Steemit FLAG hurts both ways, and even more, use MUTE instead
This video I discuss how dealing with haters takes valuable voting power away from my loyal followers
Light(now) is true clarity, and darkness is imagination.
Believing is to have doubt(can go either way), so believing is automatically false. I know now is true, no believing required.
I am the perfect reflection of perfection.
Skinny dipping in a lake is a 100% natural experience... Craig :)
YVhXDJ = 3% discount @
I totally agree with your idea of muting people that bother you in any way. I have only been here a week and I have muted about 5 people. I have followed over 300.
I join with any person on any platform without thinking twice. I am equally quick to mute, if I do not like what I see, and I don't give a warning or discuss it, or give it another thought later. It's just another person on the internet, so I don't care enough to bring myself down.
I do not think I will ever flag. It's not my nature. I have blocked 1000's of people in my six years on the internet [you should see my fb block list] and I think I have reported maybe 5. It's just not worth my effort unless safety is involved.
I'm glad to hear your story - it makes me more firm in my resolve. I would be upset to see my strength used in that way. Thank you. Upvoted and ReSteemed; I was already following :)
Meh... don't waste your time on haters Craig. There's no point.
I love how you simply and honestly talk about everything.

thank u for this video Craig I have been feeling this, going threw this and watching trying to figure out a solution to this issue
Been a LOT of flagging going on lately....
Oldskool jeans!
Is it possible to flag yourself?
Holy crap... it IS possible to flag yourself (just looked, well, at least the flags there - just not willling to test it any further).
Thanks for a bit of comic relief, needed it.
thanks for sharing
really nice...