Steemit --- Advertising y Marketing ? ...
Yes, it is truly amazing how it can be transmitted
an information on social networks to win a vote, a Steem ...
The world of money is based on a bag where in the end it has
what to do with the economy and the market, where prices are evaluated
to auction any type of currency through different exchange networks.
We can observe and interact with people who are responsible
to do all this type of procedure at the level of the red and in the end we get
that this is dealt with economically and in this way is related to marketing.
Where in a certain way we are publishing comments,
videos, experiences, part of our lives to a red that is shared
by millions of users who do the same and who earn votes for this;
that in the end can be converted into Money.
The initiative of the creator of Steemit is incredible, since millions of users
can share messages through this red and evaluate the trends that
is in this Steemit market, it is a very important network and that
motivate many people to think, promote information of their preference
wanting to increase voting in the network.
We are for Any Consultation, Greetings!