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RE: Statement on fork 0.22.888 / 0.22.8888

in #steem5 years ago

Do you really think our votes are worth anything in electing who gets a top 20 witness spot? They never have been and probably never will be, nobody on the top 20 is going to miss your vote or my vote. Steemit has never been decentralized as neither will be Hive, we have to live with that, what the big guys do, they do, we have no say in it.


That is incorrect. We have a voice and we can confront them in the open arena. They will have to answer our questions or out themselves as cowards

And, if they don't care to answer our questions? If they don't care about our opinions?

We continue to engage. The important thing is the manner in which we carry out that engagement.

Good luck with that, I truly hope it works out.

It isn't totally without effect.

I'm quite aware of the power dynamics or I wouldn't have posted. But, if it is as you say, what do you suggest?

I just let things happen as they will. Before the account that decided who was a top 20 witness was @freedom and now it is Justin Sun, same thing with a different name.

And how have their respective actions played out? I don't recall @freedom's annointed freezing anybody's stake.

Only if you don't want to remember, hell I am sure Justin Sun got the idea of freezing their accounts from them freezing his. There is absolutely no difference in the action taken by both. The previous witnesses said their soft fork was because of Justin's ninja mined stake, they did not worry about it for three and a half years when @freedom (ninja mined) voted for them. So you see both sides are equally rotten, no need to try to defend or back them.

Fair point, though for it to matter you must draw an equivalence between: a temporary freeze to enforce a community agreement regarding ninja mine and a freeze of earned/bought stake due to the reasons given for this softfork. I do not see these two things as even remotely close to equal.
They may be rotten, but you will see in my previous posts that I see more hope in working with a cartel of rotten gangsters than in relying on the good graces of a lard-emperor and his appointed ministers. So, again, another thing you think is equivalent that I do not.
Having said that, I'm still going to be on Steem continuing to support communities that remain. It's taking a while for the dust to settle to see what the landscape is like before I start delegating again. I am rebalancing my portfolio overall in all asset classes so yeah, I will powerdown for sometime longer.

No, look the witnesses were ok with the ninja mine, you see the top 20 were there because of @freedom, an account whose huge stake was ninja mined, and probably belongs to either @ned or @dan, personally I go for ned. They never did anything to neutralize @ned's ninja mined stake and only took umbrage when Sun bought it, if you ask me there is also some racism involved in this.

I like to believe it matters.
This may prove to be the catalyst for bringing people into awareness regarding the importance of voting for witnesses who are not easily purchased. Lots of small accounts can add up to a huge stake

It is the same in the real world you do vote for someone you think is right just to find out they are just another controlled by the elites politician.

I vote for @blockbothers and they stuck by their word.
I believe @Steemchiller if he were in the top twenty would stick by his word.

These are the kinds of people we need to find more of and support them.

There are good people in the world, we just need to find more of them and let others know who they are

Justin Sun has more voting power than all the rest of Steemit together, whoever he wants as top 20 witness is going to be there. I guess your vote or mine could have some value for those that don't aspire to top 20.

He most certainly has enough to put whoever he wants in those positions.
My thinking is that he will most likely withdraw his votes again when the platform becomes stable again and less vulnerable to those who would enjoy to see it fail.

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