Steemit Elites
Well, I didn't think I'd be doing articles about steemit, not that I didn't care about this place before, I just didn't think I cared so much. Steemit as a platform continues to be one of the truly remarkable revolutions of the blockchain despite its challenge. Identifying those challenges however, are important for the growth of this place l, I think.
The decentralized World so far has left me with many lessons on human nature and behavior. It has shown me that if given a chance to turn things around, a lot of us will still choose those habits of the past, including the self destructive tendencies. The creation of an elite system, where a small powerful group controls the larger part of affairs in a state is a prime example of why decentralisation was perceived necessary.
However, I can't help but notice that the steemverse is heading along that line. Worse still, the elite are made all the more powerful by ordinary citizens. I am appalled when otherwise good people throw all sense of values out the window in the hopes of impressing a whale. They become yes men, ass lickers and butt kissers; all for the lure of crumbs off the masters table.
Rather than try to correct an elite (whale) when they err, they'd rather massage their egos and uphold a false perspective for them.
It is disheartening to say the least because we're given the chance to totally create the kind of World we want on this platform, but have chosen the path of our predecessors.
I agree. Little toady bootlickers are disgusting. I am sure that some of them must feel disgust as they look in the mirror and remember how they were crumb beggars interacting with their crumb masters pretending their line of bullshit was meaningful.
Dare we call them crumb whores? lol
So....make the rich poor.
that way the poor will be rich.
that's worked out perfectly every time.
that it's been tried before.
Lol not the point at all. Am not proposing a topple of the 'elites', just shocked with our 'de ja Vu syndrome'.
My point is that if users actually helped each other grow, rather than massaging egos of a few, this place will be better off
The rhetoric that Steemians use to draw people into the platform is different from the experience of the users.
Outside of SteemIt, the whales talk about how this is the revolutionary system that will lead to a just society.
In practice, Steemit created a class society. The attitudes of the upper class in SteemIt is actually worse than anything I have experienced in day to day life in the US.
What I find amusing is how quickly this class system has taken hold.
Your balance is below $0.25. This is your first notification that your account is running low and should be replenished.
If wishes were fishes
we'd all swim in riches.
that that it not the case.
I've wished SO HARD.
Small accounts don't realise the power they have here but unfortunately, rather than exercise it as groups and communities, they use it as individuals appealing to authority or thinking that their tiny self-masturbation will lead on to riches.