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RE: What Is The Steem Reputation Score?

in #steem6 years ago

The amount by which it increases depends on the reputation score of the account that upvoted you and how much Steem Power they have.

Are you sure about the dependency on the voter reputation for upvotes? AFAIK the raw reputation increases simply by (rshares >> 6), which only depends on the voters SP, VP and vote %.
For downvotes I agree that the reputation only decreases if the downvoter has a higher reputation.


Oh interesting, actually I got that from the FAQs (here):

Users with a higher reputation than you will have more of a positive effect.

I can't find confirmation for this anywhere now, so maybe it has changed or isn't correct.

Thanks for pointing that out! If you get confirmation that it's not a factor please let me know so I can update my video!

Ah, indeed it's in the FAQs! I only knew the code and from there the rules seem to be:

Rule #1: Must have non-negative reputation to effect another user's reputation
Rule #2: If you are down voting another user, you must have more reputation than them to impact their reputation

The change in the raw reputation seems to be always ( cv->rshares >> 6 ), independent of the voter reputation.

Oh good call! I need to check out the code more. I haven't looked through it yet (and it seems like there's some logic I haven't learned yet), but so unless there's something somewhere else in the code, when upvoting someone reputation score doesn't change the reptuation boost one receives unless its negative, in which case there's no effect?

Hi @jeffbernst, I got a confirmation that the FAQ is wrong. So the above rules should be correct:

  • any upvote increases your reputation as long as the voter has a positive reputation. The increase is not dependent on the voter reputation, but only on the value of the vote
  • a downvote will only reduce your reputation if the downvoter has a higher reputation than you

Awesome, thanks for letting me know! It's really cool to see how posting your question on Github led to Tim Cliff updating his Condenser fork. I'll make a note on my post that my original info was incorrect. Thanks again! 👍

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