
  2. Cryptocurrency is pulling many younger investors out of the stock market and retirement funds (401ks were invented to subsidize pensions; which are RARELY offered by companies anymore)
  3. It's more of an abstract "investment" versus a concrete one that for some reason give the general public and investors a sense of false security.
    Hate to say it but "concrete" investments can falter and fail easily too... we've seen it happen

They say everyone do not invest, but in the background they are all trying to squeeze in the market ASAP. Big times coming!

love your name and pic! lust for life is amazing. the stooges are one of my favorite bands. i worshipped iggy in high school lol.

Funny thing is that the same analysts who are completely against blockchain will slowly but surely come around and start pouring in money. That will create a bubble. In fact the increasing interest in altcoins and ICOs is creating a bubble which may correct in the short term but it will rebound after that (remember dot com bubble and how the tech companies eventually rule the world now) and there is no way that blockchain can be stopped in the long run - either the technology or the price of the best coins

All valid point @goldendawne.

We so what the banksters create all over the place. Yet in the one area they really arent doing it, the media attacks it as such. No surprise since crypto and blockchain is such a threat to them.

Yes, I can't wait until cryptocurrencies start giving out loans... letting you purchase large ticket items without having to go through credit checks because of the bubbles that ruined everyone's credit. Once this starts happening the big banks, their investors and all the overpaid CEO's, CFO's, etc are going to literally be bending over backwards for so-called regular people to come back to them. But alas... too little, too late

I am more excited to see the wealth created from cryptocurrencies where people are making hundreds and thousands of dollars per month simply by getting paid for all that they do. For example, how would it change people's lives if every time they clicked on an ad, they received a piece of the click value? We already see a decentralized search engine paying people to use it (albeit in beta stage so really only an interface).

What is people didnt need credit? I foresee more of a user based economy instead of an ownership economy. Why own when you can use something for a fraction of the cost, especially if it is automated.

Oh MAN! YES! that would be the way of the future, wouldn't it?
What an innovative way to view it- I had never considered such plan/theory.


I am thinking of writing a series of posts about what life will be like in 2025 and how blockchain and other technologies will affect things.

People think that life is meant to get more expensive, it isnt. That is a result of the banksters inflating things. Technology or digitizing things actually makes it a lot cheaper....the price of everything drops a great deal.

Marvelous!!! Can't wait to see the series. We all have our visions, expectations and dreams, and I'm looking forward to how you are visualizing the next decade and the impact cryptocurrency will have on the financial, technological and physical aspects of the future.

Oh, now you have me excited! (as if I wasn't already because of steemit!)

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