Lucky devs can’t be suedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Twice in 8 days I’ve been unable to gain access to money that is mine...this makes bare an unforgivable fault in the system...the program can block us out and we have 0 recourse...good for devs cause they can’t be sued...bad for Steemit cause it’s clearly not secure.

Also, forget most of the author rewards for this post because you’d be a duface to vote before 15 minutes even if you could.


Power up and awwww nevermind the man behind the curtain.


Steemit is secure because witnesses are encouraged to continue making it accessible. This hardfork was necessary, but if it hadn't worked, witnesses would have restored the systems.

You're not a user but an investor, remember that. You aren't owed anything by anyone in here. You either have the power to make a change or you deal with it.

And I notice you didn’t vote...hmmm.

As an investor, I am owed, at the very least, access to my investment, you make it sound like I am playing the someone should give me something that doesn’t belong to me. To the contrary, I have put hard-earned cash into this, not to mention the time and effort of my life that can never be gotten back.

I do not regret the time or effort I have spent, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do a seriously shitty, painfully fucked up, effort at this fork that benefits none but the big DApp developers, and fucks the authors.

There are actually plenty of good things about HF20 for the small people.

To your favour: Yeah, the update was painful. It removed 64% of my VP and now I need not to vote for 3 days to recover it and start earning again from my trails.

But there are many things that were necessary for the smaller accounts. For one, bandwidth is now being saved with better processing of votes with less than 5 SP. They don't count anymore for rewards at all instead of just processing them as 0.000.

But with a lot of the effort that was put on improving the bandwidth, people will be able to comment, vote and generally interact with less SP than before, meaning that the newbies won't be so discouraged to be here due to the hardships of trying to post with low SP and low bandwidth.

Accounts cost much less now to create, and Steemit registration will probably start taking much less time in the midterm future. There are plenty of small improvements. I love what was done to the curation times and percentages.

Favouring business, however, is not a bad thing. It means growth of your investment. You can't access it for a day? It was to be expected. I didn't compromise for anything during the hardfork process because I knew that things don't often go smoothly with these things, especially since we're starting out.

And yeah, you sound like you're playing the victim unnecessarily. This was an improvement, it was to be expected that things would be hard, and it's in every investor's interest that this update goes through, no matter if it means 15 hours without accessing your funds.

I'm not angry or hateful, and the reason I'm not voting for you is that I'm not voting for anyone. I'm saving my VP because I need it to go back to 98% to keep using my votes for trails and for selling them. I do vote for people when I have high VP but HF20 did not only cost you but other investors and developers, too.

Ok, fair enough. But even with 25SP, I never had you’re fixing a problem that didn’t exist. How many accounts have 5, cummon?!

Even the devs admit that they screwed the pooch...took 3 revisions...20.3, no? This was a debacle and if you defend it, you’re being dishonest.

Every new person that joins has 15 or less SP (now, they'll have less when the bandwidth issues are resolved during the week; accounts will be created with maybe as much as 0-3 SP). Now you may even be able to post with almost no SP, which was not possible before HF20 (not yet, though, mana/RC/stuff problems are still being resolved).

And yeah, the devs screwed up. Gotta sue them for being human and making mistakes and oversights. To be fair, the Steemit team has always tested on production. People complain about it but now it's the standard for what they do and it's what we can realistically expect from them.

Sorry, when it comes to millions or billions of other people’s money...”human” is far from acceptable and you know it.

Witnesses are not your employees. They are elected representatives that people vote on. If things collapse and fail because of witnesses' incompetence, those who voted for them are to blame. Steemit devs made lots of mistakes, true, but they are not your employees either. They are working for their own interests and it's up to the elected representatives to pass and install each fork and update.

This was not the fault of one or two people, or that of an organisation. It was the fault of everyone who contributed to the status quo.

Okay, that’s fine. We don’t need to play the blame game. The fact remains, nothing like this can happen again...if it does, Steem is toast!!!!
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice and I’m hauling your ass to civil court with a well-justified class-action lawsuit.

yeah today was pretty bad. The Rc problem was an oversight that can happen. But the voting bug ... . Somebody should have seen that coming.

Anyways steem is quite secure and stable, but it is a joke compared to bitcoin. And even there a quite serious bug was recently developed. The truth is that cryptocurrency is still new and there will still be many bugs along the road.

Still bitcoin is already much better than what centralised systems have to offer where corruption is the norm.

(No vote due to vote mana bug)

Thanks @frdem3dot0, for your interaction and support. I am not going anywhere, but the truth still remains...there is a lot of money at stake and no one accountable. I suppose that’s part of being in the Wild West, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong for pointing it out.

absolutely not! Things are not beutiful in steem. I do see the potential, but I am far from the steem preachers that claim steem should be #1 in crypto because it is the best coin.

I sleep much better having the most of my capital in btc! PoW is much more secure plus btc has a long history and the smartest hackers in the world constantly trying to attack it. And still btc stands unchallenged. If steem would have that market cap it would not take very long until more weaknesses are found. Also steem has no hard cap... but politics ...

It is a different chain with a different purpose. Steem is not designed to be a high security uncompromisable chain. Its designed to sacrifice that for the scaling required to make a decentralised media.

One vote, never paid...oh Steem, you fuck, what a waste of space...
What’s this I spy, a reward?
No, ‘’tis bullpuckey with @dan and company as ward.
So they benefit, with Dapps galore, while the rest of us fuck ourselves from here to forevermore.
Oh, it sucks to be a fish
in this tiny fucking pond of shit.
But I’ve spent my fiat so I’m stuck...
While @dan eats steak and could give a fuck.

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