
Exactly, downvoting rates things. That's curation. That's also free expression, much like booing and jeering is.

Posted using Partiko Android

Soooooo... censorship is "free expression". Got it.

Posted using Partiko Android

No, censorship is removing or altering content and or suppressing freedom of expression. There is no "freedom to not be curated to the bottom", capiche. Reviewing something as crap, rating something as zero stars, even if it causes the item to be burried at the bottom of the list if items is not censorship, but freedom of expression.

Posted using Partiko Android

Psychologically speaking, negative reinforcement is the least effective means of persuasion. If it were, murder would have ceased when death became the punishment.

People who boo and jeer simply have run out of words.

Posted using Partiko Android

the problem is not the opinion. The problem is the power law distribution giving the vote a weight. The vote now represents the stake the person voted holds. Not the intelligence, not logic but only the stake.

And why should the stake leverage your opinion? Why is that beneficial for exploring quality content and making social decisions within the DAO? It isn't. One person -one vote --> equal distribution of the social layer --> counteracting the clustering in the 21 Witness dPOS System = effective decentralisation.

This is exactly would those people don't get. Decentralization is a binary property (either you have a central authority or you dont). Distribution is vanilla. The redundancy comes from a combination of both properties.

when you have a decentralized dPOS System with 21 super-representatives but without equal distribution of power --> you end up with a consortium chain/ a concentrated piece of shit. But they don't get it :)

the inventor of Steem gets it, but what does he know?

That is not true at all.

Furthermore, laws weren't ever intended to prevent crime. Get that nonsense out of here. Punishment is not to prevent but to repremand. Laws are there to punish not to prevent.

It does not matter why you think that people boo and jeer, strawman, all that is important and relevant is that they are free to do so and it never becomes censorship.

Posted using Partiko Android

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