RE: Lextenebris ZAP - 20180330t165546419z
Oh, I wouldn't go that far.
But then I'm the guy going through two month old to two year old posts trying to find out what this place was intended to be, and reading all the back and forth comments, which means I'm reading some of your so called feces wall-scrawl. :)
I read the comments you had on a post (steemitblog maybe?) where others, witnesses, devs, both, were trying to tell you why things were done the way they were while you were telling them, essentially, okay, but what you've done isn't stopping that, or it's doing the opposite of what you want it to, so why do it?
I don't claim to know what needs to be done to make things work, to incentivize behavior or execute sound game theory. But I can take the 30,000 ft view and say, these are the things we want to have happen, they're not, how do we get there, and who knows how if you don't? When no one seems to know, or no one seems to care that they don't know, so they keep offering solutions that work at the edges but don't solve the core issues, it's very frustrating to me.
It's got to be magnitudes higher of frustration for you.
So, I guess I'm saying, keep on digging and scrawling for as long as you can maintain sanity, because it helps others like me who question what's going on realize that were actually the sane ones. :)
You know, the question of "intent" is really big and really important – and even after having read the white paper and the blue paper, a couple of years of random discussion from creators and those involved, and getting elbow deep in the ugly, messy, red and gooey guts of it all, I don't think I actually understand anymore than you do.
And if I am remembering the discussion you're referring to, a good chunk of my perplexity could be tracked back to the fact that it was obvious that the mechanisms in place would lead to exactly the kinds of behavior and activity that we are being told is undesirable. If you look at my comments on the proposed content of hardfork 20, you'll see exactly the same thing.
I am currently scrolling some very pretty pictures of the network of delegation transfers for the last week. If I can make this graph turn out to be tolerably readable, I will go the extra mile and see if I keep double the number of transfers that are being visualized.
In the process, I'm doing what I can to cut out the big, obvious bots and major services on the platform. That step alone is probably unnecessary, but it's interesting. Even looking at some of the preliminary, quite broken imagery I can see major islands of activity forming with very strong centroids. That's the sort of thing that you simultaneously really want and dread to see, because after the filtering, what you have left are supposedly non-bots.
Research continues.