Terus Berupaya Menaikkan Pendapatan/Continue to Attempt to Increase Revenue
Kebutuhan Manusia terus meningkat, seiring dengan munculnya produk baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, mulai dari kebutuhan akan pangan,sandang, papan,untuk manusia abad ini ketiga kebutuhan itu belum cukup, namun banyak kebutuhan yang harus terpenuhi, mulai dari kebutuhan pendidikan, alat Transportasi, alat komunikasi dan kebutuhan akan kesehatan serta seabrek kebutuhan yang lain.
Upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan harus terus di upayakan , seiring dengan terus meningkatnya kebutuhan hidup, walau pendapat utama telah ada, namun hendaknya jangan hanya mengandalkan dari satu sumber pendapatan,
Continue to Attempt to Increase Revenue
fityan (40) in steem • 33 minutes ago
Human needs continue to increase, along with the emergence of new products to meet their needs, ranging from the need for food, clothing, shelter, for humans this century the three needs are not enough, but many needs must be met, ranging from educational needs, transportation tools, tools communication and health needs and various other needs.
Efforts to increase income must continue to be pursued, along with the increasing need for life, even though the main opinion already exists, but should not rely solely on one source of income,