The power of shared incentives - Presenting the Steem Business Alliance at the Global Block Builders conference

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

What happens when the users are the co-owners of the products they consume? Or when businesses share the same ecosystem and benefit from each other's individual success? In my presentation at the Global Block Builders conference, I tell my story of launching an idea (SteemPress) on the Steem blockchain in the light of my own experience of working to build ecosystems for innovation.

Watch my presentation at the Global Block Builders conference in Austin 2019

Steem has shown me something that I've never seen anywhere else. Something that, for once in the blockchain space, answers questions and solves problems that are truly relevant to our time. As the bull-market is (hopefully) returning, I strongly believe that embracing the concepts of platform business models with open innovation and co-creation is what can make Steem stand out as a unique opportunity for innovators, entrepreneurs, and enterprises looking to build better relationships with their userbase. As made evident by how projects like our own could go from idea to business in weeks, and how users that feel part of the overall community can play a part in growing the ecosystem, we can and should be able to jointly develop the most attractive blockchain for entrepreneurs and users alike. In a time where disrupting technologies are the biggest challenge/opportunity of our lifetime, can decentralized co-ownership models where the community can earn their share through contributing to development be the way forward instead of citizens relying on some form of universal basic income? These are the questions that get me up in the morning these days eager to build the Steem Business Alliance and bring more individuals to the blockchain with steempress!

A big thank you to @andrarchy for recording and editing the presentation! Although I wish that the lighting was better and that I had the sound on my microphone recorded to improve its quality, I hope you'll find the presentation still worth watching!

And please, let me know what you think is the attribute of Steem which has proved to provide opportunity and added benefits that you have not seen anywhere else. We need more and better-communicated success stories!!

Finally, with the participation of both prominent Steemians as well as technology companies looking to learn what opportunities exist in the blockchain space, the Global Block Builders conference proved to be a great place to announce the Steem Business Alliance as open to new members.

SBA website landing page.png
The new website for the Steem Business Alliance as it was launched the same day as my presentation

I hope the presentation has given you some more insight into what we are building with the Steem Business Alliance, and also a new perspective on what can drive the value of Steem further. If you want to learn more about the SBA, please see our previous posts on the @steemba account, or visit our website at If you believe that I add value with the work that I do, or share the vision presented in my talk, please consider voting for the @steempress witness.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and listen to my talk. Let's co-create the most attractive blockchain for users, developers and investors. One block at a time!


I think @fredrikaa gave one of the better presentations at the conference. Good speaker!

And SBA is gonna be great!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for saying that!
Yes I am hopeful that the SBA can do to Steem what the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance has been to Ether.

Hey I tried using Steem-Press with a free WordPress blog without any luck. Does it not work unless you have your own hosted WordPress site?

Yes, this is what's needed!

@frederikaa should just be made new steemit inc ceo, @ned should step down and choose a board of the top most talented people in science and technology online to use pieces of his stake, which he can split up like bill gates but just delegation, think about it.

Fantastic presentation. “One block at a time” indeed. Your fascination about the possibilities of STEEM make me excited for you and the SBA.
You are very wise and that comes across. Anyone can be smart, but you are wise my friend!

Did you manage to make some contacts who are interested in developing their business on the the STEEM blockchain, after your presentation?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for the positive feedback! I wish I had the opportunity do to a talk on the same topic somewhere with professional recording also of the sound and some different high-res angles. Could be a nice setting to provide to all the dApps on Steem so that they can make a professional recording to be shared also outside of Steem!

Yes I made some good contacts :) some of the non-Steem companies may have to wait though as we're still in the process of building the SBA to become capable of performing professional consulting. But we'll get there!

