Hive chain coming is a SHAME TIME for Steem.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I always think Steem is a creators' social platform. But in past two years I joined here, I found I am absolutely wrong. Most of people come here only for MONEY. Only few of people persist writing intersting posts on Steem and coding useful tools for Steem.

Since most people come for money, let's talk about money. But first, I want to ask you guys a question.

Do you really think you will get MORE in HIVE chain under the top witnesses' Governance?

In the DPoS blockchain world, I think there are two nuclear weapons. One is blocking somebody's assets and the other is to let exchange vote. These two weapon will beat all people's confidence greatly. Confidence is the most important thing in the stock market. It is same in blockchain world. Because price is based on the confidence.

But unfortunately, the top witnesses use one of the nuclear weapons FIRST in this incidence.

As we all know, the ninja-mined stake is still in controversial state. In past serveral years, are the top witnesses do any real useful job for this? Do they make any soft fork after the Ned's promise? We can see that none of soft fork has submitted. So why do these people so decisive to make a soft fork to block assets after Justin Sun bought Steem Inc.? Is this two standard for the same thing?

In the blockchain world, code is everything. If human's promise is useful, why we use blockchain? In ninja-mined stake, top witnesses were seriously negligence for the benefit of the community. Now they tell all the community people they care about the benefit of the community after they blocked Justin Sun's asset. It's funny.

Do you believe that these people can govermant the new Hive chain better than Steem? They used to have over three years to make Steem better. But everybody see that Steem likes a sink boat day by day. The current Steem community is full of corruption. Who cause these things happen? And What do these people do for resolving the chaos?

I think these people can only fire people's emotions, make people angry, make people lose their minds, and then they can get votes from the people and last get the benefits they want. And all these thins are done under the guise of decentralization for the community.

As I said, code is everything in the blockchain world. Human's promise is shit. Don't trust any promise whatever the top witnesses or Justin Sun. Only when the promise becomes code, we make the decision.

Please keep peace, no anger, think carefully about it! We're adult, not kids.

Please trust your thought, trust yourself!

Nobody can protect your assets in the blockchain world unless the code!

PS: If the people who run the Hive chain persist fair and decentralized, please start Hive from 0 block and no airdrop.

PS: The people who are prepareing the Hive chain said Justin Sun bought Steem in a very low price. As I know, the buying contract always has a confidentiality agreement. So how do these people know that? Lying? No spirit of contract? Do you guys really trust them to run a fair and decentralized new chain?


Dear @ety001, @justyy

So why do these people so decisive to make a soft fork to block assets after Justin Sun bought Steem Inc.? Is this two standard for the same thing?

I've been wondering about it too. And it shocked me to discover lately, that blocktrades and their team have been working on new hive chain for past few weeks.

It made me wonder if entire steem community wasn't manipulated in a brilliant way. Was this conflict staged? It does look like an very well planned plot. Already weeks ago some witnesses and large stakeholders knew that hive will be coming. All they needed is to create conflict and encourage majority of people to follow them.

I wish to be wrong, however it's hard not to see it this way. I also feel fooled, since I voted on many old witnesses to show my own support to this cause.

What saddens me is that Witnesses made us all worry that Justin will destroy steem. And unfortunatelly it is being destroyed by those very people :( And on top of that so much steem will be dumped on the market - absolutely crashing investment of time and money of so many people who tried to build their businesses here.

Well, all we can do is ... adapt.
Yours, Piotr

I have to say it is a hard time for steem.

Ned made public statements that the ninja mined stake would be decentralised and used to develop the blockchain. Justin stated he wanted to sell it and reverse the plan that has stood for several years. This is why the softfork was implemented for Justin and not for Ned.

But Ned sell these stake to Justin. Does Ned keep his promise?

As I said, code is everything in blockchain world. This is the duty of witnesses. But witnesses lost their duty.

I don't trust them, they had 4 years to do great things in Steem and they never did anything, I don't think that in the new chain they will do something different. They will only benefit from the hive.
I stay here :)

I think it's important to clarify what you expect of a witness. Some expect them to develop the core protocol further. Others just to produce blocks and add value in other ways. In the past, it was difficult to develop the protocol because Steemit, inc controlled the Github repo and was already paying developers for code updates they thought were important (not necessarily updates the community valued). Witnesses trying to build SMTs or MIRA or Communities while Steemit was working on them does not make sense. Now, with Hive, there is no Steemit, inc so the community (including the witnesses) can move forward on their own. Staying on a centrally controlled blockchain seems like an odd choice to me since a blockchain is supposed to be decentralized. If one person can control everything, what use a blockchain?

You think community can make those dreams be true on Hive. But in past 4 years, it has been proved community cannot make those be true. Most people are busy getting benefits from big whale accounts in past 4 years.

HIVE Could Face a Massive Class Action Lawsuit for Intellectual Property Theft


A group of rogue members of the Steem blockchain community have unilaterally copied the intellectual property of millions of content creators without even the slightest decency to even attempt to seek their consent...

People tend to believe what they are told. Bad time for STEEM. If you are leaving STEEM then shut down your witness node. I love STEEM no matter what, thus I stay.

No matter what, even if all the witness nodes are controlled by one person? Is that even a blockchain?

Justin Sun, the majority of top 20 witnesses are run by him, most likely on one computer

You didn't read my post carefully. My post says the two nuclear weapon.
Currently some top witness's accounts are the remnants of war.

