Aggroed states STEEM to $50 by the end of 2018! STEEM no longer following Bitcoin!
Short video explaining price predictions from @aggroed for 2018, and why Steem doesn't actually follow bitcoin. Original info from @davidpakman interview.
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Everyone wants to see that happen!
I believe it will happen at 2018 as number of user grow significantly day by day and a lot of tools & development on steemit
for me this is a quality post, very precise analysis. hopefully in 2018 steemit grows significantly
thanks @rizvy..
This is awesome and exactly what I hope will happen. I dont see how it wont hit $50
New to steem! I still believe that bitcoin have an important influence. Here is the Steem price and the Bitcoin price superposed. The correlation coefficient between those 2 is 72% starting from January 1st 2017 up to today. One note, the sudden spike at the beginning of this year is very interesting. Would like to know what happen!

Many cryptos have that spike late dec?
Bitcoin lost 50% of its market mid dec to jan, causing many other cryptos to spike it can all be seen directly in the dominace charts.
When bitcoin kept loosing and we had a 160 billion market cap increase or 35% between 22-23 dec many cheap cryptos went crazy, the money had to go some where :) then back down again with the market moves!
check my latest post, a part of it talks about SBD unpegged to BTC
Hey, have a look at this article, it explains whats been happening this month and why :
Interesting. On new year, I made a post on Steem's 2018 prospects and mentioned my top 5 reasons why Steem will rise. Guess what my Decemver, 2018 prediction in that post is; $50.
You can read it here.
Great thank you!
great post value of steem after six months will be great
nice post frineds
good new that steem is not dependent on Bitcoin
actually is more SBD that is not dependant, though Steem outperforms it is stil kind of pegged. Check my last review
Good assessment!