Some concerns about steemit.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

So.. Let's start off by saying that.. The other day I was feeling good, in a celebration mood cause of how well steemit was doing especially, and.. I got pretty buzzed, things were good.

Before I went to sleep that morning the markets had just crashed and while that isn't really a big concern of mine and I think the market will rebound, it still is worth a note.

Anyways.. Moving on.. Yesterday I'm browsing around a little bit and I check the trending page to see bernie is still posting about the "rewardpoolrape" mainly by the heijin guy or however you spell his name. And.. I'm reading through it and becoming more concerned.

Now.. I had been aware of this stuff before and it was on my radar and it was concerning but I sorta felt like.. It would work itself out one way or the other.

The way things are working, and it's not just heijin, it's probably most of the higher level people who have whales auto following them. They are just getting an INSANE amount of steem compared to everyone else and a lot of the time the content they put out is pure shit in comparison. It's like THEY KNOW that they have a whale following them so they can basically just post whatever and puke up nonsense and not ever have to worry about quality content anymore.

It's creating very bad visuals for many including myself and more importantly those who may want to invest or get involved in the platform.

Personally.. And I hope to touch back on this before the end of the article, but.. I think there's a major problem here with the whales and the way voting works and I personally think people should consider trying to address this before it ruins the platform.

Perhaps we need another fork to increase regular peoples voting power and decrease whale voting power. I'm not sure.. Though this isn't good and I can see it creating a serious fracture in the community.

My next issue was finding that dan claimed he left because steemit was unfixable?
I thought it was because ned wouldn't make the code open source, even though that did happen to my understanding? So.. Finding this thread where dan is saying steemit is unfixable in numerous ways is highly concerning.

Also I was reading and one guy who is claiming steemit is flawed was pointing out that steem is only accepted on 4 exchanges out of like thousands? Is that right? Why? Seems like bitshares is as well difficult to find exchanges for?
Why is it that steemit and bitshares #1 and #3 in total transactions, are so umm.. Difficult to get traded into money?

What happens if those 4 exchanges stop using steem? Then.. None of this is worth anything.. Right? How to cash out if no one will accept your coin?

Am I missing something?

I was planning on taking a little bit out after SMT's release, but now I'm wondering.. Should I take more than a little out? Maybe I should take like half out? This wasn't about money for me in the beginning, but now that my account is worth something.. I don't want to lose it all.I'd like to have something tangible for all the time I spent here.

I'm also kind of wondering.. If maybe.. Steemit is so strong that even in light of everything I mentioned above, that it will somehow continue to carry on and grow just because it has a "life of it's own" now.. So to speak.. Like there's so many people here and so much interest.. The ball is rolling down the hill, it's hard to imagine it would just stop all of a sudden! But.. Perhaps there's an obstacle obstructing it's path that the people who put it into motion didn't predict well enough.

Is this just a sign of capitalism and the free market? That people will naturally try to cheat and game the system and greedily obtain and hoard as much as possible? Is it just human nature?

I dunno, but I think it's sad that some of these people with huge account values don't spend more time giving that value back to the community who essentially keeps the whole thing running.
Those huge account values aren't going to do you shit if no one will trade for steem. And I think the more you hoard and greedily consolidate and not share back with the new people, the quicker steem is going to be worthless.

No need to name names, doubt any of them will even read this post.. But.. I think you know who you are, if you're huge to the point of ridiculousness in terms of account value/reputation and influence and you're not actively trying to give back to the people significantly.. You are part of the problem and the reason steemit could die way before its time.

Some people are saying we should just sort of scrap the whole thing and start over, and.. I almost agree with them. Seems like that would be better than what we have, however what would stop those same people from doing the same thing over again?

This is why I feel like there needs to be a significant push from many of the top players to give back, like.. It should be a campaign of sorts.. Numerous of them should get together and figure out a way to give back to the smaller fish so we can all continue to enjoy this platform and it doesn't self destruct because of too much greed and corruption.

