Today's News--a pleasant surprise during a dreary 55 hour work week
I've been in the midst of a 55 hour week this week and am facing another 4 to 5 weeks like this. I can handle the being at work that many hours a week for a month or so at a time but the work place politics have really gotten to me lately.
I was taking my pitiful 10 minute lunch today (I'm a salaried worker so this is legal and I took the short lunch by choice) when I checked my CryptoTrader app and STEEM showed an enormous green candle. I wasn't aware of the big news until I skimmed my feed a little bit later and found out just why we've seen more volume pour into STEEM in one day than we have in any day during the past few months.
Of course I was happy because I am have a vested interest here but in the past few weeks I've poured as much money as I feel comfortable putting into STEEM and powering up when it was below 0.0003 / BTC.
Here's the proof below, not that anyone couldn't just go check my rewards history (I love the transparency on this platform).
I was well under 3K SP at the end of August and I'm now just 10 SP away from the 4K mark! Exciting times here and tomorrow is Friday! Life is starting to feel good again and today helped put things in perspective. Maybe I won't spend these long hours slaving away in corporate America forever.
Crypto and Steemit are just a small part of my long term exit strategy but it's nice to see I made a good choice by buying as much as I did. Today was a small step but may be the start of a turning point here and was a reminder to me that I have bigger aspirations than to sit at a desk the rest of my life.
I've been pretty down this week but this really helped me feel a bit better today. Maybe money can't buy happiness but seeing my account grow here and knowing now (today was a good confirmation) that my buys over the past month were a great investment gives me peace of mind.
Who knows where STEEM will go next but I have a feeling the implications of this news haven't been truly priced in by the market and I think it's going higher in the near future. I'm pretty thankful that Ned released this news today. It really made my week!
Nice job!
My wallet has been looking a little like yours too, just couldn't resist buying repeatedly at around $1. 4K coming soon!
Yeah it's great seeing others grow their accounts here just as I am. Those $1 buys...I knew they'd pay off but not necessarily so soon!
Yep :D I've been away a few days but saw Steem at 1.5 ish. Can we get to $10 in 2 years? :D
Great work @cryptokeepr! I have been buying little bits too, but just converted a chunk outta' something else to buy today -- smt news is potentially big news!
This rally just keeps on. The volume has been amazing. I bought about 100 more STEEM this morning around 0.00034 and I just bought about 350 more. I'm waiting on the blocktrades transfer now. This news is huge and it makes me think STEEM could go much higher than I had previously thought ($4 in next year / $10 max was my previous prediction that I've kind of kept to myself).
This is so exciting man! I will be investing in as many tokens as I can afford. I'm still new here and have finally bought some Bitcoin, but how do I get it into BlockTrades so I can purchase Steem? I bought Bitcoin on Coinable.
If you've never sent a transfer from one crypto wallet to another, do 10% of what you really want to buy as a test run. I lost $100+ on a botched transaction because I used the wrong wallet address. So, that being said....
GO to your steem wallet and click that "BUY STEEM OR STEEM POWER"button.

That'll take you to blocktrades site. Select the currency you want to exchange for STEEM in the drop down and then click the "Get deposit address" button. Be sure to enter the amount you're transferring thru blocktrades in the amount field right below the "bitcoin" dropdown before you do the transfer.
You'll use that as the "send to" address when you send the bitcoin from your Coinable account. I usually use coinbase and they're all a little different but basically you tell it the address to send it to and how much and then send. Remember, if this is your first time DO 10% or something small FIRST as a trial. I always double check the address on both sides before executing the transfer. It's easy to mess things up when you're new as I've said. Then once you've succeeded, do the rest of what you want to trade for STEEM.
blocktrades will automatically convert it to STEEM and send it to your steem wallet. You can either leave it or use it to power up.
Hope this helps! If you have any more questions feel free to ask on this thread.
Thanks very much I will try this tomorrow. I appreciate your help. I will only be transferring $100.00 at first until I get the hang of it.
If it's your first time I'd try something like 20 bucks worth just to make sure you understand the process. But I don't know how much you're working with so the amount you do as a test run is up to you. Just remember, In crypto transfers, it's very hard to recover the money if you botch a transfer. I know bc I've gotten burned once. Never again.
Best of luck to you!
Thanks again. I'll try $20 and then the rest once it works and I understand it.
Hi again cryptokeepr I guess part of my problem is that Coinable does not support Selling of cryptos in Canada, only purchases. My mistake number 1. I will open an account with a Canadian company.
To be clear though, do you mean that I would drag the generated address produced in BlockTrades to the send address in my Bitcoin wallet in Coinbase? That is if I were able.
Aw that's too may be able to find a way around that although the solution isn't something that I could provide at the moment given my level of experience. There may be others on steemit who might have found a way around this but I can't say for sure.
And to answer your question...Yes I copy the address generated in blocktrades and paste it into the "send to address" field in the account you're sending the bitcoin from.
Best of luck to you!
Thanks again friend. I am following you.