What I Intend To Do With My Steem in 2018

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


January 4th 2018, Trumansburg, NY

This is where I am today, on a semi-vacation, to resource and rethink the year ahead of me. Lots have changed since last year. Last year, I was not even engaged to my wife, I wasn't expecting a child and the price of steem was $0.16/steem.

So I believe it is time to look back and look forward. What does a $5 Steem or more means for me? What kind of responsibility does it bestow on me and what should I do about it...

All things I'm going to try to make clear in this article.

Should I Go Full-Time?

That is a big question I'm having right now. I like my work but the balance between how much I'm making at my job 40h/week versus what I do here with 5h/week is completely ridiculous. I make more in curation in a week than I do at my job in a month.

I am currently taking a great Udemy class called The Web Developer Bootcamp which is so far really good. I think I would like to dig deep into learning how to make beautiful and fun website that runs on top of a blockchain like Steem. I see a great future for those of us who can display the blockchain to the end user...I would like to be positioned ahead of the curve on that one. But I can't fully dig into coding with my current schedule.

Sponsoring a Tag / Community

I would like to patron tags and make them a better representation of quality. I've recently got quite a few photographers on board steem. The feedback I've gathered is that the photography tag quality is kind of sad. That mostly because of the 5 tags features...where posts that may do well in "travel" but do not include great photography is ranking higher than amazing professional photography. I've been waiting forever for communities to be launched and I should stop to assume it will come online any minute now.

This is why I'm working on a project with a friend to make the photography tag better(or start a new one)...and when the community features gets online, to do something with it.

Keep the True Fan Program Running

The goal of my "True Fan Program" is to have create a synergy between you and me. I have a whole lot of great commenters but because I'm not full time and can't spend my time upvoting all the good comments all the time, I figured out a system so that you get an autovote from me in the comment section.

You can learn more about this here:

I will review my list of fans very soon and give you an update list of people who will get an autovote :-)

Develop a Steem Project

My goal is that I am able to launch a project on Steem it that can onboard new users very efficiently and to add tons of value to the little world we are building here.

I have a few ideas in mind and I still have a lot to learn in order to make it into reality.


2018 will be epic regardless of what happens. I will try to do the best use that I can with my SteemPower and to add as much value as possible to the community.

If you have any ideas of what I can do with all that SteemPower, please let me know in the comment box down below :-)


Hey, sounds like 2018 is going to be a great year for you. I can totally recommend learning some code and getting stuck in with steem/blockchain. I have been having a bunch of fun over the past week thinking up(and building) steem based projects.

I am going to be launching my own learn-to-code series on steemit/dtube in the coming weeks (working on a number of lesson projects and roadmap still for now ) that will teaching everything up to working on the blockchain (although that might take a bit of time)

Sounds like you are enjoying the The Web Developer Bootcamp program, if it getss tough or boring just stick at it and keep going, it'll be worth it. have fun .

I'm looking forward to your learn-to-code series. Good luck.

Thank you 👊

I'm definitely following now. Totally looking forward to it. Are you going to use Node.js ?

Yes for sure. Node.js is my backend language of choice most of the time. It will be a little way off before I get to Node.js/backend dev. I'm going to teach from the ground up assuming zero/very little coding knowledge or experience. We're going all in, I hope to bring anyone who wants to learn to code with me and I think steemit is a great place for people to find out about programming.

*frontend/backend/commandline/sourcecontrol/frameworks(express/laravel/rails)/platforms(wordpress/ghost/shopify)/games/mobile + desktop app/hardware(RaspberryPi/Arduino)/who to follow/ what to read/ where to listen. all the things

I'm pretty excited about it. It'll be over on my account @codewithsam for anyone else who might be interested too. Realistically it will be at least one week from now possibly two. It's a lot of commitment and I have a couple projects I want finished before I dive into this adventure. Hope to see you over there but if not just remember to keep coding 👊

Hey i am excited i became your fan finally on Steem-Auto.
The first time when you posted about it,i tried and failed.

I am so happy that i even made a tutorial of how to become your fan on steem auto...!!!
I just posted it on my blog titled" How to become a loyal @cryptoctopus fan and be assured of at least 1$ using Steem-auto .

If you have time you can check it out

My first expectation from 2018 is to be able to finish the university :) And to become a successful engineer afterwards. Apart from this, my close friends are not going to be betrayed by any of them. It's a really bad thing.
The people I love are with me.
And besides that you can get a very sexy racing motorcycle. I have to work hard for this.
Last but not 2018, maybe in 2021 I could expect marriage with my girlfriend. :) @cryptoctopus

i think you need to wait hf20 and smt to see what will change in price of steem and in steemit itself, but there is big chance that fulltime steem is much more profitable and perspective, plus you can diversify and open new projects by selling some profits.

Photographers tag is for sure low quality , so try to research blog,life they are much more interesting :)

For newcomers you can look at sndbox they got something like academy of new steemians . Have a good vacation in Trumansburg;)

you are right...I also have to figure out all the financials before I leave my job. Thanks for being awesome every time you write a comment.