If I'm wrong about any of this, please feel free to enlighten/correct me.
Also if you feel similar, I'd like to hear your thoughts as well.. Like.. What can we do? Is there anything we can do?

Needless to say.. I was getting extremely excited about steemit and was really getting into it here and now.. I just have to wonder.. What the future is in a negative way more than I ever did before.

I want so badly to believe in steemit and to continue to promote it and bring people over here, though.. With dan basically saying it's unfixable and with so many people complaining about whales and bots and injustice, and considering steem and bitshares are only on a few exchanges.. I just have to be concerned.. It's looking questionable.

I personally think things could be solved if enough of the community and those in power at steemit wanted to seriously try to address this, but.. Will that happen or will it just get worse and worse? I guess time will tell.
I've been here more than a year and I think what I learned yesterday has been the most challenging information to deal with in all this time here.

Good luck steemit, hopefully things get better here and not worse.. Cause.. This is an amazing idea that has helped a lot of people and it sure would be a shame if that all stopped because some people were too greedy and could never get enough. (PS Maybe I was celebrating too soon with that beer the other day..)



Everyday the reward pool is making around 48,000 STEEM and all those rapers are sucking it! We hardly earn few $$$ per day! But without having enough effort they suck all rewards out!
A total BS! Hope HF20 will bring some rules for this rapes!


Yeah.. It seems to be a significant issue. I hope something can be done or that these people would just willingly give back to the community. It's not necessarily surprising, but it's still too bad that it's happening. You'd think we could make the whole platform appeal to so many more and help benefit so many more if people were just less greedy.. I guess that's one of the age old problems our species faces.. Whenever money gets involved, you tend to get people trying to go to extreme limits with it.. Hopefully that doesn't ruin it for the rest of us, though I guess time will tell.

After reading your post , indeed I read it two times, I am really being afraid here. The flaws here in steemit are really concerning because if we want to be here for long term, we must contribute to the platform otherwise it would be very difficult to save the ship from sinking.
I was thinking of leaving my job and being a full time steemian here but you post made me afraid and now I am not gonna do it at all.

fear you never have to have but if it is better to diversify and not depend on a single site, as they say do not put all the eggs in the same basket, do you know what happened to me yesterday ?, yesterday visit a publication of one of those who earn the most here in steemit even if I do not vote because I do not like what he is doing, I just laughed at an image that put a user below and just laugh at that image take me a lot of flags or negative votes ask me What the hell happened here if I did not do anything wrong ?, but then I noticed that it is not just me, any comment in that publication was given unjustifiably just banners to publish there, so I deduced that it is some kind of gerra of whales and I thought it better not to get too involved because I can go out very hurt.
if you want to see it check out my account Look up in Account Operations the last few votes below and you'll see how many red flags.

that's not good for anyone, because it's not fair in any sense, if I do not do anything and just laugh with a picture, because a lot of whales attack me with flags? that does not leave very well seen the business of steemit in the end is no longer a whale fight in the end is that you splash things with your unjustifiably and you can not do anything at all but let it go so as not to make it worse.

But in this way not reacting, the power of whales will be multiplied and it will be monopoly nothing else.

and what can I do or what can we do?

I'm not sure at all but I think that it is ALREADY being a monopoly from the moment a whale votes you negatively without justification and you lose the right to win something in a post, it's more than just that with whales, also if many users vote even if they are not whales, if you have the bad luck to find some bad people 10 or 20 who attack you, what can you do if we are on a decentralized platform? 1 against 10 or against 20 can not do little ?, in the end as in real life who has more contacts or more friends always wins if they join and who do not have many contacts or friends are more unprotected.
Maybe that's one of the problems in a city without law. Is not Steemit like that now? as a kind of city without law without police? or I'm wrong?

