Another day

Another Dollar
Actually the price of STEEM is a bit less than a Dollar.
The price of
( as are all Alt-Coins)
appears to be connected to the Price of
That needs to
As long as the value of Steem is dependent upon the price of BitCoin then STEEM will never realize it's full potential.
Hopefully the new HardFork 20, the SMT's and the other doo-dads and Gizmo's that the Dev's are fevoriously working on will help to achieve that goal.
buy buy buy
i think steem will up after bitcoin rise, but this dependance most certanly end for sure
Time to power up, HODL everything, and hope for the best!
when have you ever NOT said that?
Probably never. It depends on what I'm working on, what I'm holding, and what my expectations are. Done well so far.
money isn't any good if you can't spend it.
If it cannot be spent, it is not money.
That's why gold has been spendable for 5,000 years.
The dumpsters of history are filled with "money". Gold is still here.
Money: a fungible, portable, store of value.
Fiat is not a store of value and is not money. A kilo of Bolivars, anyone?
The Dollar is a loan note from the Federal Reserve. We only pretend it is money.
fiat is debt
Doesn't bother me for the moment anyway. Just keep powering up and look to the future.
it's because most crypto in terms of worth is Bitcoin, all the SMTs in the world won't change that.
I hate seeing the alts shackled to Bitcoin.
We wait...and hope
I hope so too! When steem goes down the community seems to take a hit, if it were independent then it could grow like we know it can!