Steemjet World Cup – Day 16 – It’s not the self-vote that makes you evil, it’s how you spend your reward

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I can barely find time to teach now. How much time do you think that I will be able to create for you after I am broke?

This is your show now, my friends. This year’s Steemjet World Cup has bankrupted me, but I would not have it any other way. You kids deserve all the steem. You are Steemjet. Your energy and artistic contributions have made this World Cup the best ever, and I hope to still be around to host the next Steemjet World Cup. Whatever the outcome, I already feel victorious.


As the elimination round begins, I am reminded that our individual elimination is guaranteed, which is why we all must party!

Cosmic adoption takes light years.

Your up-vote power will decrease by an ever increasing percentage each year over these next 8 years.

This is why Steemians everywhere are frantically self-voting or colluding to maximize their rewards in these prime early days before time runs out and the reward-pool shrinks to a puddle. Steem is literally a Cinderella story in this regard.

Only after the reward-pool completes its programmed devaluation will you see autonomous charities like Steemjet arise. I just wanted to give the Space Force a chance to be the early bird that gets the worm in this brand new and uncharted business space.

@emmycapable (SF4) & @desmoniac (SF5)

So until that fateful day when our eligible reward-pool percentage hits rock bottom, don’t rock the boat, don’t fight the herd, don’t piss in the wind, etc. In other words (TLDR):

I do not care if you self-vote, or collude like everyone else in Steem Land. You have a right to steem freely as everyone else does and is currently doing as a function of the incentives written in the blockchain code which is the opposite of a secret, but an immutable code of conduct that lets human nature to do what it does: try to survive and thrive.

Why should we worry that so many people are trying to enrich themselves in the magical steem reward-pool? The blockchain code explicitly allows this freedom. Who has never self-voted or up-voted the most financially popular Steemians just to earn more money? Who cares about bots? These financial incentives are built into the blockchain protocol which none of us can control, so why waste time and effort fighting what we can not change? We might just as well complain about history, because we will never change that either. The future is all that is left for us to write. How will we spend our time? Obsessing about the past, or creating a unique future molded in our own positive image?

Let those without sin, cast the first stone. The reward-pool is the main reason we are here, but it is going to shrink drastically over these next 8 years, so we should enjoy the good times while they last, just like everyone else is already doing, and if we attain our objectives, then we will ensure that the good times will last forever for everyone. This is our battle:

Steemjet - Can we achieve global adoption before the reward-pool incentive is ineffective?

This is the theme of our space race. This is what our fight for global adoption is up against:

An 8 year shrinking rewards pool!

In the meantime, I only care about what you spend your rewards on. For instance, if I catch you parking your new Ferrari next to my Pinto then we have a problem.

Anybody who can prove that someone is wasting good money earned from self-voting has my undivided attention. But until you can show me that the money disappeared without at least a single party photo, then give them a chance to see what they plan to spend it on. Also, if you see someone amassing a small fortune without a stated proposal of what they plan to spend it on, then again, let me know, and we will talk.

This is a marathon. Most initiatives take a lot of time and money, and with the price of steem being so low, I know that it can be frustrating to wait months for your self-voting fund to grow large enough for you to prove your value to the community. Be patient, or perform it on a small scale to show how productive and effective it can be, and maybe you will win more capital from me.

Most on-boarding initiatives require cash to be most effective. But if others can show me a better way of using cash generated from self-votes, then you can expect to be in competition with them for your delegation.

Initiatives that do not require cash are probably more geared towards making existing Steemians happier. This is a valid pursuit, but not as valid as on-boarding simply because it is nearly impossible to keep people happy by simply giving up-votes. They will usually expect more, and those types of people are probably more likely to leave when the going gets tough and the reward pool shrinks.

Think long term:

Retention vs on-boarding

Remember, we are looking to bring people to steem. We are not here to make existing Steemians happy. If we succeed with our global adoption initiative, then every Steemian benefits from our efforts without a single up-vote from any of us, because the price of steem will rise with adoption.

@yungchief (SF3)

Therefore, it is more important for us to on-board new users than it is for us to up-vote existing Steemians who already have the required knowledge of how to steem for themselves.

The best type of people to bring to steem are those who are not in it for the money. This is a rare breed, but one that pays dividends.

