I'm still here and now that I finally have a break from the detestable psychology course, I can get back to posting again. Did I say I hate psychology? :)
I'm still here and now that I finally have a break from the detestable psychology course, I can get back to posting again. Did I say I hate psychology? :)
Wait, so you're wishing for more psychology?
Alas! The gif is broken... (Pronounced "giff" btw, with a hard "g") I wonder what Freud would say about this? :)
Dang it! We'll all have to watch the show again so we can see the episode.
I had some fairly techie friends, so I remember when GIFs came out. It wasn't a widely-used format, with most people preferring to use JPEG or even (gasp) PNG! It has only been in the last 5ish years that GIFs have really started to get mainstream. Now you'll see them in facebook feeds, etc.
It wasn't until they started getting popular that I first heard someone pronounce it with a hard G. I didn't know what they were talking about because for years everyone had said it like "JIF" not "GIF." They laughed at me and asked how I couldn't know. I said I had known what they were for years, but everyone used the soft G. That's when I learned there was a debate growing on it.
You're free to your own opinion of course, but for me the matter was settled when I read an article similar to this one https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/battle-over-gif-pronunciation-erupts/. The creator said, "It’s Pronounced ‘JIF’ not ‘GIF.’”
I get how people can argue over how a regular word is pronounced, but this is something the guy invented. The guy created GIFs, so he gets to decide how it's named.
If someone can be named Shithead, but their mom says it's pronounced Shi-theed," then ok. If someone wants to be called "Ileane" but spells it "Alien" who am I to tell her otherwise? You create it, you get to decide. At least that's how I see it. ;)
That being said, I know and like people from many walks of life, so no worries. :D
I was being funny with you about gif :) yes I did read his take on how it's pronounced back when the creator shared it, but everyone I knew when the net got popular used the hard "g" sound. I was as surprised as you were to hear people saying it another way, and floored when he announced the soft "g" as official.
I hope he gets a penny everytime one is used. :)