FOLLOWORDS! Steemergency! Am I Working IN GENIUS or IN SANE?
Many many Insane things Are in no way associated with greatness or its creation, than in that the creators of Greatness, and Greatness itself, are themselves necessarily seen as insane.
NO ONE’s ever creating or initiating anything GREAT, that isn’t consciously aiming high as fuck, like high AS FUCK, beyond what others consider to be logically possible, and I wonder, are there amongst you, those who would prefer false humility, to the open self expression of anyone in a similar position?
We want to know what people think, on SO MANY LEVELs, and even if we didn’t, Freedom of Speech is outweighed by almost nothing.
I’m so obviously one of the things in the title, or at least very predominantly one versus the other.
I’m Either a grade b+ socraTEASE at least, or a golden Glove’s level DOUCHEBOXer.
I have amphetamemes or i’m meme-ingless.
I’m a great kid or literally an idiot.
I’m A Black Hole or a White Light.
I have 420 Sum Spectaculary Valuable Ideas, or I’m a Worthless Burnout.
I’m either a visionary or a really Ridiculous [but “Platonic”] Masochist.
An Adolescent Killer Whale, or forever lost in the unreality of Fairy Tales.
The founder of a School that Absolutely Out Ludicrouses Doctor Seuss, or some kind of worthless commoNERD.
I have much better words than the present Commander in Chief Execuctive of these Disintegrated States [of southern north america], or I’m one of Creativities Greatest wastes.
It’s not about me.
It’s about US.
We the People.
There’s no REAL WE, not yet.
People are far from always dumb, and many aren’t even numbed, but the sum of US, is kinda DUMB AS FUCK.
Should I just go start learning to code for EOS?
Do y’all even have enough ability to filter out Bullshit big talkers and scammers, from some one who’ll talk face to face with any of you?
You realize that the people we need most to help us get our visions and ideas right, REALIZE that the opportunities we’re perusing, are historically HUGE?
Let’s say I’d bet MY KIDS, that with an equal amount of stupid fact prep, I would ANNIHILATE the present president of the nation I was born in, and am a citizen of, in any free form debate, or in the way we do them now, moderated as if the candidates are babies.
That any kind of REAL SEARCH for creative and innovative genius on steem, would find possibly hundreds, but at least dozens, of people and minds, somewhat like mine?
That @edicted myself and others might actually fork steem?
Or start a totally unique EOS Founder Block?