I have noticed the same too. It seems like most of these guys with big voting power only upvote each other 100% leaving little for the others. And some don't even upvote comments on their own posts, not even supporting their supporters. I do feel like the whales and dolphins are for the most part just building themselves up. Now don't get me wrong there are plenty of other big Steemians that do help out the little guys and upvote a lot of their comments. They are the one doing it right. But it does bother me with the small circles just upvoteing themselves with the 100% upvotes.
Cryptos are weird in general, we don't knowif they will go up or down and when than might happen. No one would blame you for taking some hard earned profits off the platform and into your pocket. And if prices happen to go up afterwards then great, don't beat yourself up for not holding out longer. Because we just don't know what will happen, like you said it could all go away in an instant if no one accepts Steem anymore or the trend could continue downward. I am hoping for the best though that things do change around here for the better of the community.

I think we fall into a trap when we try to compare ourselves to the whales. The real question is are we doing better than ourselves compared to yesterday. Steemit isn't perfect, but it's far better than all of the centralized platforms out there such as FB, Twitter, and Youtube.

Also there's a high degree of subjectivity as to what consists of a "sh*t post". Did Andy Warhol do the equivalent with his "mod art"? Maybe he got lazy one day and decided to use the whole can instead of the brush.

I've found that my following is slowly growing with work and quite frankly, significantly faster and easier than it was for me to get my software business off the ground.

@taskmaster4450 seems to think that the whale pool at the top is shrinking and that minnows are actually getting more of the reward pool as time moves on.

I'd be cautious about what Dan Larimer says because there appears to be some infighting between him and @ned.

As an anarchist, I'm reluctant to try to impose my will on the whales as to where I think they should put their voting power.

@aggroed covers this at about the 22 min mark.

Thanks! Helps put it into more context that the whale who is upvoting haejin got his steem the way he did, though I still think this is bigger than just him and it's there's a sort of tendency to make a lot of money without much content just because you're a big name and people wanna be the "first" to comment and vote and all that stuff.. Whether wrong or right or haejin or someone else.. I do think there appears to be a way in which a lot of people are making way more off of lazy content than they should be compared to the people who put in a lot of work and get mostly ignored. If we could somehow raise all boats instead of just the "elite" boats that would be great, but it's unlikely in my opinion.

A good place to begin with would have been a more "Natural" economic system. In other words, STEEM coming from content instead of the few who were luck enough to plug their computers into the network and generate STEEM artificially.

I'll make a deal with you, let's promise to let the other one know when a Decent replacement comes along next... Sound good?

I agree. For such an anarchist/libertarian feel, it seems like there shoulda been more fairness considered in some of these things, especially pre mining.
I wouldn't mind starting back at zero if everyone else did. I think that'd be awesome. Heh. But I doubt that will happen!

And yeah. You know what. Sure.. I'll take that deal.
minds is coming out with a coin soon or maybe they already did, and they claim they are going to try to be less centralized in the future and are working towards it. So that maybe a possibility. There's also the sola ai one, but I haven't even bothered to sign up cause I couldn't find a single YouTube video reviewing it other than papa-pepper's.. Something doesn't feel right about that one.

Anyways.. Yeah.. I'm going to try to keep my eye out for any new ones that may be competitors, I think that would be wise for numerous reasons. Even just as a bare minimum for the way I got involved in steemit. Curiosity and wanting to get my artwork and thoughts out more. Even if I never make a penny off of steemit, it was worth the ride! Has been a fascinating adventure.

Thanks for sharing your input. I tend to agree with most if not everything you said and I appreciate the info. I also did not know that about the whale pool shrinking and minnows are getting more. That's encouraging if true.

However.. I still think there's a problem here. Numerous of them, including the stuff I already mentioned, I think for example.. Why can we vote on our own posts? That would be a good one to turn off to make this better, and.. Before there used to be a decreasing amount of rewards if you posted like more than 4 times or something like that, but that heijin dude is posting like 10 times a day, and I haven't looked at his page too closely I admit, but it looks like a lot of very simple updates that don't take much effort and which are potentially giving people bad investing advice at times as well.. He's just one example that light has been brought to because of the extreme amount of gains he is getting. But as I said, it's probably many of these top people..