You’re welcome!
The coverage was ok really, the information came across. But I know what you mean.
You know I’m always interested to be a part of documenting the fantastic presentations that come out of STEEM (like the first London Crypto Currency Show ones I shot/edited when I first me you!)
So if there’s another great opportunity to get lots of STEEM business in one place to talk about their development, opportunities and the space in general like you did, for the benefit of the community, then I can put some video to work :)

Excellent you made useful contacts. Exciting times ahead!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's my intention that the SBA will organise its own event, something like a "Steem Business Summit", where the whole event is built around the maximum value output for the Steem-based business participating (alongside raising awareness of the business and investment opportunities in Steem for outside participants).

Then, making sure everyone comes away with a high-quality presentation, a product pitch etc will be a top priority. We're still some way off being capable of delivering that, but I think its a nice goal :).

Awesome to know you would be up for that!

That’s a super admirable goal! Loving the direction you’re taking things :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shout out to @aussieninja for capturing the side camera angle and @nateaguila for lending us his phone!

It was a big sacrifice. Possibly the hardest 15 minutes of my life. But I got through it, and I feel stronger for the experience.

If I have contributed in some way to others letting go of their phones for several, long minutes...then, by God, it’s all worth it.

Thank you, @aussieninja, for returning the radioactive warmth of my phone back to the warm embrace of my twitchy, trembling hand.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This comment just made my day 🤣 you humor is my fav... thanks for the epic, life changing sacrifice to ensure this moment happened 🤗

I do what I can.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are very, very welcome!
I thought you might miss your phone... the way you sprinted towards the door the micro-second the previous speaker finished screaming "Not that, anything but that" was a big clue. Also, you are really strong... I'm still impressed it took 5 of us to wrestle your phone off you... hopefully Ken's ear grows back.

Yup. Steroids is a big part of my diet. And raw cans of spinach.

I “passed” what’s left of the ear in case he wants it back. It’s hanging prominently on the trophy necklace I’m wearing.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ha! I could never ask another man to part with his poo-ear necklace. I'm not a monster.

He doesn't need it back, he's more streamlined than ever before... although I might ask you to even him out... the drag coefficient of his remaining ear has him running in circles. Or he just lacks balance now, who knows?



Posted using Partiko iOS

I am forever grateful for this selfless action!

Thank you for attending the conference, @fredrikaa. It was a pleasure having you and you did a great job on stage.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The pleasure was all mine to attend the event! Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to come together at such a great place to network and have a great time :)

Thank you for this valuable post. Thanks to @fredrika @steemba @andrarchy and @steempress all. They are all help to steemit users. Their experiances are very valuable to new steem users like me.

Posted using Partiko Android

What I love about Steem is that it is more than an open source blockchain for the development of applications; It is open source for business development. There are endless possibilities to create financial improvements in Steem. It is the perfect place for business creativity and the bear market has contributed to the birth of many ideas.

I love to see how so many people are creating in Steem, more than social media content, also amazing business ideas that when they mature, they will change humanity ...

Thanks for the work of bringing Steem to the moon

Such a great presentation!!
In our world, working ecosystem is now destroyed by many stimulate. We shoud over come this. And your idea is great and innovative!! This is very helpful to the new user like me! Thanks to @fredrika

Thank you for the comment! What's the part you found the most innovative?:)

Strongly agree,
Embracing concepts of platform business models with open innovation and co-creation will give opportunity to everyone willing to get involved.
It is always better to contribute at the same time earn a share of the effort made.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great spirit, great project !
As you know I am loving Steempress. This is exactly what we need to onboard more bloggers to the platform.
Thank you 🙏 @fredrikaa

Posted using Partiko iOS

The "secret recipe" of steem, that I haven't seen anywhere else, is the "reward pool", a kind of "community budget". It prods users to come together (see Steem Alliance also) and devise way to distribute rewards that are both fair and strategic

Indeed. Although I wish there were more clever apps with alternative ways to distribute more widely. When imsingle users have to make manual upvotes or choose to autovote a selected number of accounts, then we dont incentivise as wide of a participation as we could. This is an opportunity cost to Steem.

Increasing curation reward will allow more users with any stake at all to participate on wider distribution.

You just planted 0.10 tree(s)!

Thanks to @ucukertz

We have planted already
7567.41 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20892.74
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

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