If you think that you have a more effective method of transforming delegated steem power into global steem adoption, then show me on a small scale, and we will find room in the budget for you to scale up your productive ideas. Now that our capital is all spent, it is difficult for me to re-balance our delegates based solely on your proposals, without at least a small sample of the executed plan to base my decision on. Because our capital is now effectively capped, Space Force membership is reserved for the talented and productive elite.

Not everyone needs to be a member of the Space Force to enjoy the benefits of our success, because our success means that their wealth increases. So honest talent/production assessment is in everyone's best interest, especially the non-members who stand to benefit without any effort on their part.

This is why I have implemented community voting on proposals going forward, and will promote our lead technical developer @gutzygwin to maintain the website and assist with communication and organization of future initiatives.

Our only hope of preserving and increasing the value of our delegated steem power as the reward-pool shrinks is through successful global adoption initiatives, thus Steemjet had to be born. Someone needed to sacrifice their steem in these lucrative early days if steem is to ever attain cosmic adoption.

Time is money.

You are fortunate to have earned a delegation today.

Opportunities are time sensitive. Would you rather buy $100 in bitcoin today or 8 years ago?

I want to hire a committed Space Force that will still be here 8 years from today after our reward-pool has shrunk. I need people on the Space Force who are willing to utilize their steem power long term. People who are prepared to not only accept but enjoy the good times as well as the bad. Steem is an individual pursuit. Steemjet is a group effort.

How you steem is up to you. Steeming is free. Everyone has a right to steem regardless of religion, race, intent, or message. How you use your vote is your basic human right. Yes, you might get down-voted for yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, but anybody who claims that you are doing harm without first showing the world exactly how you spent your rewards is distracted.

That said, if anybody can actually prove that they can spend their self-voted steem more productively than you, then the party is over for you. I am sorry, but life is nature and nature is survival of the fittest. Not everyone can be the best. So I will entertain accusations, of bad behavior, but only after the cash disappears without benefit or accumulates without a plan.

But now it is time to vote:

Should we get rid of delegations and just give all our steem away today to hold the World Cup Party of the Century?

Or should we delegate our steem power to time-rich people with long term vision while encouraging self-voting as a valid freedom and capitalization strategy guaranteed by the immutably written constitutional blockchain code written by the creator himself?

The fate of the steem world is in your hands. Let me know what the hive wants.


Or should we delegate our steem power to time-rich people with long term vision while encouraging self-voting as a valid freedom and capitalization strategy guaranteed by the immutably written constitutional blockchain code written by the creator himself?

Yes sir, this is the right chioce to go with.

Good day to you sir @dimimp, I really appreciate your effort to be a democratic leader, in which you always seek for the opinion of your workers, this is really great.

As you said that you need a force that will work for you for a long time, I wish and I will like to work for this great community for a very long time sir. I love this community and have been doing my very best for this community. I will also like to seek for your favour by getting promotion from you sir, so as to encourage the new members by upvoting them, so as to see smiles on their faces (steemjet is for the broke) .

I will like to use this opportunity to also remind you of Your promise That you will commission more pictures for me to make as a bling. But it over two month you promised me that and have not hear from you sir. I will be happy to get your response on this sir @dimimp .

steemjetlogo gif2(2).gif

Even with my bling logo, it looks good on a customised shirt of steemjet space force member.

This is your girl queen of blings

Yes. This is the right choice
I've got your back!

Time is the tool that will make the globalization work. If we invest a little of it into giving out all the steem, we will go broke in the next dispensation, because short term gain can cause long term pain. I say we invest in time rich people to win this mission

Time is what we have and what we can make use of to cause mass global adoption of steem. The will to strive even when the reward pool is raped from us is keeps the aura of steem alive in us.

And that is why I am supporting we delegate our steem power to time rich people.

you should always be self-voting yourself because your initiative is the most important one we have currently!

Yeah. I will do so for the meantime and give you the time you need to get things in place boss. ... Thanks. @dimimp. with the new initiative for the website and the jet fund/jet-mod, we can work and party hard as well.

I'm already smiling. A big STEEM SMILE ☺

Off to prepare my favorite meal. Today is a happy Day....

To the tables of the Lannister's

Hi @dimimp, thank you for enabling us to self vote it is really a lucky move which will allow funding with the payouts long term for us to accomplish our goal.