Seems like small little tweaks like that where you get decreasing rewards the more you post or things like that could help a lot to make it seems like some people are gaming the system less.

Like that chick who travels, basically posts pictures of her food and fluff and gets thousands of dollars.. I mean.. Whether wrong or right, some of this stuff just gives really bad optics and visuals. It doesn't look right. And they don't seem to care much. But I guess the world has sort of programmed that mindset into most of us, to just try and get as much as we can from almost everything. Though that mindset is killing the planet and might extinct us, and might end steemit too if gets to absurd extremes.

I know if I was in their position and people were pointing out stuff like this I would try to make amends and give back to the community, I would not want to be one of the reasons this whole thing falls apart, I'd be happy to try to make things more fair if I got an early lead. I already am, and I'm not even a whale. I'm like a dolphin maybe... I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it.

Glad to hear your following is growing, I hope this place is around for a while.. I'm an anarchist so I'm not for "laws" per se, but this is an environment based on rules and computer programming, so perhaps some of the rules are.. Skewed. There's a lot more uncertainty for me now than there was recently, though I appreciate your point of view and.. I agree in regards to being cautious about what ned and dan say... I dunno what's going on there. I dunno what's going on with much. I try to understand but in the end. I admit I don't know much. Though I am still concerned about this stuff. I guess we'll see what happens. :)
Even if it all goes to hell and I don't make a single real penny off of it, it sure was a fun ride!

Once replicators exist (of the kind you see in Star Trek) this should un-train the hoarding habits of our species. Imagine those 3D printers able to replicate any structure, even bio-molecular down to the sub atomic level. Once that happens, money will be useless. We're a long way off from that. For now, the best we can probably do is technical disintermediation (decentralization).

Somebody is going to get there first and it will probably be a whale. Once that happens, and money is rendered as only having value in a museum, then it will be a matter of what should be brought into the world. We live in a giant space suit so unfortunately my voluntarist tendencies are going to come crashing into the reality that space has limits.

Anaximander once said "from the place whence things come to be, there must they pass away by necessity, for they must pay penalty and do recompense according to the ordering of time"...

do you know him? for what you say I think if, if not, I recommend you see the documentary is similar to what you say and does not leave anyone infirerent, I liked it a lot.

From steemworld: for @haejin
To get the current list of your coming author rewards
just click the "Refresh" button and wait for the process to finish:
$ 22,810.92 ( ~ 54,861.39 USD )
( 3.229 % of total reward fund )

That is what he is expected to receive in the next 7 days.
( 3.229 % of total reward fund ) I have seen this number as high as 7.000 %.

For @berniesanders To get the current list of your coming author rewards just click the "Refresh" button and wait for the process to finish:

$ 914.75 ( ~ 2,179.94 USD )
( 0.129 % of total reward fund )

So is one person on occasion receiving between 3-7% of the reward pool really hurting the system. That is less than sells tax in many locations. But his action do provide a lot of rewards to other people supporting and against him. Drama sells. Drama attracts. I know most people on steemit are a lot younger than me, so you may have to ask your parents, Remember the Luke and Laura saga on I think it was General Hospital,(yep verified via google). That got TV ratings to beat all hell, everyone knew about it whether they watched or just heard co-workers talk about it.

What I am trying to say is, the drama they have created does not really in the over-all scope of things effect the individual to much, they still get rewards, i still get rewards, and you still get rewards. Only now more and more people can get rewards by just blogging about it. The TV Guides of old, at one point was worth a lot of money for that wedding cover of Luke and Laura. Was TV guide caught up in the Drama? Did they make money off of the Drama? You bet that was the best selling issue of TV guide ever, at the time.

So in conclusion, enjoy the show, and profit from it.

That's an interesting perspective! Thanks for sharing.
I think though, a key factor here is that.. People are coming to steemit with an expectation of something. Whether right or wrong, and then they see how hard it is and they see people making thousands of dollars posting like pictures of their food and simple status updates and.. They get turned off. Many won't participate because of that reason in a sense that they feel it's corrupt and unfair, in a different way than when they watch a drama show on TV they are sort of expecting drama.

