Can You Justify Eating Meat?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


Well the short answer is yes, but let me explain first...

To justify eating meat you have to deny animals the right to life and in order not to be a hypocrite, or not to be logically/morally inconsistent, you also have to deny those rights to yourself. You may be confused or disagree "Well they're only animals", but ask your self if your consciousnesses was going to be transferred into the body of a cow, would you want to be treated the way that they are treated by the animal agriculture industries? If you responded by saying "No", then question why wouldn't you not want to be treated badly if you were only a cow? Aren't they only animals? See the justification that "They're are only animals" or any other justification is not valid, because you wouldn't accept it if they were used to deny the right of life to yourself.

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For example if you try to justify animal slaughter by using the justification "animals are less intelligent than humans". Would you accept to be slaughtered if you were disabled or had the same intelligence as a cow? If not, then it is logically inconsistent to use that justification for any other living being. This applies for all justifications, if you wouldn't accept a justification if used to deny yourself those rights then you cant use that same justification to deny any other sentient being those rights either. So every justification that you have used to excuse killing and eating animals, ask yourself if that justification was used to murder yourself, would you accept it?

If the answer is no for every justification and you still consume animal products, then you are no longer morally/logically consistent and the act of consuming animal products goes against and does not reflect you true moral beliefs. In conclusion, if you want to justify eating meat then you have to accept if someone else wanted to slaughter you and eat your flesh for that same justification, plus you would also have to accept all form of exploitation.

This is the reason why you will never find a vegan murderer, rapist or pedophile because veganism is not just a diet it is a philosophy built upon the foundation of treating others the way you would want to be treated. If everyone lived by this belief the world would be a much more peaceful place. So I urge you to look into veganism, and consider choosing a more healthy and ethical lifestyle if you desire more positive global change.

Thank you for reading, if you found this post eyeopening and has made you consider veganism a bit more please let me know in the comment bellow and express your opinions and views about this topic. If you like this type of content be sure to follow me for more content like this in the future, thank you and will see you in my next post :)


a mi me gusta la carne sin ella muero

No es eso lo que Soceity quiere que creas, comer carne no es saludable y castigar a los principales asesinos como el cáncer y las enfermedades del corazón. Además, el gusto o la exigencia no justifican el hacer algo mal, es como un violador que justifica sus actos inmorales al decir que se sintió bien.

gran parte tiene razon amigo pero estamos en un mundo de libertades

Well, to say you'll never find a vegan murderer is actually a bit off. A vegan, and animal rights activist in my country, Volkert van der Graaf, is actually incredibly hated for having murdered an upcoming politician. Van der Graaf was a radical leftist, and without concern for the enormous backlash and divide his actions might create in the Dutch nation and its politics, he went ahead and murdered Pim Fortuyn.

Now I might not have agreed with everything Fortuyn (the politician) said or thought, but to murder a man and therefore stifle the mouthpiece of an idea is absolutely disgusting.

Of course, I understand your point. This was just one rotten apple.

I can see what you mean but as you mentioned at the end it was "one rotten apple" one small example in comparison to the large percentage of people who do immoral acts and are not vegan. That was the correlation I tried to highlight and in my opinion a few anomalous examples do not affect the overwhelming trend.

But I do accept that within every group there will always be the more radical members, like this vegan activist and I disagree with what he done completely. I do not know the context of this incident but I can imagine the politician was maybe making fun of the animals that have to suffer or not caring about them. If that is the case then I cant agree with the vegan activist for killing him, but I cant agree with the idea that it was completely unjust because the politician has consciously contributed to the suffering and death of millions of animals through his food choices, so to not expect or accept someone to disregard his right to life is hypocritical in my opinion.

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