I want to bring it to your notice that You @dimimp have approximately 200 delegates.
And more than 500 active none delegates that I know of whom are always active to your work in my Employees Handbook.

I want to suggest you to do a little giveaway of at least 15 steem to each delegates and 5steem to none delegates for appreciation for the past 4 months we have been working, because most of the delegates were hired without funds to empower them.

At least this little will be appreciated by all delegates and none delegates for working and dedication of their time to steemjet.
This little funding will go a long way to get my job done.

I have good news for you because (steemjet) tag is widely used by alot of steemit users now, we will take over the world soon then you will be happy with us your kids.

please grant this request @dimimp

I have the list of all delegate's and the active none delegates, I will be working with all the delegates so as to forward all the funds without complains.

Thank you @dimimp.

I am here @dimimp long term, I will not let you down.

I agree. This is the most important and a great project we have these times. We should try to make new innovation in the website whether it be designs or campaigns.

Delegation will be the best choice for us now... Liquid steem for party is like physical cash which disappears quicker than as fast as it comes..
So I stand by delegation because it is a life time investment!!
My opinion!!!
#SF-1 @mbj

Yea.. this is the right choice

Am sure this is better

This is the right choice, since rewards are earned to promote more contest and enlarge our coast, since the Steem power remains we will never go broke.
This will fund a lot of initiative @dimimp, I have created an account for the upvote of all comments and post of none delegates (@steemjetcurator) I await you Steem power delegation to get it started boss.

Good afternoon master @dimimp and all the great community of @steemjet, the subject that deals in this opportunity opens a great debate on the administration of the delegation of power and the work of the members of the SPACE FORCE, in particular I belong to the SPACE FORCE 7, and I am very happy to be having this chance, I am one of those people who fully trust in the steem stability in the long term and that better times will come with this era ...

I have had the question all this time that if the members of SPACE FORCE are employees of the community and we invest our time for voting and explaining STEEMJET to new members, like @rosetargaryen, which is one of those news from the community; We were going to have some monthly payment in steem for this job or any other assigned by the boss @dimimp, I'm willing to such a dynamic ... really when the space force was announced and @dimimp talked about contracts and all that, I saw that clear possibility of having an important income through a good job. In my case Steemit has become my only efficient space for a good economic opportunity amid so much bankruptcy that I live, every day my situation becomes more critical.

I think that this can guarantee more the use of delegations for the votes of the members of the community and that a solid and productive growth is going on as a whole.

I go for this, it is a good idea. it is a life time investment.

I agree with this @dimimp.

Good morning boss @dimimp.

This currently is the best idea. Delegating the Steem power to time rich people. Time value of money comes into play here and with long-term vision only can a company succeed, for failure to plan for the future will ultimately result in the future failing you. And you the boss is one who plans for the future. Thanks for always giving us hope and helping us know more about the Blockchain, with your wisdom, we are moving towards the global adoption of Steem and global adoption ultimately leads to increase in price of Steem which will help our course.

I've not been steady on the Jet, as I'm preparing for my final year exams. On Monday I start and in 3 weeks time, I'll be done with the Undergraduate life.

Can't wait to finish so I focus more on the vision of our course.

Still waiting for the release of the SMTs, I really do need a Cryptochess game.

Thanks for your support once again.
You act like the Queen in a game of chess, helping us the pawns to cross the troublesome board towards achieving superstardom, and youre doing a really great job, for the more your pawns continually get promoted to officers, the better as they help you win the game.

SteemJet on the wings of Superstars, we are words and Steem.

Hello boss @dimimp, i've sent a lot of texts and comments on your blog post but you don't really seem to check it out. I guess proably you busy and all that. This is actually a call to be a member of the space force (sf) team.

Why do i say that?

Well as we all know, the steemjet is a moving train without any brakes! well i'd love to be a part of this train and this is because i have realized that i could assist a lot of burdensome works that other members might be facing. I can also be training and lecturing new members who just came onboard on the blockchain with some helpful tips they need to know about stee, since the steemjet is all about steem and words i think they need to know that to.

Earlier this year i and some couple of friends began a little outreach at the Rivers state of science and technology school, and it was successful with the images below.

We actually ran out of funds and couldn't proceed.

So with the steemjet community, i hope we could get your support and also be a part of the sf members and do great things that will take the steemjet community to the next level. Thanks for reading my post sir.