But still a fair point, maybe some of the drama on here isn't something to be so concerned about. Maybe it's just drama and in some ways it could actually help by bringing more attention? Who knows.. Will consider it though! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I don't know if you have ever run across them but @mudcat36, and @davemccoy have started a newbieresteem projsect where we try to help mentor brand spanking new users. We try to show them how to make a better post, how to interact, and how to comment, along with a few methods of helping users that have less than 30 days on steemit. So we are trying to mitigate some of that perception about steemit.

No I don't recognize those names, I'll check out their pages. And.. that's cool to hear! That sounds like a good effort I could support. Cool beans.

I don't have a lot of time to help, but I did commit to once a week. Already helped my first person out, with what I thought was good solid advice. The person I tried to help @dointa from romania here is my post and in the remarks my comments to her/him about posting. It will give somewhat of an Idea of what they hope to do.

uffff, I am a dwarf minnow in my case it marks me 0.001% of the reward fund

LMAO - - Me too, but I am trying real hard to become a Japanese Betta Fighting fish. One week I raked in 0.003% of the reward pool. I was so so happy.

The whole idea of people doing "rewardpoolrape" is pretty concerning as a newer user, but the idea of at least getting to dolphin area where profit is possible seems not very far off from being possible so that is what drives me from the reward stance.

In terms of being able to convert Steem to fiat currency...I was under the impression that there were multiple ways to do that as of right now so that shouldn't be a concern. I haven't done it myself though.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! And yeah.. I think a lot of people would be happy with the goals you've set, and I think this platform could probably make that happen for a lot of people, hopefully the greed of those uber wealthy in steem right now don't ruin it for the rest of us.

There are multiple ways to convert steem to currency. At least 4.. I'm not sure if there's more than that or not, but someone in the comments in one of those threads claimed there's only 4 IIRC. And.. That's not much.. Especially if those drop to less and less, which I hear steem was just dropped from another one recently .. So.. Why was it dropped from that exchange? Will more follow? I don't know. It's concerning though.

Hmm I haven't heard of it being dropped from an exchange yet. That would be really concerning. Yeah I guess it isn't the most ideal thing that it isn't on a lot more massive exchanges but I guess we have to make do. The increase in users and value of the currency should definitely help put us on the radar more though.

I think you are right mostly, I do think Steem will continue to grow and will be here for a long time, it does have a lot of problems, the ones you mentioned are a few of these, awful posts with a lot of votes, being trade able on only a few platforms etc. still I think these problems can be overcome. That being said I do think you should take out some of what you have made, it took you a lot of effort to get there, might as well enjoy it.

Word. I appreciate the feedback, and I tend to agree with everything you said. Thanks for sharing what you think!

In a nutshell, what happened is @ned, @dan and many others ROBBED the bank on the release of SteemIt. Whereby a HUGE amount of Steem was in the hands of a few inept people. I say inept because if they were skilled, they would have managed their bank robbery better and built THIS platform better.

Instead, they run SteemIt like Slumlords and let the ridiculousness of their cryptocurrency be their armor. As long as some people are getting by on Steem it's their excuse for ignoring problems like what you're addressing.

The BIGGEST insult on this platform is watching @ned or @dan, who hardly use SteemIt at all, post an article and DECLINE PAYOUT. WHY decide payout? Because they already PAID THEMSELVES by Robbing the Bank of SteemIt around April of 2016. Now that they're Defacto Whales, they have to look benevolent to the Suckers still using SteemIt by declining an "Unfair" payout for them being such big "Whales."

Instead of Robbing the bank in the beginning; @ned, @dan and others should have just been using the first to market advantage of being CONTENT PRODUCERS ON THEIR OWN FUCKING PLATFORM! Then they would be making STEEM the way EVERYONE is supposed to... like @haejin. IMHO, at least @hajin is playing the game like it was programmed and has his own following that is voluntarily voting on his content. For @ned or @dan to come in and try to fix it would mean exposing themselves more to their Bloddy Bank Robbery. And neither of them wants that... They HARDLY even use their OWN Social Network so that should tell you something.

