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RE: New Year, New DevPortal Updates

in #steem6 years ago

@ned, is there any chance that equality will be part of the equation?

Or will steemit stay as backwards as society?

Many people have mentioned equality in the past. but to deaf ears.
Now that a number of people are gone I wonder if Equality can get a chance?

As todays society is the result of long term inequality created by the corporate elite we need a system that is build ON Equality...
Equality as the MAIN system AT THE CORE. not as some patch on the bleeding wound.

Many people say crypto is "THE SOLUTION" but they fail to see that steemit has the very same problem as society. A problem that goes by the name of GREED.
So by making equality the core of the system then we should at least have a chance to have a fair system.

instead of surfing along on old capitalism (the capitalism that is running full speed into a brick wall in slow motion.)


Crypto is all about inequality. Every single crypto token has rampant inequality with GINI coefficients >95. Makes even the most inequal countries (GINI ~50) look egalitarian. It's what pure capitalism looks like. The only way to balance inequality is taxation or wealth/income caps. (These take many different forms, so it need not be traditional taxation.) Which is the furthest from crypto and infeasible due to sybil attacks. (I.e. if there was a limit to how much each account could hold, they would just split into multiple accounts. Same goes for taxation.)

I have some good news for you, though. Ned and Steemit Inc. have been working on SMTs + Oracles with identity verification, which will offer each person the same vote. Not for the common Steem reward pool, but as an option for SMTs. No one knows when it'll release (a long time away), but if any major SMTs adopt the one-account-one-vote algorithm, that'll be the closest you'll get to equality in crypto. Of course, even with such a system, there'll be rampant inequality with token holding.

Read about SMT for more details -

I'll let Jimmy Dore to the speaking to show the point:

Identity Verification is not the solution either. As it completely undermines PRIVACY.

BTW I just discovered how 2 factor authentication is being used to hack all kinds of accounts. And it shows that the use of a phonenumber as ID is broken by design.

Thank you for this @liberosist.

TAG: @gadrian

I definitely want the world to be an equal place, but sometimes, I just really get annoyed with the people that are "poor" around me. I explain to friends and relatives how money works, how to build capital and how to use it, but they just go blow every cent of their paycheck on the new Xbox.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to politely listen to friends and relatives talk about being a slave to their jobs when I am very aware that their regular paychecks barely touch their pocket before going to something really fun. I can tell people how amazing all this stuff is and how just $50 in Bitcoin could potentially become a nice sized retirement after Russia buys in and a bunch of other countries and banks follow. But no, they hand over their money gleefully at Radioshack, but just $50 into a crypto or some other investment vehicle causes them to shake in their boots.

I'm also sick of hearing these same people complain about the inequality when they buy all kinds of junk like there's no tomorrow, but for some reason when the guy that lived off ramen noodles and cheap beer to fund his business achieves incredible success we're all suppose to think he should not have any more stuff than anyone else.

I want equality and I hate when systems are rigged for failure, but sometimes I really do think that a lot of the time people cause the inequality just by choosing not to save anything, invest anything or push themselves at all. So many people choose not to control spending and exercise willpower. Should the people that do wise things be hated simply because they are wiser?


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