Hi @cryptoctopus, I've been your fan for a while now, my turn to ask you a favor <- link to post

I usually do not spam link, but I want to get Steem to trend on Twitter on the 9th of January. If you could talk about this on your blog, I'm sure with so many active followers this project will succeed!

I make more in curation in a week than I do at my job in a month.
This is funny but this is the truth! Yeah I also thinking about to be a full time Steemian! Only problem is I am still new to this platform, so want to learn and earn more!
You got great plans, specially your web development programs, yeah sounds interesting, sometimes in future we can see you are on SMT with ITOs or ICOs. I wish and I hope you will be there!
At last the way you think, it helps the community very well! Specially you rented 168,447.87 SP from @blocktrades and I think you want to pay for a rental for it! So, by sharing your huge vote power with true fans of yours you are giving a great message to the entire community!
Keep it up friend! The year just started and long way to go! I wish you, your family and your angel (the kid will born in this year) a great future ahead!
STEEM will go to moon, with SMT it will be there! Then you might be a member of billionaires club!


It's tempting. But like I have said in my comment, one needs to tread with caution. I'd advise that you give it time, study and learn more. And diversify. It's dangerous to depend on a single source of income. That's why it could be a little more risky to wanna give up one's job and be settled in on a single job. But then, sometimes doing what will bring you fulfilment and joy can unsettle every other factor. So, if you find more fulfilment here than elsewhere, you go get it!!

Great idea with your "True Fan Program" program and as you rightly noticed, this will create a connection between us and will be useful for our ecosystem as a whole. You recently very well support the best comments in your posts and I answer your question about the SteemPower, then you can continue to hold even more, as you create a common process and encourage participants to more qualitative and meaningful comments. Thank you @cryptoctopus

You've got lots of great ambition there, and I hate to be discouraging, but discouraging is what I will be.

The things you want on Steem / steemit will require a huge change to the back end. Every once in a while, I try to talk to the developers... which falls on deaf ears, or talk to the people who are keenly interested, where I get lots of support, but no feedback.

The five tags system isn't even fully supported on steemit.
Such as, you cannot go to someone's blog and then sort by tags.

You cannot search by tags.
You cannot really search at all. That has been outsourced to boogle, which doesn't know a thing at all about searching blogs.

Discovering content on steemit is a pain. I used to scroll through all the new posts looking for things and upvoting. It is way to hard to do that now. I can't even scroll through looking for larger (something to read) posts.

Anyway, the structure of tags, communities and searches really needs to be talked about, and executed. Then, they need a complete overhaul.

Bravo, we support MANY if not ALL of these changes. The search in general is awful, you can't even click on a link and then go back and come back to the same search results, they disappear and you have to do it all over again.

Like you, we could list dozens of needed changes which are pretty obvious, but glad you posted first so we can just upvote your ideas.

your one vote worth thousands $$$, your 10 votes worth ten thousands $$$ for a day. therefore, if you go full time you got a nice back up. you can invest your sp to build a project worthy enough. 2018 is a fantastic year. as a true fan of yours, i wanna see success of your journey in here & real life as well. @cryptoctopus

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

Some thought provoking stuff here, man. Especially with your job. Because on one hand, you don't want your family to rely on something that changes so often and is so new. Cryptocurrency is treading on new ground, and while the future looks bright for Steemit, it's kind of scary to fully rely on it. That being said, nearly every big decision has risk involved, and looking at a lot of the "successful" people in the past, they took risks and are where they are now because of that. I've seen the way you handle your "power" here on Steemit, and how you're trying to thoughtfully grow the community here. While I'm not saying you should quit your job, I will say that I think if Steemit does grow to whole new level, it will need people like you working at it to help it get there. Best of luck while you ponder of these questions, and enjoy your vacation! Looks awesome.

@cryptoctopus - Sir first I want to wish you success for all future works... Due to your innovative ideas in last 2 weeks of time we all enjoyed X'mas greeting photography contest & New Year eve photography contest... You also rewarded winners very well Sir...
I already joined your true fan program... I'm also trying to add a valuable comment to your posts too Sir... But I have a complain Sir, I got no chance to upvote your posts :( It automatically happens :) Without clicking the upvote button I feel bad while commenting you Sir...

Finally, you asked what you can do with your SP... Sir you can initiate a contest like photography or something like that... You can reward them with your upvote power & you can earn rewards too Sir... I wish you will start that kind of wonderful contest Sir...
Have a nice day to you & your family...


I think I would like to dig deep into learning how to make beautiful and fun website that runs on top of a blockchain like Steem.

This has been on my mind for some time too, and i have some ideas flowing... But like you, i have no skills os coding (still want to learn, but time is a bitch), but i have project management skills. I Will hit you on discord to talk a bit and see If we can come up with a project. And i think we have utopian to help us with the hard coding part.

Like you, i am also embarking the journey to look for ways to pay my Bills doing something i actually enjoy, and maybe we can work together on this one.

Ill Meet you soon.

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