@ned is now pushing ANOTHER crypto instrument which is laughable because they're still behind on several things that should come first, like more stability on SteemIt, a mobile app, getting listed on more exchanges, getting their product out of Beta, activating non linear reward curves, building COMMUNITIES... I can go on and on.

In @dan's case, he apparently Rage Quit and went on to build ANOTHER system altogether, chiming in once in a while to expose philosophical points about blockchain and governance... as if he should even OPEN HIS FUCKING MOUTH ABOUT FAIR GOVERNANCE!

In short, these two Cowboys, who apparently don't get along, are sitting on a larger than average share of the platform that they built while letting the fact that Blockchains are so hard to kill be their evidence for success. My opinion is that Steem is successful DESPITE the work of SteemIt Inc. And that it will continue to be somewhat credible and functioning for several years to come because... well because Blockchain tech is pretty awesome and this platform is a pretty nifty FIRST TO MARKET niche as far as Blockchains go. But it is about as far from perfect as you can get.

That all being said, and as much as I hate the FUD as the next guy, the REAL THING going for Steem right now is the fact that No One... and I mean


has done anything remotely similar to Steem. And for that fact alone, I salute @ned and @dan for being gutsy trailblazers and unapologetic Robbers of their own Blockchain.

Good luck ya funkin bastards... GOOD LUCK!


I like the response in this post. I think we are all unsure as to whats around the corner but Steemit seem solid and I really love promoting it and work on it even though it's a big time consuming monster! My concern is the coins are issued centrally into the rewards pool, what happens when the issuing runs out ? No more released empty ? Runs dry. People will stop upvoting and crunch.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not sure how much I can say in regards to ned and dan robbing the platform.. I can see a reason to have more control at first in the beginning and it was my understanding they were going to be less and less involved and power down and such. If more is going on, I'm open to that.. But I don't know for sure so I wouldn't personally say they are robbing anyone as I don't know.. If I did know for sure, I would speak out about it.

In regards to haejin.. I think the issue is it's not his audience that is the problem but the one whale that continually votes for him, if it was just his followers it'd probably not be an issue at all, so it appears as if this one whale is just.. Rewarding him way too much.
Which is one reason why I mentioned in my OP that I think it's a much bigger problem than just him and that it's many of the top whales who get auto voted by whales for not so great content.. It makes some people who put a lot of work in and make less than a dollar on a post feel really jaded when someone else is getting like thousands for posting pics of their food and parties.

Also in regards to your point about no one doing anything remotely similar.. I'm not sure I agree? We have had numerous other social media trying similar things, I think steemit has just done it the best out of any of them. Yet.. The rate things are going I wouldn't be surprised if a competitor snuck up much quicker than I previously thought.

I feel like this could have and maybe still could be the next Facebook in a sense, don't take me too literal there, but the next big "social media" so to speak.. Though.. The way some things are going I'm definitely having my doubts now more than ever before. The'res such a great thing here, I hope they/we don't squander it.

And yeah.. Who knows.. Maybe it will just continue to grow even despite all of these things.. Maybe it's taken on a life of it's own now.. I guess time will tell for a lot of these things.

Thank you for the reply...
On a positive note, here is some info on how the "Robbers" are trying to fix their mess,

On a negative note, @aggroed directly speaks about the "Robbery" which is euphemistically referred to as Pre-Mining, which is a way of bypassing Securities Fraud, at the 22 minute mark in the following interview...

If you listen, @aggroed also goes on to explain that @haejin's big Whale is actually someone playing by the VERY RULES that @dan and @ned have been very explicit in explaining. @haejin's Whale is someone who played by the rules and INVESTED INTO THIS PLATFORM. The "Robbers" on the other hand summarily decided how big of a Stake to take for themselves out of the gate and invited some others to come along for the ride. This is how ALL of the early whales got their stake. @haejin's whale is being unfairly portrayed here if you ignore that fact.