As the community stabilizes, those accounts will definitely be replaced by real people.

If this is not possible, I will scold him.

12/20 are fake witnesses, 1-2/20 are fake witnesses pretending to be real people, 1-2/20 are newly created legitimate accounts, 5/20 have been on Steem and active for many months. The majority of those accounts do not know how to properly run a witness and have had to receive help because they were breaking the chain, and at least 12 of those witnesses went offline yesterday. The one thing they all have in common is they are in the pocket of Sun letting him control them and through them the Steem chain meaning he can edit anything he wants to.

There are two more nuclear weapons you did not mention. One is to censor people's posts so others can not view them. The second is to centralize the chain by controlling all witnesses so you can delete posts, take funds, or do anything you want with the code of the blockchain

I mentioned two weapons to illustrate that it was the witnesses who first upgraded the conflict into war. And Justin took the same aggressive action as a counterattack. That's why you can see many fake witnesses in current witness list.

You said this will cause he can do anything he want. But this is just a theory. Justin bought Steem inc. not for fun. His purpose is to improve the Steem's value and then he can earn more money. I can't find any reason he would do those things you said. If he does that, then he is an idiot.

Let's put it another way. If you bought a company, but the first day you took office, you just issued a statement on the company's future planning, and then your shareholders were collectively voted to freeze your stock. What would you think? What would you do?

I would talk with my shareholders to ask why they froze those funds and how I could get them unfrozen.

I wouldn't attack my shareholders, make my employees resign, lie about the shareholders, refuse to talk to shareholders except occasionally, and after I've finished talking to them politely attack them publicly 5 minutes later. I also wouldn't pay people to pretend to be shareholders or censor what the shareholders say if I don't like it.

"His purpose is to improve the Steem's value and then he can earn more money." well, the creation in Hive showed that he unfortunately failed in that aspect. I mean, he's been the best marketing for Hive recently lol

The past witnesses may not be better than Justin?

Four years have passed. They got more benefit from some unknown big whale's accounts and what those people did?

If the Steem is running well, why Ned sold the compony.

Ned sold the company because he couldn't use the funds for himself because they were promised to the community. In the past 4 years many projects have been created on Steem and many changes have been made to Steem by witnesses. Idk why peiople think witnesses have done nothing and just sit around twiddling their funds while they make a lot of money. Idk why you would even have a problem with that since Sun said he was just here to make money.

Sun's sock puppets have negatively affected the blockchain because they are incorrectly run and even yesterday failed by turning off for a while. One of the witnesses in the top 20 he voted in had to ask help from the old witnesses how to run a backup server because he knew nothing about what he was doing.

Was there a time that the top 20 witnesses are voted by one single account freedom/pumpkin?
Is that even a blockchain that there is a centralised blacklist saying who should not get airdoped?

I'd like to run a steem witness as well, how do I get setup?

Dear @lukestokes

I like you. I really do. However Im finding it difficult to agree with you now. Right now we has steem, which was quite decentralized (for the first time ever) - because on one side you had group of witnesses working closely together and representing central power (under leadership of blocktrades). Additionally we had few witnesses/nodes run by Justin.

That was more decentralized than what we will have now:

  • steem fully controlled by one person
  • hive fully controlled by one group of people

None of it is remotly decentralized.

Yours, Piotr

Voting you for this position.

去掉了@steemit的ninja-mined stake ,还有@freedom以及许许多多人的ninja-mined stake 。





why do these people so decisive to make a soft fork to block assets after Justin Sun bought Steem Inc.? Is this two standard for the same thing?

They didn't do it in response to Justin Sun purchasing Steemit. They did it in response to Justin Sun using genesis stake for blockchain governance

That doesn't mean we should agree with what they did. If we don't trust them on Hive, we remove their witness votes and either start competition or vote for competition. This is the social experiment I was looking for when signing up with steem - the idea that stake holders choose representation (Distributed Proof of Stake). For DPoS to complete it's experiment, genesis stake can't be held by the creators for use in governance.

That doesn't mean I think Steem is evil, wrong, or bad. It does mean that Steem is no longer DPoS. It's straight forward Proof of Stake with a single stake holder making the decisions. That isn't what I signed up for.

I can't say if things will go well for hive or not, but it is the continuation of the experiment I was seeking to participate in.

Hopefully everyone can find what they are looking for and be successful with it

If we don't trust them on Hive, we remove their witness votes and either start competition or vote for competition. This is the social experiment I was looking for when signing up with steem

I agree this. But judging from the actual things in recent years, most people don't have enough wisdom to choose the people they support. In top 50 witnesses, I think there are many witnesses taking bribes like voting the users who voted them.

For DPoS to complete it's experiment, genesis stake can't be held by the creators for use in governance.

I agree this. I think the top 20 witnesses has power and duty to limit these stake at the beginning time. But they didn't do that and got benefit from that. That's why I said this is a two standard. When Justin purchased Steem Inc. and then they limited the stake. I'm not the fan of Justin. It's just that the witness's disgusting approach to me made me stand on the opposite side of Hive. Before Ned sold compony, I have powed down my steem power. I saw no hope then. The version 0.22.2 made me looking more carefully for that. So I won't go to Hive. I stay here now just sympathy.

Wish your last words be true.

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