It should be delegated to a life long program and not football that is about to's good to party and celebrate but not at the detriment of steemjet. At thesame time, the steem power should be delegated to people with good foresight and solid plans that will keep this peogram running and make it better.


Personally, I'm not in a favor of Self-voting, but the way you described it, and if anyone wants money for the promotion of the cause we all here which is the Global Steem adoption, Then Self-voting can be allowable. investing in those who have time will be more profitable and beneficial, And as far as hiring more SF, i don't think that won't be necessary, we have already enough steem force members!
Just Find the ones who are time rich and give them more power to continue our motive of Global steem adoption.

yes @dimimp, I consider this the best thing to do 💪💪💪💪

and @dimimp you lost the bet of ronaldo wining the world cup ,infact as sad as it is the biggest players of all time ,messi of argentina and ronaldo of portugal are out of the world cup ,so kindly honor your bet and tell us who you are ,no be me talk am na you talk am .oyah sharperly because like this like this ronaldo done bring your leg out ,my brother @yungchief can interpret the vernacular.


Lolz, a lot of people has been waiting for this day. Dimimp said he will reveal himself after the world cup if Ronaldo did not win the world cup.

As for me, I prefer you keep your identity hidden. It keeps people wondering if you are human or Alien or the Superman of Small Ville and more will still come out of curiosity. Let the suspense continue

brotherly na wah to this man very cunny

@dimimp I second to delegate to time-rich people.
Your say on self-voting is heeding to!
Between steemjetpoetry needs your support
They say poetry is the flower of life🌷and you talk a lot about life.

SP delegation is awesome! ;)
Everyone benefits.

delegation is the future


Before I answer this☝️!!
I have news for you sir.

Due to the last conducted cryptocurrency/steemjet awareness program organised by me,
Well, I got noticed by my state government and I got a call from them and there seemed to find the program helpful to the people of the state...

Let me go straight to the point, I was with the SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR(Mrs Meflyn Awana by name) on digital media media yesterday, she asked all she needed to and I answered her correctly.
Meflyn Mbom wedding1a.jpg
Image source

She founded cryptocurrency very interesting and she will want to go into it.
She requested our partnership(steemjet) to set up a cryptocurrency program ( like what I did in school ) for the people of our state(AKWA-IBOM STATE)..... well, I didn't agree nor disagree....

I had to confirm from you 1st if we're good to go.
Should I agree!? Or not.

But this is a very big chance for us.(STEEMJET)

of course.

Blockchain tech is a new invention like fire or computers or elecctricity.

You are not just an ambassador of the tech but am expert as to its function as well

of course do this! i will talk more about this later

Ok.. thanks

I'll get back to you in a while stating the requirements for this to happen....

Hello boss @dimimp i make another character for olivia story and other art work, kindly review and approve my work

This is the right choice, since rewards are earned to promote more contest and enlarge our coast, since the Steem power remains we will never go broke.
This will fund a lot of initiative @dimimp, I have created an account for the upvote of all comments and post of none delegates (@steemjetcurator) I await you Steem power delegation to get it started boss.

Sir @dimimp
This is my world cup art contest submission:
Hoping to see the winners of the voice contest

@dimimp is sure gonna like an idea of this nature. As far as it is going to promote steem to attain global adoption. I am happy that politicians in uyo are now interested in crytocurrencies especially steem itself. The best is yet to come

This is a very bold move boss.

Great initiative. We discussed with @samstickzz about something like this when I was in Uyo last month. If you will pull this through, you have all the support you need.

Ok mate..

I'll do everything possible.
Waiting for @dimimp reply.

Boss I think that this is amazing. You got a call from the the government and that would help in the promotions is steemit in the future. Because government play a vital role in every society.
With the approval of sir @dimimp I think you should agree to this