I really don't care about all of this and I'm not really trying to make a STINC, but your article has a great deal that I agree with and I wanted to share my "OPINION" on the fact that Pre-Mining, though it's a good way to avoid the SEC and other regulators, was a DAMN DIRTY AND DESPICABLE way to start what should have been a SLAM DUNK success in crypto.

Of course the BIGGER problem here is that out of 1400 other crypto projects out there, not ONE of them is ready to replace Steem... Not a single ONE! That's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Thanks for the article.. That really umm.. Brightens things a lot, that it's a lot more than just "steemit".. Puts things into more perspective I should say. But it is very positive, though in the end.. All that increased attention hopefully will bring the demand that more exchanges start using the tokens again. Cause, if they exchanges don't deal with steem, many will stop posting since many are just here for the money.

I think this place would still be around and there would be hardcore users who don't care about any of that and just wanna get away from centralized social media like Facebook.. Though.. I think most of us here would agree that we want steem to do well, and to be more widely used as well. And there do seem to be some valid concerns that unfortunately too many probably ignore cause they just wanna make money and aren't looking at it more longterm.

In regards to pre mining.. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I kinda feel like they should wipe it clean before the release to the public and we can all start over, but I doubt that will happen! So.. When is it fair? You're right.. Those early people really made a killing.
I think some of these people could do a lot to help everyone if the voluntarily just gave some back to some new promising upcoming steemians or even if they put it into programs like dtube and stuff like that, that would be great. Hopefully more of them do, though just from a quick glance.. A few of the worst abusers don't seem to care. They don't want to give back.. They want MORE AND MORE AND MORE.. And it's never enough for some people.. No matter how rich they get, they always need more.

Apoly if you forget the whales out the picture as that just is. Would love to know what happens when the steem runs out ? Can someone do a rough calculation and figure out when that event will occur and what that time will look like. Could they mint more or new coin or nothing and it's impact on users.

It is pleasant to see how people of your level and knowledge of the Steemit platform, describe in a direct and clear way the situation of the quality of content vs the evaluation of them; There is certainly something that is not right and although I am new in this community I have detected very easily. I believe that if Steemit do not manage to put in control this hunger so voracious of a few or many for the money, in the middle term it could be having a negative impact. Thank you and Greetings.

If I also think about all those things, I think whether or not I will have a future, I see a future in this place, but when I hear these things, they make me doubt a bit, and in the end, as in real life, corruption and blinding is what breaks the saco, why are there so evil and encompassing people ?, we can not get along better knowing that there is enough for everyone ?, this image is worth a thousand words and expresses exactly what I think

Good question and sentiments.. I think some part of me was hoping it would be different here, though it seems like many of the same things that happen in the regular corrupt economy are happening here. To be expected I guess, so I dunno why I would be surprised, but I guess part of me just hoped it would be different. Though.. It's still leagues above the other social media.. But.. Where the future is going now, I'm not sure. I think value will keep going up, but how long till another social media comes along that does it better? Maybe sooner than I used to think.

If I also hoped that this site was a bit more fair but it is not as fair as I thought, the fact is that when these things happen even in decentralized systems I wonder if we have any hope of life on earth because in the end we always end badly , for a few that if, but for those few always and in all systems has failed something and has broken the bag, I hope that steemit can hold or change something and finish working but I have no idea what will happen, what if it is true that right now gives the feeling that I would have a little life of my own this site hahahahaha

It is also a bit like money, many say it's bad, others say it's good, I do not think money is good or bad, money has no life of its own and money is nothing more than an invention and is not even good nor bad is simply the use of what makes it good or bad, it is more a thing that always thought is that money has the power to show each person how is really good side or bad side, it is not really that it has that power, we just give it to them, the same goes for whales, whales have no more or less power than anyone else is the power that we give a great majority no one has power if you do not have someone who I gave it to him.

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