a few bits of advice from my note files.
My wife wrote a book. She took years, but it is available on Amazon now. I have many half written (and some full) stories but nothing published.
Steem tanked and so many of you all stuck around while I stopped posting.
I’ve watched friends change their crappy jobs, not overnight but through small and low steps building back up to something new and exiting. I’m still at my crappy job because I didn’t want to start over low and new.
I could go on like this but it’s depressing to look at but, It also help me by exposing myself to stupidity. I don’t want to dwell on my past regrets but I want to learn from them. And one way I can do that is to write about and remember it and, hopefully, convince others to not do what I have done many times over.
I wouldn’t say I quite when times were tough. I would say I stop or slow down when I don’t take the time to understand the compounded effect of staying the course even when the outlook is grim or a long ways away.
I took all these doors closing but never bothered to see if they were actually locked. I blindly accepted and kept scrapping by a life and kept doing all of the things that didn’t make me happy. (forget happy, I don’t care about being happy- I want to be fulfilled.)
I want to change that about myself. Because I have to, I simple can not keep doing what I’m doing to and not risk a full blow emotional breakout.
I don’t want this story to be just another list of what to do or not do. But I would like to share a few things that are right in front of me today. That is to say pieces of “advice” that I gleamed from watching interviews of the people I admire.
I want to share these with who ever will listen because one of these might help them out. ready? I am only posting a few today.
10 Ideas a day - James Altucher
This is an amazing one. James says that everyone should write down 10 ideas a day. It could be about anything. About our own lives or others as long as we are training our minds to think more and to not just flat line and accept that there are no good ideas. Then, if you hit on an idea your exited about and what to work on, then come up ten ideas for that idea. Endless possibilities.
Document the Journey - Gary Vanerchuck
If there is anyone better at documenting their lives I wouldn’t know. While Gary has a camera following him around and a team putting together everything (well edited videos)as well as most major social medias. He stress the importance of documenting what you do however you want to document it. Because that simple act of creating content will help you build an audience.
And if an audience if not what you are looking for then documenting can be a writers friend too. Call it a journal or a diary whatever you want but record your life in some way.
Write everyday - Seth Godin
I could write an entire post on Seth- Hell - I could write an entire book with nothing but Seth Quotes. Until then I will leave you with one.
Let me share a quote from Seth’s book The Icarus Deception
“Do it everyday. Every single day. Not a diary, not fiction, but analysis. Crisp honest writing about what you see in the world, or want to see, or teach. Tell us how to do something.
That's it for now - I hoe to share more later on but time is tight and I want to get some of my own writing in.
Thank you for that, for reading this post and allowing me a small bit of your time and attention.