Hello dimimp I think that this request should also be on the next decentralized voting decision by the steemjet community
A writing contest was conducted on @steemjetcontests for the first time on steemjet early this month and the contest was on the topic: "WHAT I CAN DO TO PROMOTE STEEM".
We all know that contests is what keeps a lot of steemjetters happy and winning the contest makes them even more happy.
Over here on @steemjetcontests I self upvote the comments made by this account to generate the funds to run steemjet contest and the funds that are generated for the contests makes the reward too low sometimes because of the price.
The last writing contest was a 300 words essay writing contest and all creative writers were given the chance to express their selves on what they can do to promote steem, I spent a whole day and a whole night without sleep to read 120+ entries in just a week.
The Last writing contests TEN Winners were rewarded $10 in upvotes each. $100 in total
The writers did very well just like the artist and the graphic designers and I found out that a writing contest contest in steemjet community will be more involving because. Everyone on steemjet, no matter what they do on this blockchain can also also write.
Winning a contest that gives winners liquid steem as an encouragement to do what they wrote down could encourage them to do their bests to really promote steem to attain global adoption.
I will need your big support to run a contest that is supposed to onboard creative writers on steemjet too if steemjet truly has a place for everyone. Most of the writers wants their way into the steemjet community but they cannot join us since they are restricted by graphic designing contests which happens here almost everytime.
Here is a link to check out the winners of the previous writing contest that went on at @steemjetcontests


  • 3500 LIQUID STEEM to run the writing contest which is budgeted to pay 40 winners and part of it will be used pay the judges for their precious time

Thank you @dimimp. I am patiently waiting for your response

Sir @dimimp, I give into the second idea because with the delegation we can do more and it will encourage us.

And we are looking at a long term goal, so tge second opinion is the best.

Am making purchases with the remaining steem, though it won't be enough due to my daddy's illness but i would first purchase the ones i can first with the remaining steem.
And the good news is his getting better, all thanks to you.
On the wings of superstars we are words and steem

You should be self-voting right now!

you and your dad need it!

don't wait!

life is not a drill!

Okay, sir..
Thanks alot, will do that. And when he gets better, he would come on camera to say thank you.

This is the right choice, since rewards are earned to promote more contest and enlarge our coast, since the Steem power remains we will never go broke.
This will fund a lot of initiative @dimimp, I have created an account for the upvote of all comments and post of none delegates (@steemjetcurator) I await you Steem power delegation to get it started boss.


Should we get rid of delegations and just give all our steem away today to hold the World Cup Party of the Century?

If we give all our steem away then what will be left of us as the best space force crew in the world? We are looking at long term goals here and thats why i voted for the website. I do not want to see the steemjet crash and i velieve that with the amounts of talents we have here it wont... All wee need is proper cordination. The time has come when we stop onboarding people who only want the money but also want to be productive.

I dropped these graphics designs in ome of your recent posts where you said people think you are going to die soon. I dropped some words of encouragements and also dedicated this logo to you but seems you didnt take notice of it.

On the wings of superstars



Right now it feels like i am the only dedicated and hardworking spaceforce member who hasnt gotten either a promotion, extension or even a steem bath from you and i struggle with a lot of things working on the space force. I struggle with data and lack of laptop to even work with. I feel left out and forgotten. Please see to my request for steembath (300steem) to get a laptop so i can be more effective on the spaceforce. Thank you

sistem - brilliant effort! - this takes 5th place in the maximal competition so far kicking dimix3 out of the running, but would have placed as high as 3rd if the wings were as defined as the fonts. If we were not limited to just teaching kids, then this might have beaten out jogreh's image especially if the wings were sharper. Great futuristic feel!

I see what you are saying sir. Would have loved it to come out that way too but i am limited by my phone. Couldnt achieve that using my phone but would have been able to if i had a laptop to work with. That is why i plead that you look into my request to i can do a far better job. I have prospects foe this great spaceforce but limited in my delivery sir.

self-vote until you can afford a laptop, we need high def!

This is the right choice, since rewards are earned to promote more contest and enlarge our coast, since the Steem power remains we will never go broke.
This will fund a lot of initiative @dimimp, I have created an account for the upvote of all comments and post of none delegates (@steemjetcurator) I await you Steem power delegation to get it started boss.

Please watch a video I made on The Importance of Communities on Steemit.

Looking forward to your reply

Please sir, we want to do a better version of that song and we need funds, the sound quality was too poor in that video so we want to make it better by going to a studio.

I think you would love it.. I await ur reply sir!

Thanks Alot boss @dimimp for featuring me... I will continue to do my best for the steemjet community.

I just sent emmycapable 600

I will send you another 300, let me know how it goes!

The 300steem coupled with the 600steem you sent emmycapable should do the job sir @dimimp... Thank you.

Also, I am currently working with @emmycapable to produce a high definition music for steemjet... Its going to be crazy... # Anticipate!


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